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— Cenocracy: On the path of a New Government —
Welcome to Cenocracy! while some of you have ventured here out of curiosity or by way of a serendipitous course, others have found themselves here because they are truly seeking to find a path which will lead them towards solidifying their own fluidic thoughts into a forged implement of actuality from which will emerge a New Government (a Cenocracy), wherever in the world they may be. They are those who seek a road map, blueprint, dot-to-dot illustration or a directed alignment by some as yet unrealized GPS (global positioning system) mechanism. So let us initiate a charter which can be altered as a concerted effort develops:
- The first general step is to recognize that there are many people who feel the need
for advancing the directive that current governing systems fall short of some desired
"wholeness" (though some readers may prefer some other description).
- The second general step is to accept the fact that there are no present of former
governing systems which completely provide a model, whereby we will be using a type
of "Drawing Board" approach, though some initial infrastructure is already in place.
- The third general step is to recognize that if you are seeking that which will provide
for a means of developing a new social program embodying the whole of a government,
You Are A Cenocrat, though you may prefer to view yourself with some other
more conventional label. (You are seeking a new Formula of Government even if your
interest is to develop a Communist government, Socialist Government, a New World
Democracy, a "Mother Earth" governing philosophy, a Social Democracy, a Council of
Elders, a University governing system, a Sports division ordering system, etc...)
It is also of need to acknowledge that what we are proposing is the publicly open discussion and preparation of conducting a Revolution, even if for no other reason than to be perceived as an actual threat to current governing systems so as to force all Legislative bodies to alter present governing systems in terms of an evolutionary growth. It is clear to many of us that current governing systems do not have the right incentive to grow beyond their present practices which practice falsifications of liberty, justice, equality and democracy. If the threat of an actual Revolution will be that which is need as an emphasis, then so be it. In addition, if we need to take steps to increase our assertiveness, we must have a governing plan, and a profile of leadership in place, which has definitive utility and is not mired in mere idealism. The public must be informed of our intent. But we can not rely on present systems of Journalism to provide an accurate message, since every single media source exhibits biasness.
Current governing systems are not taking us seriously. Many of you may well have a great idea(s) but no one but a handful may be aware of it. Communication amongst the different factions of Revolutionists (Government Evolutionists) must occur. Yet in speaking about a Revolution, we are not talking about the desire to kill people or destroy property. It would be wonderful if we could correct the problems with governing systems without a Revolution, but governing systems typically do not provide a means by which the Concerted Will of the people can effect change, or that such changes can take place by the concerted efforts from the Rank And File citizenry; without being subjected to government-sponsored systems of obstructionism which create systems in which officials create layers of insulation from Revolutionary forces. We must combine our interests and resources.
If we are going to be faced with strategies from business, government, religion, etc., which attempt to hinder our efforts to promote and produce effective changes in governance; then we must have counter measures.
Stated plainly, we can not conduct a Revolution without emphasizing the need for encompassing the value of seeking improvement in terms which may describe an evolution of all governing systems. Nor can we engage in a Revolution guided by the anarchic proposal of tearing down current systems and hope for something better to arise out of the ashes. This is a mythological inclination base on historical romanticism. We do not want to disrupt lives unnecessarily to the point of causing wide-spread suffering whose conditions promote the expressions of desperation that produce a worse governing situation than we already have. We do not want to give the impression of committing ourselves to a violent formula of Revolution.
However, those seeking to improve the government must make an effort to relay their desire for including themselves amongst those to be counted as a Cenocratic Revolutionist and begin a dialog for execution of proposals and stop being a part of the government's ability to instigate distraction and division. All of us must join forces and stop making excuses based on some personalized ideological ownership... otherwise you are the government's best ally. Every single one of us must speak of conducting a Revolution that does not reflect the madness of anarchy. And if you encounter someone who sees the word "Revolution" in terms of death and destruction, they must be assured that you are speaking in terms of growth and construction... except that in some cases we need to take a step back (both figuratively and literally) in order to make a greater forward gain.
When the social self-governance is rigged against the people effecting a voice to run their, there is nothing left but to conduct a Revolution!
Again, let us say: Welcome to Cenocracy! While the term "Cenocracy" is meant to convey the concept of a "New Government", it actually encompasses a much larger perspective involving many subject areas that at first may not seem to be the idealized intent, since many discussions appear to be centered around a specific social issue.
Alas, it is because there are so many different issues that are not being adequately addressed by conventional thinking, we have had to approach all of them from a much larger appreciation necessarily involving different philosophies and methodologies of inquiry. One of which is to review the ideas of others... thus making the term "Cenocracy" a reference to a very broad-based research project whose focus is to pursue the development of a New Government beyond the domains of mere conjecture and philosophy. However, despite all the interest which can be generated by such an approach, we can not permit ourselves to get bogged down by such sojourns that result in fruitless preoccupations. In other words, an actionable moment must be sought for and decided on.
And though our intent is to strive for an applicable practicality, the idea of practicality, if defined in terms of a presumed equality, presents us with a situation in which progress may be slow or appear to be impractical to those who are easily irritated by any disruption to routine. They are those who prefer mediocrity in business, in diplomacy, in education, in government, in religion, in science, etc... Any idea that represents an other-than average perception or even that which may be described as "super-sanity", may well be viewed as irrational by those who prefer everyone to be less aware than they are... whereby those advocating a status quo... (to keep things as they are), are guaranteed entitlements that can be disincluded from the rights of others. And so we at times may usurp this right by engaging in the usage of venomous language which displays the contempt of a situation that needs to be addressed but fails to be by those engaging in social corrective efforts in a gaming format... both in and outside the corridors of government bodies.
There are many people thinking about the need for adopting a new formula of government. While some present their ideas in a single effort in an obscure venue for a given professional peer group, others attempt to reach a larger audience by initiating a web page or even conducting the development of a social movement with protests. Yet many ideas go unrecognized or become recognized by those who prefer to "own" a particular idea as if it is a private song to be sung amongst those in the social medium of a pub... like some magazine article to be used as a conversation piece. For those whose ideas never reach a larger light of day in the public sector, it is not necessarily because their idea(s) aren't of value, but such ideas do not come to the attention of those who share a similar interest in pursing the development of a new government formula beyond a mere philosophical discussion or means by which a self-indulgent form of personal validation is sought for like a pre- or post-meal exercise routine. However, many get stuck in a rut by engaging in conversations with those who become obsessed with mi-nute details... and become like an artist who never gets started developing a creation because they are too busy trying to choose a particular medium (paint, brush, palette, canvas, stone, clay, etc.,), or find the "perfect place" (or time) at which to begin their venture. All of us who are engaged in such an occupational haphazardness must train ourselves to stop doing this, and step forward into a different genre of thought.
Social problems continue to mount and are not being solved by the current forms of thinking being indulged in. A comment by Einstein is worth noting (from which variations have evolved):
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What makes the problem even more troublesome is that many communicators are not recognizing that there is an underlying physiological pattern which influences speech and thinking, and that this is being used to influence some relative equilibrium in an incrementally decaying environment... which produces myriad forms of rationalization to justify our stupidity. See the pattern here: A Communication To Communicators.
While it may not be customary to discuss language in the topic of political science, sociology or politics, the unconventional path is appropriate since this is the trail many of us find ourselves on when thinking in terms of committing ourselves to a Revolution... when so-called legally designated and government-designed procedures and processes are found to be little more than detours and there are no other viable ways in which bring about corrective changes in governance. If they did, with respect to an example taken from the United States, retirement pensions would not be taxed by State Legislatures which often, including city councils, resort to the method of acquiring money by affecting a vindictive formula of tax revenue through laws which hurt the public with varying fees as a disgusting process of communicating the interests of government leaders to the public who have little say so in the tax structure. To this end, let us continue on this unconventional journey of language exploration in the context of analyzing socio-political concerns by providing a poem involving language usage:
To write English thus, for all purposes tried where in later years find words are more mystified like the singular fox becomes more with es, yet the baseball team Sox is 1 or more, no less. But are two horses a herd, if not, then how many and when does More change to Much then called Plenty- if two sheep are a fold are 3 a flock as i've heard... with my party of ears, can a flock be one bird? Oh! when two's a couple, three becomes a crowd or sometimes called family with 4 or more allowed to some tis a tribe for whatever reasons why, still to others tis a clan, see how words can belie! Not the lie of the lay that was lain when we laid for when truth is true, it thus becomes real certainly your heart has seen these thoughts I feel, and have felt to think of a better language unmade. Surely you look to see what was seen when saw that is to eye the view of a vision in the raw bringing many to blush when speaking of a naked truth, whereby they try to conceal by clothing in a baby suit! Like peeping toms at a keyhole or fingers spread apart before language can mature, we must have a change of heart so if we've chosen to choose what was chose when selected, the decision to decide thus decided must be directed. When does a lake become a sea become the ocean by the by or a stone become a rock becomes a boulder my oh my or a brochure becomes a pamphlet, becomes a book for keepsake, no less, where is Heaven, if Hell is below standards we partake. To understand is not to overstand that standard is never sittard and though a fan may be fanned, no kid is ever kiddard- what then is the use of belaboring such folly, unless tis like hide-n-seek, where all kids look for olly. Thus we see tis not only words but ideas themselves called fairies, pixies, and sometimes little green elves where, with intelligence, become some ancient rule-of-thumb, till we sit back and think how really dumb we've become. Call it religion, call it science, or a metaphysical truth and then by adding numbers declare it's absolute proof put it in a book whereby you'll need no apology, especially if made-up words end with ism, ence, or ology. If language speaks of thought, then we are all confused made deliberately more so by so many tongues used but to have a single language for all to speak... or maybe all should stop talking, a golden silence for a week! Thus, tis not at fifty-five nor at a century's close and not grasped so effortless by a child as some suppose but by daily trial and error while at serious play, in a sandbox, on a playground, or skipping stones day by day. For a child's world drums a different measure of time's pace recall your own when summers were without a journey's end- how a child uses language from there to this moment's place, determines in later years, a foe, stranger, or friend. HOB |
Indeed, we may not even have the present language needed for solving the many issues confronting us, by simply noting the existence of cyclically conflicting (dichotomous) representations that take on many forms; suggesting a cognitive substrate that no doubt has an underlying environmentally-based social influence which we must contend with in developing a new type of social governing system. The venue of conducting a Revolution becomes all the more attractive when it becomes clear that a particular government formula (like that being practiced in Brazil, Britain, China, Italy, the United States, etc.,), are part of the problem. The act more like sandboxes set up in the middle of a dessert than the needed oasis and sanctuary. There are myriad examples of this recurrence that must be addressed in any social governing philosophy, particularly if it is subject to adaptive fluctuations due to altering environmental circumstances which can remain for long periods of time; and then experience a change which causes structural differences in how we perceive and think (like communities which once thought human sacrifice was appropriately logical, but present day forms of sacrifice come by way of state-instigated war, collateral damage, or internalized social attacks [like the destruction of the twin-towers or anthrax threats]):
- "Driving on a parkway and parking on a driveway".
- A "pair of scissors, pair of pants, pair of socks"... but not an expressed pair of shirts, pair of teeth, pair of glasses (spectacles), pair of butts, ("two and "pair" are "synonymously unequivalent"), etc...
- Half full/Half empty glass of water.
- The height of the sky to an ant or Mount Everest is proportionately relative to their height.
- A far distance is closer than a short distance because it is never traveled.
- One person's junk is another's treasure.
- Beauty is in the eye (or ear, taste, touch, etc.,) of the beholder.
Various trichotomous situations exist as well:
- Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
- Between you, me, and the fence post.
- Here, there, everywhere, etc...
Other variations can involve more than three and become so elaborate that, if no underlying pattern is illuminated in the descriptive profile, it becomes lost, as well as subtly denoting that there exists a conservation in quantitative approximations (larger arrays do not consistently occur, thus describing a set-in-place environmental limitation which imposes itself on biology and cognition):
- Executive, Legislative, Judicial "checks and balances" (which excludes the people
as the definitive check and balance... so desperately needed).
- U.S. Presidential Oath of office promises to preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution but the People are not mentioned and therefore have no documented legal
standing for receiving the same entitlements.
- The Will of the People to choose the person whom they want for President is
usurped by the:
- Ludicrous Electoral College
- National Media that is not impartial and uses its bullhorn ability to bully, manipulate,and deceive the public from making informed interpretations and decisions.
- Inability to force a lineup of better candidates (with a "none of the above" ballot provision).
- So-called election "tie" or "too close to call" results are permitted to be selected (broken/broken up) by someone other than the people themselves. Instead, someone such as a Judge who was not elected by the people is to make the choice. It is pathetically stupid for a populace to permit a supreme court judge or anyone, or any ad hoc committee be able to select a candidate as they see fit, despite a majority's opinion. A Minority should never be able to choose for a Majority unless the majority has elected them to do so at the time and for the moment being considered (and not simply defer to their "judgment" because of some idiotic tradition.) The U.S. political system is filled with such stupidity.
- Orderliness (inflexible- mechanistic bureaucracy, socialist-communistic militaries
run as dictatorships, etc...)
An example of America's Military using a Socialist-Communist formula of operation can be seen in the following image. If the so-called "Democracy" being practiced by various countries was as strong and good as it is presented, then it should not have to rely on a Military with a dominant Socialist-Communist design for protection. Because so-called democratic countries utilize this type of Military operational design for protection and imperialization, we must acknowledge that the present formula of Democracy being practiced is extremely weak and hypocritical. In addition, the following so-called military benefits should be redefined as basic social necessities needed by everyone, so that they can not be used to justify imposing social development restrictions whereby the so-called "benefits" of military duty would be recognized as an humanitarian right. (Soldiers do not get to vote on leadership. But neither do workers, or voting-age students.)
- Stubbornness (might is right, love it or leave it, manifest destiny, imperialism, etc...)
- A Compulsion for Control (double-standard laws, disenfranchising the public's collective Will, falsification of Democracy, etc...)
Because our language accounts for problems with perception and analysis, solving our presumed social problems may well require the adoption of a new language... or at least new ideas which do not become so easily entangled by our linguistic nonsense that provide for the adoption of irrational systems of logic as is readily apparent in the American political system (though many other instances exist as well in other countries). We say "presumed social problems" because some instances, when unraveled, give the impression of being symptoms of a situation that may also appear as a problem in and of themselves, but is itself yet another symptom... all of which act more like layers of ad hoc (for the moment) attempts to deal with a concern, but actually contribute to the design of a much larger problem that some may refer to as insanity, others think is a negligible (mediocre) construct that is "manageable", and still others think require a super-genius in order to solve. For a simplistic example, let us briefly look at the notion of "super-sanity" and mediocrity in the context of the life of Albert Einstein, though we are sure that different readers would be able to provide other life-references from different subject areas:

Source: Egalitarianism
Some bits and pieces of Einstein's life might be of some help in understanding the dilemma's often faced by those cultivating their "super-sanity" which often germinates by unconventional trails that some may be bothered by (or even jealous of) because a person achieves something other than by an expected route... and thus attempt to undermine them in one way or another... just like those who pursue social changes through means and methods generally referred to as revolutionary. Like mathematicians who rest their beliefs on a process of "proofs", those whose genius is in mathematics but do not arrive at their answers and contemplations of new perspectives through conventional academic processes; may well be disregarded because the established mathematical community (like an established political community), will only commit themselves towards accepting a new idea if their way of organizing and thinking about ideas is validated:
...After graduation in 1900, Einstein faced one of the greatest crises in his life. Because he studied advanced subjects on his own, he often cut classes; this earned him the animosity of some professors, especially Heinrich Weber. Unfortunately, Einstein asked Weber for a letter of recommendation. Einstein was subsequently turned down for every academic position that he applied to. He later wrote, "I would have found [a job] long ago if Weber had not played a dishonest game with me... ...In 1902 Einstein reached perhaps the lowest point in his life. He could not marry Maric and support a family without a job, and his father's business went bankrupt. Desperate and unemployed, Einstein took lowly jobs tutoring children, but he was fired from even these jobs. The turning point came later that year, when the father of his lifelong friend Marcel Grossman was able to recommend him for a position as a clerk in the Swiss patent office in Bern. About then, Einstein's father became seriously ill and, just before he died, gave his blessing for his son to marry Maric. For years, Einstein would experience enormous sadness remembering that his father had died thinking him a failure. With a small but steady income for the first time, Einstein felt confident enough to marry Maric, which he did on January 6, 1903. Their children, Hans Albert and Eduard, were born in Bern in 1904 and 1910, respectively. In hindsight, Einstein's job at the patent office was a blessing. He would quickly finish analyzing patent applications, leaving him time to daydream about the vision that had obsessed him since he was 16: What would happen if you raced alongside a light beam? At first Einstein's 1905 papers were ignored by the physics community. This began to change after he received the attention of just one physicist, perhaps the most influential physicist of his generation, Max Planck, the founder of the quantum theory. Soon, owing to Planck's laudatory comments and to experiments that gradually confirmed his theories, Einstein was invited to lecture at international meetings, such as the Solvay Conferences, and he rose rapidly in the academic world. Source: "Einstein, Albert." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. |
Similar events relating to the emergence and development of "super-sane" ideas in different subject areas no doubt take place in many time periods. An example from mathematics is the support the English mathematician Godfrey Harold Hardy gave to Srinivasa Ramanujan, a poor self-taught Indian clerk whom Hardy immediately recognized as a mathematical genius (an event in history that has been made into a movie entitled "Thee man who knew Infinity"). Unfortunately, such foregoing examples do not tell us how many geniuses are overlooked or are even deliberately interfered with, just like politicians and journalists frequently interfere with the development of new social governing ideas which come from the rank and file citizenry... or some other sector of society that is an unconventional place from which valuable social governing ideas typically arise from. (Source for comment about Godfrey Hardy: "Hardy, Godfrey Harold." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.)
...When he (Srinivasa Ramanujan) was 15 years old, he obtained a copy of George Shoobridge Carr's Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2 vol. (1880–86). This collection of some 6,000 theorems (none of the material was newer than 1860) aroused his genius. Having verified the results in Carr's book, Ramanujan went beyond it, developing his own theorems and ideas. In 1903 he secured a scholarship to the University of Madras but lost it the following year because he neglected all other studies in pursuit of mathematics. Ramanujan continued his work, without employment and living in the poorest circumstances. After marrying in 1909 he began a search for permanent employment that culminated in an interview with a government official, Ramachandra Rao. Impressed by Ramanujan's mathematical prowess, Rao supported his research for a time, but Ramanujan, unwilling to exist on charity, obtained a clerical post with the Madras Port Trust. In 1911 Ramanujan published the first of his papers in the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. His genius slowly gained recognition, and in 1913 he began a correspondence with the British mathematician Godfrey H. Hardy that led to a special scholarship from the University of Madras and a grant from Trinity College, Cambridge. Overcoming his religious objections, Ramanujan traveled to England in 1914, where Hardy tutored him and collaborated with him in some research. Source: "Ramanujan, Srinivasa." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. |
(Please note that the above two examples reflect a similar time period, both obtained clerk jobs, both suffered from economic disparity, both got married, the age of 16 is highlighted for Einstein, the age of 15 for Ramanujan, and Einstein was troubled by his perceptions regarding his father while Ramanujan was troubled by what may be called the "paternalism" of his religion.)
Solving the many social problems we face is overlayed with the problem that many think the necessary ideas must and can only come from those working within the current eschelons of government. Both the loud, frothing-mouthed media and government leadership groups are like the establishments Einstein, Ramanujan and others must contend with. Unfortunately, not many are successful in their efforts in their respective field(s) of interest... because their approach may be so unconventional that there is no one who they encounter, or encounters their work, that has the slightest appreciation of what is being conveyed.
In short, we have leaderships in business, government and religion that are not smart enough to deal with the many problems as they are because they represent generations of accumulated mediocrity that rely on the comments of previously original ideas to represent their own perspectives from which no originality debuts. They are not particularly insightful and seek to manage problems instead of solving them... solutions for which frequently requires a super-sanity involving a new type of governance model... that all nations have experienced at one time or another, but fear to experience such evolutionary changes as did monarchies of old and plutocratic-aristocracies of today.
Governments throughout the world are filled not with intrepid explores blazing new trails, but with keepers of the traditional, status-quo fires. Such leaders are self-entitling maintenance and janitorial personnel who are given lofted titles to conceal the actual mediocrity which they embody, as is often the case who practice duplicity. While they can change light bulbs, trim landscape hedges and change the spark plug and oil on a lawn-mower, they do not incorporate any inventiveness whatsoever. They rely on perpetuating situations that they are able to participate and give themselves and others the impression of being insightful, but all of it is a consequence of a sustained mediocrity. Original ideas and the application thereof can cause massive alterations which upend their desired status quo... that in which they have carved out a survival niche', no matter how many must suffer the consequences because of. However, though war can cause alterations, it is an expression of mediocrity used by those who want to be able to exercise their own brand of mediocrity within changed conditions more amiable to their type of thinking.
With respect to other ideas about government reform, at a companion site: Eleutherocracy... the author is exploring the development of a New formula of government. At another companion site: Threesology Research Journal, the author is exploring an application of a recurring phenomena to sociological cognitive structures influenced by basic environmental impressions, though the examination runs into divergent areas not typically found in conventional political philosophy. An additional example is as follows...
Let's begin by introducing an idea by Lawrence Lessig as viewed in a video where he engages in the administration of an idea to manipulate a predisposed believing schoolroom-prepared audience like a country preacher "speaking in tongues" but instead uses the medium of speaking in a cartoonish language. (School rooms around the world train millions of kids to adopt a cognitive style wherein they are trained to listen, learn, and think in a given story-telling way as the adopted standard of rationality... from which so much irrationality is being produced and many of us have begun to question as to its effectiveness in promoting and producing productive change that many are describing as the Need for a Revolution):
Lawrence Lessig: We The People, and the Republic we must reclaim
Essentially, his idea of reclaiming control of the (American) "Republic" {note he does not say "American Democracy" since it is well known by many of us that America does not practice a democracy}... is that we should establish a statute which distributes a more even political clout amongst the public so that campaign contributions can reflect the sponsorship of political candidates which more clearly exhibit the interest of the overall public and not just a small minority who have been able to wield a disproportionate amount of influence for their selective interest(s). While this type of campaign reform gives the impression of being more democratic, it is of value to remember that America is not an Actual Democracy, it is a Republic based on the practice of Representation; that provides the illusion of a Democratic practice.
If you begin practicing more democracy, you then begin practicing less (Representative) Republic-anism. More Democracy means less surrogate Representation and more self-applied Representation. Representatives do not represent the majority because there is no set-in-place by which majority opinion is discussed, collected, and tallied in order to represent what that opinion is. When it is claimed that everyone has a chance to provide their opinion at sporadically held town meetings, this is a ludicrous attempt to conceal a particularly stupid methodology for accessing the public's majority opinion that is never discussed and never voted on. Registered voters do not necessarily represent the majority of any given public. Again, the American political and electoral systems reek with ignorance that no politician wants to improve on because they might well be excluded from the political arena if the system were corrected. Not only would many political leaders be excluded, but also the influence of many businesses and religions.
However, the American practice of a Republic-styled analism, should not be confused with "Republicanism". Nor should a "Republic" (a state run by elected officials) be alternatively described as a "Democracy" (rule by the people); as is the case in the United States (and so many other places) which strive to redefine "rule of the people" to mean "elected" official, though elections frequently are rigged systems as duly noted in the American electoral process. If America had an Actual Democracy, the people themselves would be able to vote on all issues, including the ability of military personnel to choose all their leaders, parents choosing teachers, etc... Publics throughout the world are subjected to so much duplicity and under-handed "stacking the deck" governmental policies that the tool of Revolution is being considered more and more as a viable precedent in and of itself, since governments typically have measures to thwart the efforts of Collective Bargaining Will to make needed alterations.
Let us look at the topic of Analism as it is being used in the present context of assigning an appreciation to a socio-political venue:
Analism (anal retentiveness) :In Freudian psychology, the anal stage is said to follow the oral stage of infant or early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually synchronous with learning to control their excretory functions—in other words, toilet training. Freud hypothesized that children who experience conflicts during this period of time may develop "anal" personality traits, namely those associated with a child's efforts at excretory control: ![]() ![]() | ||
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If these (above) 3 anal qualities continue into later life, the person is said to be "anal-retentive". Conversely, those who reject anal-retentive characteristics are said to have "anal-expulsive" personality types... Although Freud's theories on early childhood have been influential on the psychological community and the term anal retentive survives in common usage, the concept is largely regarded as unscientific "pop-psychology" and therefore discredited by the majority of psychologists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Research suggests that the overall pattern of parental attitudes has a much more concrete effect on how an infant will grow up. There is no conclusive research linking anal stage conflicts with "anal" personality types. Source: Wikipedia: Anal Retentiveness Karl Abraham devoted himself chiefly to pioneering efforts in the psychoanalytic treatment of manic depression (known today as bipolar disorder). He suggested that the libido, or sexual drive, develops in six stages: earlier oral, oral-sadistic, anal expulsive, anal retentive, phallic, and adult genital. If an infant's development becomes arrested at any of the earlier stages, mental disorders will most likely result from a libidinal fixation at that level. Source: "Abraham, Karl." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. Please note that the words "analysis" and "analytic" seem rather appropriate in this context since they can be viewed as "anal-lytic" and "anal-ysis", and may suggest a biased disposition with respect to psychoanalysis and other genres of presumably scientific-based objective inquiries. |
Note: if "overall parental attitudes", as stated in the preceding article, has more of an effect on how a person will grow up, then the social practices of a given nation describe the collective practice of adults... or at least those few who run a country since the majority our left out of the role-model equation in most instances. In other words, we should not be surprised to see so much irrationality in the public when the primary social role models are a bunch of idiots with one hand down someone's pants, the other hand in someone's billfold or pocket, and their head stuck deep in their own back pocket.
The "Democracy" to which is spoken of by those seeking to establish a true, an honest, an Actual Democracy, is not the present back-stabbing, double-standard, self-centered philosophy being espoused by the current U.S Democratic (or Republican, or Independent or any other) Party, because it does not represent the best interests of the People... a people who are rarely given an opportunity to collectively represent themselves via a Constitutionally mandated Referendum that supersedes any frivolous, piece-meal campaign contribution control statute being offered to those who are more interested in being entertained like school children during story-time or school scheduled assembly, than actually contributing to making worthwhile governing changes. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats... nor any presently active third party ideology adequately confronts the many social problems that can only be addressed with a New Form of Government. The so-called American brand of "Democracy" is a pathetic joke. The infamous "They", meaning the government, will not give the people a better brand of democracy unless it is forced on them to do so. There are too many with much to lose by handing over greater control of the government to the collective Will of the people.
It is similar to the situation with the Brexit situation, in which there were many with a vested interested in having the United Kingdom remain within the European Union... in fact, having invested heavily in the prospect of the continued association; that when their desires were not realize, they will do whatever they can to retaliate against the people. Such people do not like to lose and will do whatever they can, in their own time-frame, to engage in revenge against the public. There is a disgusting, back-stabbing, double-dealing breed of individuals who gravitate to present government formulas because current government systems permit them to exercise one or another nefarious deed. The same acts of attempting reprisals will no doubt take place for those wanting to establish a Cenocracy... whatever form it may take in one or another country.
While many like the idea of campaign contribution reform (which actually means wrestling control of campaign contribution reform from a few in one political camp and giving it to a few in another political camp), we are nonetheless confronted with the realization that America's formula of governance has long been based on a model of gaming... choosing between one or another... of falsification that uses the word "democracy" as an advertisement gimmick just like Lessig who repeatedly uses the word "democracy" yet did not take the time to convey what his definition thereof is, nor fully explain that America's practice thereof is a "pseudo-democracy... that it is phony. In other words, the American system of government has been... and remains fixed (like the governments of so many other nations)— against the majority. So even if the people begin to practice what is thought to be a method by which a presumed "broken system" can be fixed, the system nonetheless remains and takes on the character of another gaming plan that, on a very basic level, is a survival mechanism that adjusts itself to the ongoing decay of the planetary system in an effort to establish some measure of equilibrium. The more turbulent the environment is in a given era of planetary decay, the more turbulent will be the attempts at social adjustment in an effort to achieve some relative stability in a dynamic planetary system headed for lifelessness. Analogously, one can easily view the planet Earth as a large casino in which different forms of business, political and religious games -of- gambling take place used as efforts to achieve some relative stability in one's life suggestive of "growth" that may be described as a "win".

Here's a few articles that may be of interest to some:
A Misunderstanding about Democracy/ By John Spritzler
Mises Institute: Does Democracy Promote Peace?/ James Ostrowski
Democracy Doesn’t Exist/ Dan Jacob Wallace
Is America an Oligarchy?/ John Cassidy...
... Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens/ Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page
Democracy, and why there isn't any/ 2 old guys
It is particularly naive to think that generations of political- creature habit(s)... trained by a Republic form of rigging-the-system are going to somehow vanish by altering the program of campaign contributions to establish a presumed greater equality that is not what a Republic form of government embraces as a basic philosophy; or that such gaming interests are going to disappear because of some statue calling for fairness. The American government was originally set up as a rigged system to insure that the business and religious interests of those involved in the establishment of laws were fully enabled to exercise their Will on others, and most of the others were not even permitted to vote. Wide-spread voting only occurred after those in business and government (guided by religious inclinations), had contrived a means to get what they want by some other political avenue. In other words, Women, Native Americans, Blacks and non-property owning white men were given the vote after business-connected politicians had figured how to game the system to their advantage by other means.
However, as the American presidential election of 2016 has shown, the political system is dysfunctional. It does not provide the public with the most viable candidates, nor permit the people to call for new candidates, nor even permit the collective Will of the people to choose whom they want. Their vote is mangled by the ridiculous "Electoral College" idiocy used as a gaming mechanism to ensure that a few, under the malicious guise of a presumed majority, are allowed to make a choice. The political system is the exercise of a false democracy and no one inside the government is calling for a revised model of governance, because such a model would make sure those who are presently inside, would be tossed out on their butts. The political system is so dysfunctional that it admits to the presence of a deteriorating Nation... from the inside out, no matter what political efforts may be made to prop it up.
Just as Abraham Lincoln sought first and foremost to keep the Union intact with or without freeing the slaves (which was viewed as a secondary issue), businesses and politicians have their own goals and will not give in a little (such as allowing a majority to get the impression of being able to vote in "free" elections or by agreeing to assist in a campaign contribution reform), unless they can offset the loss of being able to game (rig) the system with a similar or greater gain. While the spots of some leopards (crooks) can be changed, most of them simply take on a different camouflaging technique or enhance their arsenal/toolage of bribery, manipulation, intimidation, imperialism, colonialism, etc... It is rather absurd to think that everyone is going to play nice simply because the sand in the social sandbox is evened out. If one company can't achieve dominance on its own by getting a politician into its pocket, it will work with one or more others. If this isn't sufficient, they will ambush, bribe, intimidate, etc., those who get into office. In short, changing one aspect of a political process that embraces an underlying philosophy of gaming the overall system so that the majority's efforts produce the dynamic effect of an indentured servitude, is a rather short-sighted philosophy. While Lessig's idea is more promising than others, it too... unfortunately, falls short of the greater ideal.
It's not that Lessig's argument is unsound, it is simply a variable in a much needed expanded social governing equation. Equalizing the system of campaign contributions does nothing to afford the people with the assurance of getting the best candidates for a given political office, nor does it ensure that those who get chosen by a political appointee will likewise represent the best interests of the public. When there exists the situation in which the President hand picks numerous others for different positions, and they are then first and foremost answerable to the President but not the people, we have a system that remains rigged against the people. Such a gaming process is evident in the very first words taken by the President during the oath of office where preserving and protecting the people is not even mentioned:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
And when the reality shared by politicians distorts their perception of the world in which the rest of the public experiences, there is a severe discordance of personal, civil, and collective values which many politicians try to exploit as a means of manipulating a public into thinking they harbor the same perspective but they don't. In short, the public's choice of candidates for a given office... regardless of how equal a campaign contribution process may be; is very often reduced to choosing not a leader, but a glorified office manager because this is what the Republic form of gaming system requires.
However, in using different analogical perspectives of sociological interest as reflections of underlying cognitive orientations, let us include the image of a constructed dominoes structure to represent the effort which undergoes the development of a modern civilization. Whereas many are impressed with all the progress and design initiatives involving talent, creativity, industry and even genius in some instances, we must recognize a wide-spread delight amongst people in seeing the construction topple over... like many a bystander watching a controlled demolition... though the unexpected demolition of the twin towers as a controlled handiwork of the U.S. government's confederates; also indicates that if any structure (business, government, religion) is to be toppled, it must be supported by the public. While some topplings take awhile to occur like the Roman Empire, others can be of a relatively short term.
Is this why we build magnificent societies... just to watch them gloriously fail as an item of entertainment when the entertainment associated with construction wears on us? Is this why we construct the way we do in our covert ideas and overt forms? Are Communisms and Socialisms more doomed to fail because of a basic flaw, or that their fledgling developments are undertaken by those who do not know how to build good sand or dominoes castles? Why do such ideologies always attract those types of builders who use straw or sticks instead of more sturdier ideological philosophies with enduring applicability?
In addition to the foregoing example of humans constructing elaborate designs in dominoes only to find much pleasure in watching them be destroyed, we should include the example of destructions as part of a ritualized expression that is viewed as a type of healing or cleansing rite-of-passage, that some may interpret to be types of "revolutions" that destroy the old to make way for some supposed new. Like a purgative used to cleaning out one's bowels, (to rid a society of its reigning obsessive anal leaderships in art, bureaucracy, business, commonality-correctness/normality, criminality, education, entertainment, journalism, mathematics, medicine, music, politics, religion, science, sports, etc...) That some may describe as a modernized primitive practice of blood-letting and drilling holes in another's head (trephination), though modern practices of tattooing appear to be affecting similar attempts of "purification" by adopting a commonality (communalism/Communism... a sameness through an adopted social formula of allowing the presence of differences defined as equalness); though excesses of body marking and mutilation are wide-spread. Such an example is seen in the elaborate and pains-taking effort (involving dedication, patience, goal directed, perseverance, etc...), with respect to sand painting. While one may want to describe similarities (involving different materials and different ceremonies) from different cultures, for the present, let us provide an example from Native American Culture frequently denoted as Sand Painting:
Sand Painting, (also called Dry Painting): Type of art that exists in highly developed forms among the Navajo and Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest and in simpler forms among several Plains and California Indian tribes. Although sand painting is an art form, it is valued among the Indians primarily for religious rather than aesthetic reasons. Its main function is in connection with healing ceremonies. | |
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Sand paintings are stylized, symbolic pictures prepared by trickling small quantities of crushed, coloured sandstone, charcoal, pollen, or other dry materials in white, blue, yellow, black, and red hues on a background of clean, smoothed sand. About 600 different pictures are known, consisting of various representations of deities, animals, lightning, rainbows, plants, and other symbols described in the chants that accompany various rites. In healing, the choice of the particular painting is left to the curer. Upon completion of the picture, the patient sits on the centre of the painting, and sand from the painting is applied to parts of his body. When the ritual is completed, the painting is destroyed. For years the Indians would not allow permanent, exact copies of sand paintings to be made. When the designs were copied in rugs, an error was deliberately made so that the original design would still be powerful. Today many of the paintings have been copied both to preserve the art and for the record. Source: "Sand Painting." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. ...In central Australia body decoration and elaborate head-dresses on ritual occasions, using down, blood, and ochres, were especially striking. Everywhere, sacred ritual provided the incentive for making a large variety of objects—mostly impermanent, because the act of making them was itself one of the appropriate rites. Source: "Australian Aborigine." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. |
The foregoing illustration brings to mind the focus of the words "impermanence" and "purification", though this is not typically described in terms of ideological content as as adopted art formula. For example, as a rite-of-passage, people are unaware that adopting the idea for the need of over-throwing a government (such as by way of a political Revolution) can be an art form in the way one thinks and feels. While they may be seen in a person's language and some social activities, they are not necessarily seen as an art form that is... in many cases, quite impermanent, though the next generation of "ideological artists" (or artistic ideologists), may venture to support a past perspective... or some "colored, musical" (abstracted) variation thereof. In any respect, it may be helpful for some readers to more readily grasp this idea by referencing part of a Britannica article about "purification rite", if they have not had much experience in reading or thinking about such a perspective in cultural anthropological terms. Please make note of the fact that the present is being offered in the context of viewing it in terms of a political orientation of "purifying" society by creating a New Government (Cenocracy). If we conclude that recurring revolutions are part of a cyclical ritual, then it necessarily follows that those of us pursuing the course for the adoption of a Cenocracy are the administrators (the vanguard priesthood) calling for the ceremony to take place in order to free us from the many pollutions the present formulas of varying businesses, governments and religions have subjected us to:
(Note: Because of the length of the article, in that to extract an excerpt would not be sufficient for the interest of some readers, it has been placed onto a separate web page entitled "Revolution as a Purification Rite-of-passage".)
Yet, it matters not if we switch from a Republic to a Democracy or a Communism or a Socialism or a Monarchy or a Theocracy. All of them represent a different model of social gaming. All of them represent different types of sandboxes in which very social activities take place and very often keep the majority from collectively looking beyond their fingertips. Regardless of what laws are practiced, many stay within the sandbox parameter while others practice various types of excursions outside the contours... which include those in one or another position of authority who think they are entitled to do so... that there is a separate law for them and the rest of society as well as humanity. They devise their own entitlements and will even make laws which serve their attitudes all the better... and make it difficult for the majority to do likewise.

Even if we were to take the best of all social ideas and create a system of presumed greatest productivity which ensures that everyone has a job, that all medical and basic living needs were met; this does not mean more happiness would be prevalent. A person's personal goals can not readily be defined in terms of satisfying social goals tied to a governing system in which it is controlled by the goals of a few whose philosophical perspective is limited by how much personal wealth can be acquired... in an environment whose effects of decay are not being taken into account as a diminishing factor related to adaptive methodologies for maintaining an equilibrium. In other words, even if everyone in the sandbox is working and providing an "adequate" living for themselves (and family), this does not mean they are fully cognizant of how the changing environment external to their social preoccupations, can and does change their life. Many live out their lives like the inhabitants of ancient Pompeii who were unexpectedly caught in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, or those in the Middle Ages who get struck by an epidemic like the Black Plague. People are so caught up in the sociability of a given moment or era that the eroding sandbox parameter can be overlooked and become defined in accordance with distances now being measured by an increased population having to subsist on fewer resources.
The present forms of business, government and religion throughout the world are presenting the public with fewer and fewer resources of viable leadership candidates. It is an overlooked erosion brought about by a rigged system that has effected a social environment like a decreasing biological gene pool. The public doesn't get better candidates for political office as might be assumed for a species whose political systems suggest they are developing more improved governing methods. The people are getting more and more worse representative political candidates because they are a breed of animal that has been too severely pruned like a plant having been subjected to a process of schizophrenic (ambivalent) care-taking. Ambivalence on part of elected officials and ambivalence on the part of the public. Yet, metaphors such as this do not assist most people in comprehending what has and is taking place.
We can build any type of sandbox design we want... using all the latest architectural and construction materials available, regardless of cost. Yet, if we build a government platform on a weak environmental footing, there is no philosophy which can protect us from erosion. Whereas we can try to slow the erosion down, we can not stop it. Such is the case for every single type of governance that has ever been used. All of them are set up on a planet whose incremental rates of erosion are having an unseen, accelerating dramatic effect that we try to make adjustments for in various ideological ways as a survival mechanism that uses a model of change called adaptation. Increases in population density with an increased dwindling of resources produces accelerated effects like more and more atoms being bombarded in a fissionable situation, though dampening mechanisms sometimes come into play... making the chances for a larger socially explosive situation to emerge in the process.
![]() Safetica Blog |
![]() Rainbow Play Systems |
We have got to adopt a social governing system which not only takes into account the ongoing environmental erosions caused by humanity, but those underway as a natural process of decay involving the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the accelerating expansion of the Universe. We must not hide our heads in the sand. Social problems unrecognized as symptoms of the erosive effects of the environment's eventual demise, can not be solved by building new sand castles, new sand castle owners, or artificially beautifying the surrounding terrain of the sand castle. Humanity must adopt a social governing policy directed towards the goal of liberating humanity from the clutches of Earth, this solar system, and eventually this galaxy. A distant perspective which may well help us achieve a more far reaching appreciation of what is meant by the word "Universe".
In an attempt to understand how the patterns of Nature associate with planetary behavior and processes have and continue to affect our biology, physiology, anatomy, psychology and resulting socialization, it is of need to explore multiple subjects. In so doing, little by little we are developing a game plan with which to execute a governing strategy that endures over time, and is not a fleeting protest for a singular issue to be addressed in a governing system which is inadequate to the task. An exploration of such an effort has been begun starting with page 1 in the "Calling all Communists and Socialists" series.
We exam many different academic portfolios (biology, history, medicine, philosophy, political science, sociology, etc...) in an effort to develop a singular premise to be used to combat those whose efforts are directed towards maintaining the government structure as it is at the expense of the rest of us. Lawrence Lessig's perspective will not substantially alter that which needs to be changed on a more fundamental footing. While his perspective can alter the political landscape in the type of displayed (illusory) shrubbery to which many will ooh and ahh with aesthetic delight; his idea can not appreciably alter that which is rooted in a soil of a practiced (Republic) social-governing philosophy that is out of touch with the reality of an established planetary, solar system, galactic and Universe-erosion... which no current form of living system has the necessary rootedness to prevent the eventuality of social disintegration involving the larger environmental context. In other words, humanity's social governing practices are taking place in an eroding environment that no amount of alteration in the voting system can fix... they can only adapt to and be further overlooked. The larger issue is not individual issues nor the fixing of the present governing system, but that humanity must escape the clutches of an environmental system which will make all species that much quicker, in a head-long fashion towards extinction, the longer they remain chained to the present environment and its various mechanisms of survival.
We are on the path of a New Government, a Cenocracy... that is intended to liberate us from the current formulas of governance which have bound us to an endless cycle of self-defeating efforts culminating into more and deeper kinds of inequality, irrelevance and despair. We are reaching for a liberating form of self-government called a Eleutherocracy.
Whereas a lot of people are already familiar with the realization that a deteriorating gene pool can effect the quality of a species, a deteriorating environment can do likewise. The fact that Americans continue paying witness to worse and worse selections of political candidates indicates there is at least one deterioration taking place... though some have already suspected there is more than one reason for the deterioration... such as an unrecognized selective breeding program brought about by a governing system which prevents larger numbers of diverse (other than career politicians) candidates from entering a political contest that creates a system of further streamlining so that only a given selection are made viable.

Image Sources:
Bottleneck Effect
Non-adaptive Evolutionary Effects

In a recent article by the Associated Press: The Biggest Marine Animals Risk Extinction, can be used as an analogy if the same event is going to be true for "Big" Governments, Nations, Corporations, Religions, and over-sized people. Every single large "creature", be it Christianity, Democracy, Islam, China, Buddhism, Russia, Judaism, the Stock Market, Military organizations, Medical Associations, NASA, Universities, Language groups, certain occupations, Gang affiliations, Protest movements, Entertainment industries, Automobile manufacturers, the United Nations, Crime syndicates, Sports organizations, etc., may follow this same trend if we view such entities as dynamic, living organisms. The old adage that the bigger they are the harder they fall may come to pass as a wish-fulfilling prophesy. Unfortunately, when a giant takes a stumble, tumble, or decisive fall, the little guys who are nearby can get crushed. While many companies are viewed as being domestic entities, they aren't actually ever domesticated. Most retain either a shark-like mentality, cling to the public in a viral... symbiotic relationship that slowly eats away at its host, or resorts to its more baser instincts of survival by biting the consumer/public hands that feed it if it is backed into a corner. Many of those in business, government and religion have acquired the ability to mimic domesticated behaviors to give the illusion of civility, only to better conceal the rabid inclinations existing just below the surface.

Date of Page Origination: Saturday, 10-Sep-2016... 05:09 AM
Initial Posting: Saturday, 10-Sep-2016... 08:20 AM
(Flag counter added:) Tuesday, 13-Sep-2016... (approx.) 5:30 AM
Updated Posting: Monday, 31-Oct-2016... 07:01 AM