page 7
Note: the contents of this page as well as those which precede and follow, must be read as a continuation and/or overlap in order that the continuity about a relationship to/with the dichotomous arrangement of the idea that one could possibly talk seriously about peace from a different perspective as well as the typical dichotomous assignment of Artificial Intelligence (such as the usage of zeros and ones used in computer programming) ... will not be lost (such as war being frequently used to describe an absence of peace and vice-versa). However, if your mind is prone to being distracted by timed or untimed commercialization (such as that seen in various types of American-based television, radio, news media and magazine publishing... not to mention the average classroom which carries over into the everyday workplace), you may be unable to sustain prolonged exposures to divergent ideas about a singular topic without becoming confused, unless the information is provided in a very simplistic manner.
Let's face it, humanity has a lousy definition, accompanying practice, and analysis of peace.
The form and function of Peace to which humanity ascribes, is not sustainable. It is not self-sufficient. It is a poorly conceived form of welfare that needs constant re-infusions of effort and money. And although there are many doing well-meaning acts (volunteering, Dr.s Without Borders, Charitable donations, Tariff relief, etc...), Peace is like a primitive species whose domestication to perform basic functions quickly retreats to its wild-state without supervision. Sometimes it is treated as a wounded animal that is permitted to remain with the group so long as it can keep up with the group's nomadic itinerary. Yet, all too often it lags behind and becomes absorbed into individualized characteristic's that may be unable to defend against or provide sanctuary to those fleeing from boisterous outbursts of aggression or just plain meanness.
Whereas Peace can be viewed as a saintly character, the saint can be ambushed along its sojourn from place to place by those who view the character as a threat or nuisance to their desire for money-making, territory-taking, lives-forsaking deeds. Peace is not a welcomed character unless it can be used to advantage one or another when war, hostility, or conflict of kind or another is not generally accepted as a viable excuse to achieve motives and ulterior motives, as well as motives with machinated flexibility. Hence, the character of peace is a product of the environment and subject to the planet's situation of on-going decay. The character of peace will revert from its present state into a more desperate figure as the fate of Earth's resources dwindle, the population of humanity increases, and the overall planetary cycles continue to deteriorate.
Humanity has got to examine the character phenomena of peace from a different perspective. Because it is a mental construct projected into a physical dimension, its hit-and-miss, on-again... off-again cyclicity must be viewed in terms of a conservation of activity. If you prefer, since many are aware of the label "conservation of energy", we can use this as a means of describing an environmentally-based limitation. In other words, the sporadic character activity of Peace is not only acting as an expression of energy conservation, but energy fluctuation... which can, on occasion increase like a solar flare, then decrease like a seasonal change where winter prevails. By providing numerically-aligned examples of ideas from different "species" of subject matter, we can identify not only the existence of a long-standing, environmentally-influenced conservation of effect that human anatomy displays, but that recurring patterns are an exhibition of the conservation supported by physiological processes.
On page 5 in this series, we mentioned two categorizations of three forms of memory which, taken together, represents but one of thousands of examples related to the conservation affect. Let us review the two forms of three-patterned distinction, followed by an excerpt of short and long term memory from a Britannica article on memory:
3 forms of memory: Sensory - Short-term (working) - Long-term3 forms of long-term memory: Procedural - Semantic - Episodic
Most people are capable of storing a maximum of about seven separate units of information in short-term memory—e.g., the seven random letters F, L, I, X, T, Z, R. Thus, one may consult a directory for a 10-digit telephone number but forget some of the digits before one has finished dialing. However, if the units of information are grouped or “chunked” into meaningful patterns, it is possible to recall many more of them, as shown by the series of 24 letters F, R, A, N, C, E, G, E, R, M, A, N, Y, P, O, L, A, N, D, S, P, A, I, N. According to the American psychologist George A. Miller, such chunking of information is essential for short-term memory and plays an important role in learning. Short-term Memory Short-term memory is restricted in both capacity and duration: a limited amount of information will remain active for a few seconds at best unless renewed attention to the information successfully reactivates it in working memory. Before such “renewal” occurs, most information arrives in working memory through sensory inputs, the two most prevalent being aural and visual. Baddeley posited that working memory is supported by two systems: the phonological loop, which processes aural information, and the visuospatial sketch pad, which processes visual and spatial information. When information is acquired aurally, the brain encodes the information according to the way it sounds. A person who hears a spoken telephone number and retains the information long enough to complete dialing is employing the phonological loop, a function of working memory involving, in effect, an inner voice and inner ear each person utilizes to rehearse and recall information. Children who are slow to learn this type of encoding are also generally delayed in learning to read. Visual and spatial encoding are an integral part of daily problem solving. A person solves a jigsaw puzzle by constructing an image of a missing piece and then seeking the piece that matches the constructed image. It would not make sense for this construct to be held in long-term memory, but its function as a short-term memory is essential to reaching a solution. Such short-term encoding of visual-spatial information is important in any number of tasks, such as packing suitcases in the trunk of a car or searching for a missing shoe in the bottom of a closet. Long-term memory Memories that endure outside of immediate consciousness are known as long-term memories. They may be about something that happened many years ago, such as who attended one's fifth birthday party, or they may concern relatively recent experiences, such as the courses that were served at a luncheon earlier in the day. Accumulated evidence suggests that a long-term memory is a collection of information augmented by retrieval attributes that allow a person to distinguish one particular memory from all of the other memories stored in the brain. The items stored in long-term memory represent facts as well as impressions of people, objects, and actions. They can be classified as either “declarative” or “nondeclarative,” depending on whether their content is such that it can be expressed by a declarative sentence. Thus, declarative memories, like declarative sentences, contain information about facts and events. Nondeclarative memory, also known as procedural memory, is the repository of information about basic skills, motor (muscular) movement, verbal qualities, visual images, and emotions. A cross-cutting distinction is made between memories that are tied to a particular place and time, known as “episodic” memories, and those that lack such an association, known as “semantic” memories. The latter category includes definitions and many kinds of factual knowledge, such as knowledge of the name of the current pope, which one might not recall having learned at any particular time or place. Source: "Memory." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. |
Note: it is possible to view memory according to the three sentence-ending punctuations known as "period, question mark, exclamation point".
Hence, a "declarative" memory would be that which refers to an
exclamation point (!), and...
A "non-declarative" memory could be more specifically viewed (differently) in terms
of a period (.) or question mark (?) type of memory. However, it appears that those who study memory
are not familiar with the idea of conservation related to cognitive patterning in
the sense outlined in this series on Peace.
Again, as before, let it be mentioned that although we can train individuals to exceed common aspects of memory/cognitive ability, there is a "normal" limitation in place because of the environment we are subjected to. As the decay of the planet continues, so shall memorization. If we view the topic of "peace" as a type of expressed memory activity, its definition AND application represent variations of human memorization. It is like a specific type of memorization which also is subject to deteriorations just like human memory is... because of the effects of decay that we can do something about if we remove humanity from the deteriorating effects of this planet and planetary system.
With respect to above stated comment regarding the limit of seven units in short-term memory, we are reminded of an old reference to the number seven that has been tossed about various academics over the years. The title of the paper by George Miller was "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information."(© by the American Psychological Association: Psychological Review- Vol. 101, No. 2, 343-352).
The following was written many years ago, after reading Miller's paper (with a "threes" perspective):
(Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information) The title of this page was originally presented as "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information." It was written by George A. Miller (1956) of Harvard University. I simply add what was overlooked not only by Miller (at least he didn't mention it in is article), but by all those who seem inclined to make mention of his paper. In short, he was describing the three numbers 5, 7, and 9. Miller did not mention that there are two numerically-based tests which might be used to give some indication of a person's level of concentration called the series 3 or series 7; in which a subject is asked to count backwards from 100 by subtracting either 3 or seven numbers from the preceding one. Hence. we find another reference to his "7" reference. Testing attention span and one's ability of concentration with respect to the test would seem to be highly necessary. Test results are questionable if all the subjects are skilled listeners, are rewarded, etc... With respect to his examples about absolute judgments based on a study involving auditory tones and pitches, he never once mentioned the numerous "threes" related to the ear. His study involved two for hearing, one for taste and one for sight, though other tests are nonetheless mentioned for the one-dimensional "absolute judgments" criteria. In other words, three "input" channels. He gives reference to one- two- and multi-dimensional stimuli tests. In other words, a one, two, many three-part grouping. ...According to the linguistic analysis of the sounds of human speech, there are about eight or ten dimensions - the linguists call them distinctive features - that distinguish one phoneme from another. These distinctive features are usually binary, or at most ternary, in nature. For example, a binary distinction is made between vowels and consonants, a binary decision is made between oral and nasal consonants, a ternary decision is made among front, middle, and back phonemes, etc. The Span of Immediate MemoryWe are not completely at the mercy of this limited span, however, because we have a variety of techniques for getting around it and increasing the accuracy of our judgments. The three most important of these devices are (a) to make relative rather than absolute judgments.; or, if that is not possible, (b) to increase the number of dimensions along which the stimuli can differ; or (c) to arrange the task in such a way that we make a sequence of several absolute judgments in a row. ...The process of recoding is a very important one in human psychology and deserves much more explicit attention than it has received. In particular, the kind of linguistic recoding that people do seems to me to be the very lifeblood of the thought processes. While he provides examples of "sevens", he doesn't do the same for "Threes": And finally, what about the magical number seven? What about the seven wonders of the world, the seven seas, the seven deadly sins, the seven daughters of Atlas in the Pleiades, the seven ages of man, the seven levels of hell, the seven primary colors, the seven notes of the musical scale, and the seven days of the week? What about the seven-point rating scale, the seven categories for absolute judgment, the seven objects in the span of attention, and the seven digits in the span of immediate memory? And yes, I am aware of the 3 to 1 ratios, such as the end (summary) of the paper he provides three enumerated examples before using the word "finally". |
The phrase "seven plus or minus two" is a reference to three numbers: 3, 5, 7. It is an underlying pattern Miller did not explicitly mention and we can therefore assume he was oblivious of, just as his many readers may have been. While his study does reference a category of pattern exceeding the value of "3", he did not mention the value as an example of overall human limitation being exhibited in all subject areas, or that the limitation may be due to a "built-in" limiter coincident with survivability on this third planet Earth from a source of solar energy; nor that the environmental effects of decay may impose further restrictions in order for life forms to make "adjustments" (rationalizations) in behavior in an attempt to maintain some semblance of equilibrium in the decaying environment.
But there are other examples besides Miller's that we might reference which are customarily overlooked such as the old "go-sheepy-go" chase-game in childhood which used the expression "Three sevens are 21, go-sheepy-go" as a short delay to give players a moment to run away before being tagged and thus committed to assist in the chase and tagging of other players. No less, the oft'-used expression of "twenty-four-7-three-sixty-five" (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) to reference how often a business is open or more humorously, how often a person does something. The pattern "247365" is a number series which omits the inclusion of three numbers: "1, 8, 9". And if we were to include the value of "0", we might well signify the presence of a three-to-one ratio. A third example involves the number of days in the months of a year: Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, and it is February that is assigned the variability of having either 28 or 29 days. We can either cite it as a pattern of three, a three-to-one ratio, or both... meaning three forms of notability.
Not only is there a limit as to how "Peace" is described from different vantage points that frequently rely on generalities coincident with the notion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (meaning: peace is in the eye of the beholder); but there is a limit as to how our notions of peace are applied. This limitation in behavior, subject to the same environmental conditions all aspects of life are, will be "re-adjusted" (rationalized) to display the "logic" which appeals to a species adapting to deteriorating environmental conditions and making the best of it as a process of attempting to retain or regain (establish) some measure of equilibrium... like a person readjusting their position on a floating platform that is slowly deteriorating... requiring their mind to fluctuate in its perceptions of retaining a hopefulness of rescue, survival ability, or manufacture a complex formula of personal valuation sometimes called a philosophy, religious belief, ideology... or study (with thought experimentation, process experimentation, or experimentation by way of serendipity).
It doesn't matter if thousands or millions of people accept the rationale of a given belief, since all of them would necessarily do so because of a similarity in physiology subject to the same deteriorations as everyone else; even though there are regional environmental/weather variations which can accompany the overall deteriorations of the planet's slowing rotation, the receding moon, and the burnout of the Sun. Beliefs which force people to accept the idea of being fated to a given future event, are those who are permitting the deteriorating effects of the planetary system to be the sole influence. It is like subjecting a normal person to a room full of psychotics, neurotics, manic-depressants, etc., to which they adapt a corresponding life-style rationale. It is a self-defeating (suicidal) perspective evident in business philosophy, government ideology, and religious beliefs. Doomsday scenarios are an expression of the existence of an imposing planetary deterioration that humanity can remove itself from.
But if humanity can not recognize the presence of a cognitive limitation being imposed on it by environmental conditions which are deteriorating and will necessary require humanity to adapt to the decay in an effort to maintain some semblance of equilibrium, humanity most likely is doomed... and will be a means for adherents of religious ideologies to support themselves in their belief... by not wanting people to believe in the idea presented herein. Businesses, governments, religions and various ideologies do not want to view their ideas as being little more than a type of survival reflex... and does not reflect the importance they attach to their views. Nonetheless, let us try to impress upon those whose memory will permit them to make the necessary connections that there indeed is a conservation of mental and behavioral activity taking place and that it is subject to the deteriorations of the planet... but can be altered by overlapping all beliefs with the necessity of using all resources to remove humanity from the Earth, from the solar system, and eventually the galaxy. Humanity must sever the umbilical cord from "Mother" Earth.
However, we can not rely on the present perspective of NASA and its counterparts in different countries because it reeks of its own ceremonial-guided "religiousity". Sometimes explorers must simply get in a canoe (or on a raft) and push forward. NASA and its counter-parts are like those "dressed to the nines" as if going to a ball held by some aristocrat instead of a woodsmen dressed with the attire and instruments need for entering unknown territory that may pose dangers. In other words, they do not incorporate the perspective of a Daniel Boone, Davey Crocket or so many adventurous scientific enthusiasts with boundless curiosity. Simply stated, they do not presently embrace the necessary exploratory spirit of pioneers that is needed... they act more like observers and sideline aficionados (water boys, stable hands, shade tree mechanics) then actual professional participants. They do not yet embody the spirit of adventure needed for a true program involving space, because they do not yet think in terms of getting humanity off the planet. Not just one or two, or a few... but everyone. Their operational philosophies are too short-sighted, too self-serving, and too "two-based" in their ideological constructs. We must have programs that practice a three-based orientation of greater expansiveness.
Let us now continue with a few more "threes" examples, starting where we left off with, by providing an expanded version of the previous list of three-patterned ideas:
This next list comes from the Wickipedia: Philosophical Trichotomies. I have left the information virtually intact. It is not intended to be viewed as an exhaustive list of three-patterned idea references. In other words, there are lots of other examples that can be added.
A trichotomy is a three-way classificatory division. Some philosophers pursued trichotomies.
Important trichotomies discussed by Aquinas include the causal principles (agent, patient, act), the potencies for the intellect (imagination, cogitative power, and memory and reminiscence), and the acts of the intellect (concept, judgment, reasoning), with all of those rooted in Aristotle; also the transcendentals of being (unity, truth, goodness) the requisites of the beautiful (wholeness, harmony, radiance).
Kant expounded a table of judgments involving four three-way alternatives, in regard to (1) Quantity, (2) Quality, (3) Relation, (4) Modality, and, based thereupon, a table of four categories, named by the terms just listed, and each with three sub-categories. Kant also adapted the Thomistic acts of intellect in his trichotomy of higher cognition — (a) understanding, (b) judgment, (c) reason — which he correlated with his adaptation in the soul's capacities — (a) cognitive faculties, (b) feeling of pleasure or displeasure, and (c) faculty of desire[1] — of Tetens's trichotomy of feeling, understanding, will.[2]
Hegel held that a thing's or idea's internal contradiction leads in a dialectical process to a new synthesis that makes better sense of the contradiction. The process is sometimes described as thesis, antithesis, synthesis. It is instanced across a pattern of trichotomies (e.g. being-nothingness-becoming, immediate-mediate-concrete, abstract-negative-concrete); such trichotomies are not just three-way classificatory divisions; they involve trios of elements functionally interrelated in a process. They are often called triads (but 'triad' does not have that as a fixed sense in philosophy generally).
Charles Sanders Peirce built his philosophy on trichotomies and triadic relations and processes, and framed the "Reduction Thesis" that every predicate is essentially either monadic (quality), dyadic (relation of reaction or resistance), or triadic (representational relation), and never genuinely and irreducibly tetradic or larger.
Examples of Philosophical Trichotomies
Plato's Tripartite Soul | Rational. Libidinous (desiring). Spirited (various animal qualities). |
St. Augustine's 3 Laws[3] | Divine Law. Natural Law. Temporal, Positive, or Human Law. |
St. Augustine's 3 features of the soul[4] | Intellect. Will. Memory. (St. John of the Cross, OCD follows this also, but may erroneously identify them as 3 distinct powers.[5]) |
St. Thomas Aquinas, OP's 3 causal principles[6] (based in Aristotle) | Agent. Patient. Act. |
Aquinas's 3 potencies for intellect[6] (based in Aristotle) | Imagination. Cogitative power (or, in animals, instinct). Memory (and, in humans, reminiscence). |
Aquinas's 3 acts of intellect[6] (based in Aristotle) | Conception. Judgment. Reasoning. |
Aquinas's 3 transcendentals of being[6] | Unity. Truth. Goodness. |
Aquinas's 3 requisites for the beautiful[6] | Wholeness or perfection. Harmony or due proportion. Radiance. |
St. Albertus Magnus's 3 Universals[7] | Ante rem (Idea in God's mind). In re (potential or actual in things). Post rem (mentally abstracted). |
Sir Francis Bacon's 3 Tables[8] | Presence. Absence. Degree. |
Thomas Hobbes's 3 Fields | Physics. Moral Philosophy. Civil Philosophy. |
Johannes Nikolaus Tetens's 3 powers of mind[2] | Feeling. Understanding. Will. |
John Dryden's 3 ways of transferring | Metaphrase. Paraphrase. Imitation. |
Kant's 3 faculties of soul[1] | Faculties of knowledge. Feeling of pleasure or displeasure. Faculty of desire (which Kant regarded also as the will). |
Kant's 3 higher faculties of cognition[1] | Understanding. Judgment. Reason. |
Kant's 3 judgments of quantity | Universal. Particular. Singular |
Kant's 3 categories of quantity | Unity. Plurality. Totality |
Kant's 3 judgments of quality | Affirmative. Negative. Infinite |
Kant's 3 categories of quality | Reality. Negation. Limitation. |
Kant's 3 judgments of relation | Categorical. Hypothetical. Disjunctive. |
Kant's 3 categories of relation | Inherence and subsistence. Causality and
dependence. Community. In other words: Substance and accident. Cause and effect. Reciprocity. |
Kant's 3 judgments of modality | Problematical. Assertoric. Apodictic |
Kant's 3 categories of modality | Possibility. Existence. Necessity |
Hegel's 3 dialectical moments | Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis. |
Hegel's 3 Spirits[9] | Subjective Spirit. Objective Spirit. Absolute Spirit. |
Charles Sanders Peirce's 3 categories | Quality of feeling. Reaction, resistance. Representation, mediation. |
C. S. Peirce's 3 universes of experience | Ideas. Brute fact. Habit (habit-taking). |
C. S. Peirce's 3 orders of philosophy | Phenomenology. Normative sciences. Metaphysics. |
C. S. Peirce's 3 normatives | The good (esthetic). The right (ethical). The true (logical). |
C. S. Peirce's 3 semiotic elements | Sign (representamen). Object. Interpretant. |
C. S. Peirce's 3 grades of conceptual clearness | By familiarity. Of definition's parts. Of conceivable practical implications. |
C. S. Peirce's 3 active principles in the cosmos | Spontaneity, absolute chance. Mechanical necessity. Creative love. |
Gottlob Frege's 3 realms of sense[10] | The external, public, physical. The internal, private, mental. The Platonic, ideal but objective (to which sentences refer). |
Karl Popper's 3 worlds[11] | Physical things and processes. Subjective human experience. Culture and objective knowledge |
James Joyce's 3 aesthetic stages[12] | Arrest (by wholeness). Fascination (by harmony). Enchantment (by radiance). |
Louis Zukofsky's 3 aesthetic elements[13] | Shape. Rhythm. Style. |
Søren Kierkegaard's 3 Stages[14] | Aesthetic. Ethical. Religious. |
Edmund Husserl's 3 Reductions | Phenomenological. Eidetic. Religious. |
Maurice Merleau-Ponty's 3 fields[15] | Physical. Vital. Human. |
Maurice Merleau-Ponty's 3 categories[15] | Quantity. Order. Meaning. |
Alan Watts's 3 world views | Life as machine (Western). Life as organism (Chinese). Life as drama (Indian). |
Saint Paul's tripartite nature of man (I Thes. 5:23) | Body, soul, and spirit. |
Sigmund Freud | Id, Ego, and Superego. |
Jacques Lacan | Real, Symbolic, and Imaginary. |
source: Philosophical Trichotomies page 1
Let us now place the idea of a 1- 2- 3 hemispheric/brain attribute differentiation with overall brain development sequencing. This results in a Mono- (one) Bi/Di- (two) Tri- (Three) portrayal to which we can apply other labels which may or may not provide a readily understood similarity. The following image is one expression of this perspective:

Interestingly, though we find the concept of the Trinity in Christian theology, it should be noted that the human mind has been inclined away from a multiple god Polytheism, to a single god Monotheism. An "out of many comes one" surely similar to the "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one or out of many, one) slogan on American coins. However, this idea "out of many, one", can be linked to that which has set the "1,2,3" brain sequence into motion, and provides another example that such a pattern may well be due to an environmental event that is changing and has a profound implication for future thinkers in different fields... as well as the direction which our genetics is heading.
Alternative variations of the "one and many" illustration:
- One-Many... One, Two, Many... One, Two, Three, Many (with numbers, symbols
and representative replacements for the word "Many", such as much, abundance, vast,
great, enormous, few, etc... The word "few" is sometimes meant to refer to "three
or more", depending on context, though the expression "a couple of three" has also
been noted to suggest an arbitrary amount that someone might infer to be related to
a specific amount according to a person's generosity or stinginess.)
- "One, Two, Many" early counting systems:
Is One, Two, Many a myth?
- There's an old colloquialism that provides for a reference to someone who is
drunk... or (socially inebriated): "They've had one too many".
- Ernesto Che Guevara: "Two, Three... Many Vietnams, that
is the watchword" is an expression used in his "Message to the Tricontinental":
Guevara: `Create Two, Three, Many Vietnams'.
- Laozi (author of Tao Te China): Dao produces one. One produces two. Two produces three. Three produces the ten thousand things. (In classical Chinese, the "ten thousand things" means "everything." Commentators have long disagreed over what the "one, two, and three" refers to, usually plugging in their favorite cosmological, cosmogonic, or metaphysical model.) Laozi further writes: Something amorphous & consummate existed before Heaven & Earth. Solitude! Vast! Standing alone, unaltering. Going everywhere, yet unthreatened. It can be considered the Mother of the World. I don't know its name, so I designate it "Dao." Compelled to consider it, name it "Great." (Dao is considered indistinct & undefinable.
As another example of a "one-two-three" formula that can be overlooked, particularly by anyone not looking for such an arrangement, the following ideas have been embellished from a text entitled Dichotomy, Dualism, Duality: An investigation into Marxist conceptualizations of structure and agency by Alexander Gallas, because he uses three types of "two" to portray "...variants of Marxist social theory approach (to) the structure-agency relation. In the paper, he follows a set of classifications developed by Bob Jessop, which allows for arranging conceptualizations of structure and agency according to their complexity.
I have attempted to point out the presence of an overall 1,2,3 arrangement in the conceptualization, even if some readers would have preferred the usage of some other ending analogies.
- Dichotomous = conceptualize a one-dimensionality
type of [stand alone] separation between (Structure)/(Agency)---
Man is an Island. - Dualism = the structure-agency relation is
a causal relation (cause (x) generates effect (y)... producing relative determinism
or relative voluntarism---
Man is an Island surrounded by a Body of Water which can produce undermining philosophical obstacles (which could generate an ambivalence such as whether to stay put or venture forth). - Duality = Integrative approach---
Both island and water are serviceable (leading to a trichotomy).
Date of Origination: Friday, 16-Dec-2016... 03:15 AM
Date of initial posting: Friday, 16-Dec-2016... 09:20 AM
Updated posting: Saturday, 31-March-2018... 11:31 AM