The transition into the adoption of a Cenocracy will go much smoother if those presently in authoritative positions will assist the people.
We The People beseech those in Civil Leadership positions to heed our Self-Representative appeal:
or... that your post can be filled by those who can better serve the needs of the public in effecting the establishment of a Cenocratic formula of governance; as a proclamation giving assent to the Will of the People whose own voice will be heard— and collectively decide upon the direction We The People must take to effect a more promising future. |
Lead us, or Follow our lead, or Vacate the Premises of your position.... This is the public's position that has not yet been formalized. Without such a publicly formal documented assent, as a collective petition, the right to conduct a Revolution, with or without the necessity of an armed or unarmed revolt, remains nullified. Authoritative leadership must be informed of the wishes of the governed, in order to better effect the public Will. Those in Authoritative positions can not read the minds of the public. The larger the body of authority the greater the chance for that body to develop its own culture of intra- and inter- action with a respective vernacular and logic which can, at times, effect a mentality that is at diametrically opposed odds with those in the public who do not directly participate in that authoritative culture and that no amount of "Representative" vicariousness can mitigate. In effect, the public becomes a separate entity from those in authority whose own workplace culture acts as a separate and distant nation very much like the situation of the 1700s British government in its relationship to and with the early New World Colonists (not yet defined as "American"). Such a circumstance creates the occasion for large distances of interests and concerns to emerge which promulgate immense dissonances of discontinuity, colloquially referred to as a disconnect that can foment the social ambiance for promoting as well as justifying conflict.
Such a conflict is inevitable unless measures are taken to remedy the situation. The usage of force by authority, whether physically or legislatively imposed, will not promote harmony. As it occurred in the past, so must it occur in the present with the need of the people to establish a formula of governance that is Of, By and For themselves. It is a concerted claim to effect fairness in Equality, Justice and Liberty, as a unified citizen-hood. We ask all authority from the different genres of business, government and religion to join us in our Declaration for Greater Independence. We appeal to your consanguinity as did our founding fathers with those of Great Britain. While our protestations affirm our desire for reaching peaceful resolutions, they also affirm our right, if it is so needed to be exercised... that our determinations have at our disposal; the Will, the Ability, and the Resources to carry out an armed defense as well as offense. Again, we do not want to use force. First and foremost we want to use diplomacy. But we will not have our Will denied. Denial on the part of authority is a declaration of war. We seriously and sincerely want to avoid needless bloodshed and destruction of property that will have to be refurbished at enormous costs. Such violence is not needed, unless We The People are denied the right to rule ourselves as we see fit.
In our assertions to promote a Lead, Follow or Vacate the Premises perspective, it is of need to recognize that humanity has never had a leader with the vision to utilize all forms of creativity, intelligence, wisdom, insight, etc., from all peoples for their sake. Typically, such as in the public works project of building pyramids in ancient Egypt, warfare constructions and campaigns throughout history, Castle building, fort building, bridge construction, the Manhattan project in the development of a nuclear arsenal, experimentation in chemistry, engineering, physics, biology, Astronomy, space exploration, sporting contests, etc...; most of the people are placed on the sidelines. Even during the so-called "world" wars of the 20th century, large swaths of humans on the globe were not directly involved... even if they were aware of the conflicts being played out. It is of need to point out this circumstance in order that those who are more philosophically minded, and have an interest in this issue, will begin to originate, to contemplate the types of leadership humans are most often subjected to.
It matters not the rationalizations one may apply in support or denigration of a particular leader's activities meant to embroil their citizenry in, such as Hitler and others in history, the fact remains is that all the different qualities of creative, insightful, determined, intelligent, wise and well-intentioned energies are funneled into achieving a singular goal drawn up by a leader who may not have the best interests of humanity in mind. And it matters not if millions follow a person such as Gandhi, and try to embrace his values; the fact remains, in this instance, the individual qualities of those millions were forced to conform to participate in a given manner so that Gandhi's interests could be achieved. This is not to say it is wrong, it merely is an observation that acknowledges the fact that leadership throughout history have had very narrow focuses. Everybody's energies were made to conform to providing a contribution to a singular belief structure that very often did not have the whole of humanity at the best interest of one's efforts. Very often, atrocities occur and are rationalized as a necessity by the old adage that "the ends (to be achieved) justify the means (no matter what gets destroyed or who gets hurt).
If We The People adopt a similar attitude, then those in leadership are in a position to be sacrificed for a larger goal directed towards fulfilling the need of the public to establish a Cenocracy with a Cenocratic formula.
Those seeking public office in the present political climate of the public's need and desire to establish a Cenocracy— request that your platform for office represent the Will of the People by asserting a proclamation for a Cenocracy with a Cenocratic formula. And should you seek to complement this assent by presenting a doctrine of Family Values distinctiveness by advertising oneself with one's immediate family, then let your manifested speeches speak of the Family of our Nation and the International Family of humanity whose rights of equality, liberty and justice are being marginalized, minimized and at times ostracized by present social governing systems under the rubric of some specious declaration of a Virtuous Democracy; that, if you abide by and uphold its current principles, are protecting the right of the government to persist in fomenting a family value of dysfunctionality. We the people must not and can not abide by the atrocities of disenfranchisement which have plagued our predecessors, ourselves and will do so for those in future generations if We The People of today do not put a stop to it.
The usage of the Family Values accent to one's campaign typically performs a circularity of thought which can be described as a conjectural transparency. The transparency of the conjecture is an attempt to appeal to those who foster a similarity of interest, is a circularity of self-centeredness. It is the mark of a small-minded person whose leadership is to be based on the values of an orientation directed inward. Leadership in a community requires not only an appreciation of inward focused family needs which can visually be represented by a small family-unit circle, but the practice of a perspective involving a larger circle of one's community as a family. A larger circle involving the whole of humanity as a single family unit can thus be more easily understood, though such an acknowledgment does not guarantee that the person is ideally suited for a commensurate position involving the means to address global human issues. Family Values in a Democratic sense is wholly different when seen through the eyes of a Cenocratic experience.
Do not pretend to proclaim a respect for family values by seeking an office in the present sphere of social government which enforces a specious right to deny the Will of The People their inalienable Right:
- To Collectively express that Will.
- To legislate that Will through the actions of a Peoples Legislative Branch.
- To declare that Will as a singularity of orientation obtained through a Cenocratic formulated process of Referendum.
To publicly submit that Will as a resultant Law of the Land... as the people see fit to exert the practice thereof.
If you should propose that our views are your views, then you should have no reservation in the right of the people to have a Cenocracy. You will have no qualms in boasting of a social contract with the people that you will, unequivocally, pursue the singular most pressing need of the people which is to implement a Cenocratic Reformation.
You will not singularly nor with one or more others, engage in any effort to delay, deny, or destroy the pursuit, implementation and practice of a Cenocratic social governance formula. For such an act will surely be found in contempt of the People's Will and subject to the Legalities of Citizenship to be outlined in the Cenocratic Articles of Confederation which re-affirms the right to protest, but denies the legal usage of government resources, which includes information, to be used in an act of obstruction to the Will of The People.
Denial, obstruction or opposition is often used by authority to conceal an impotence. It is an impotence for implementing actual change if the change alters the landscape of authoritative ability to effectively deny, obstruct or oppose in an effort to redirect. Those in authority do not like to view themselves as being as helpless as do many of us in the common citizenry. But they are. Legislation developed by the concerted effort of many may be especially intractable for the public to address if such legislation is found to be particularly discriminatory. Such a situation is magnified when one or another acts of legislation, even the lack thereof which enables authority to circumvent a law under certain conditions; creates multiple circumstances which may be individually experienced differentially experienced by various persons or populations over decades of time... as harmful characterizations of a poorly designed legislated structure of social governance. In other words, different people in different locations over short or long expanses of time, may experience negatively impacting effects of jurisprudence that do not become common knowledge such as the terms racist, discrimination, and civil liberties are. But, in total, amount to an accumulated representation of a governing formula which falls short of the peoples' need to have a government they can have confidence in.
The number of citizens having individual experiences is an available list of grievances for which only a very small number may become publicly noted and used as a reason to protest. There are so many in fact, that the existence of such a circumstance speaks for itself as a need of the people to have a formal means of addressing the many different issues, or the many different perspectives of the same or a few issues. Such a process does not now exist. It is given but a marginalized assistance value in the form of a Representative government whose public Representatives must selectively decide which, if any issue should be focused on, or be replaced by a singularly personal concern. In other words, Representatives do not always use the resources of their positions to assist the public in addressing the public's concerns. Such positions are sometimes used as lecterns by which the Representative can voice their own positions on a personal topic of concern that is constructed in such a way as to give the impression of being of primary or manifest interest to their constituency... when it is actually of interest to a select person or group. In any case, the public can suffer from the loss of having a viable and true Representation. Hence, the people need a model of governance providing for a formula of self-representation and legislation of its direct Will.
Again, we solemnly and respectfully request that all those presently occupying authoritative positions and those seeking to replace those in governing posts, heed our assertion for exercising Leadership in our just Cause to promulgate a Cenocracy. But if said Leadership is found to be wanting, then we ask that you follow us and defer, for the allotted time necessary to effect The Will of The People; your skills of leadership to our directives until full Competency can be restored in accord with a new formula of social governance. However, if you would, for whatever rationale, reason, or preference choose not to lead or follow, then we must ask you to Vacate The Premises! of your publicly endowed assignment to those who are better suited for the task at hand.
Those refusing to vacate their assignment, howsoever they may legalistically define a right to rebuff our request, due to some obstinacy of character for abjuring a vote of no confidence submitted by the people; can thus be forcibly removed for violating the implied contractual agreement between the governed and those who govern... whose over-riding duty and responsibility is to the Will of The People. It is a will which can supersede any and all present and formerly established injunctions whether or not scripted into a legal statute. The rights of the people are not conscripted by legislated or observed laws or contemporaneously assimilated pronouncement of similarity, to deny the Right of the People to establish new Rights as they so collectively determine... with or without the assent of those in the authoritative positions of a practiced government who claim some preeminence of vicarious Representation.
Those who claim their responsibility and duty rests in some previously established job description are those practicing a specious consciousness of public concern... that is more interested in fulfilling the outlined program of a writ used as a justification for inflexibility then the actual transactions of currency involving the politics of human percipience— exercising dynamic exchange rates that must protest when the premiums of taxed patriotism become exorbitant and without adequate Representation. The present forms of "Representative" government are wholly inadequate and reflect the attitude of those with an intellect wanting to practice selectivity, a character of conscience better known as discrimination. It is impossible for the present forms of "Representative" government to adequately represent the diversity of human perception... particularly when levels of education and individual experiences can be as varied as the number of life forms inhabiting this planet. Though environmental circumstances can impose species-specific similarities of adaptation, diversification persists.
A Cenocratic practice of governance will permit an exercise for accepting a greater diversity of thought to be used as a tool to enhance humanity's means of adaptation to a changing human and planetary environment, not to mention those changes in the larger solar system and galaxy which affect life on Earth. Present Democratic standards of social governance deny humanity its greater repository of adaptive mechanisms involving conceptualization which is unduly constrained; like a culturally-enforced practice of genital mutilation, binding the feet of children, or flattening the skulls of infants. Presently practiced forms of "Representative" governance is an unprecedented cultural superstition which breeds wide-spread social dysfunctionality and the pernicious persistence of needless suffering in multiple guises. Societies of the world must move beyond the practice of such a discriminatory practice of governance. It is a form of accepted slavery, of accepted indentured servitude, that must be abolished by giving the people their due right to collectively voice and vote their own Will, without such a Will being violated by vicariousness presently known as a Government by a percentaged Representation.
Feigning innocence based on ignorance will be treated as an admission of inability to perform the required task of fulfillment in assisting the public in the establishment of a Cenocratically modeled social governance formula. Hence, you should neither be elected, or if in office, willingly resign if your attachment with the present structure of governing is like that of a short leash with which you are emotionally, intellectually or physically choked if you should strive to exercise your known normality outside the life-long regulated territorial claims of described Democratic equality, justice and liberty.
It is not that those who promote the ideals of Democracy are actually wrong, it is that they are not right enough. A Cenocracy will enable the people to more fully acquire the Democratic promises of a fairness in equality, justice and liberty as a fraternity of the human spirit in search of a path along which the promise of a better future can be realized. Presently practiced Democracies, however they may be analytically described in cultural terms of functionality; impose the requirement of an observed tradition to facilitate the largely unrecognized mindset occasioned by a Medieval secret society superimposed by superstitions which induces the fraternity to confabulate patriotisms within the turreted walls of a proscribed social practice which further deny enlarged experiences thereof in the light of day without the economic serfdom of democratically-styled harnesses.
We Cenocrats assert to break the chains of bondage created by principals of a Democracy that are as yet not fully realized.
We seek a publicly educated exercise of Liberty beyond the shadowed illusions of presumed democratically-styled Socratic caves. We implosively implore to show the world the presently practiced social philosophy as the fears of an antiquated mentality of a Monarchial superstition that defines truth through falsified Representation. Cenocracy will cast the light of a New Dawn upon the walls of Democracy's cave dwellers who will be seen as blind as the bats which have adopted compensatory abilities for a view of reality so very different than the actual of that to be appreciated by those willing to finally open their eyes.
We seek a practiced commonality of Justice beyond the weights of scales whose blinded intimations of assertiveness wields a double-edged system of legality— obviating the observance of a trichotomized system of checks-and-balances into a dichotomization of privileged preference and preferential treatment for those in a position of both effecting the opinion of governance and are conventionally subsumed there to.
We seek a fully functional fairness of equality that is Of, By and For the right of the people that is not predicated on the adoption of a mediocrity between the values of extremes used as a standard for describing the right, wrong, rich, poor, good and bad of an equanimity devised into a politically alterable charter of humility and egotism by way of a percentaged "Representative" count. Equality must include a fairness in the publicly exercised practice of a Redistributed socio-political power of systematized self-governance using an extended Checks -and- balances formula involving a publicly guided process of Referendum and Peoples Legislative Branch.
There is a preponderance of evidence in favor of the peoples' need and right to establish a Cenocracy. Those in authority as well as those seeking a position of authority are asked to review the evidence. While the presentation of such evidence is concrete by the mere presence of repeated protest without the ability for obtaining an actual and honest public redress of grievances against the whole of the government to the satisfaction of the people, the evidence presented may not be in the format to be ordained as permissible. Such a request for a particularlized ordination, under the present circumstances of continuing assaults on the Fraternity of our Citizenship (Equality, Justice, Liberty), is a reprehensible insult to our integrity as keen observers of both our patriotism and the incredulity of repeated authoritative tyrannies imposed upon us. There is little value in providing further evidence, when done so by those who are too ignorant to appreciate it, thus revealing any effort so directed to be the absurdity of flogging a dead horse. If they do not now have the intellectual wherewithal to accommodate the utilization of a jurisdictionally appropriated level of police science acumen in their program of investigative analysis; a "preponderated preponderable preponderance" of score-able evidence... that can colloquially be referred to as 'over-kill'... would be akin to an exercise of pixilated quixotics when it is fathomed that for all their socially recognized authoritative ceremony, their value of right and wrong are based some ritualized paganism of idolized rationality born of fears drawn on the canvas of conventionalized irrationality.
In asking for the assistance of prevailing authority to lead us towards and along a direction for the purpose of achieving a specific goal, the public may be shocked to find that some of those who profess having leadership skills will be void of this ability. While they can walk the walk and talk the talk, they are a politely practiced parrot having been taught certain social skills as one might train a pet. Their intelligence is not made from within, but is a characterization of learned reflexes highly tuned to give the impression of some legitimate capacity they are otherwise incompetent at. Some may in fact involve themselves in activities meant to distract us from our Cenocratic goals so that their incompetence of leadership can find a means of concealment by addressing a "more pressing task" for which they, or their supporters, or those seeking to maintain things as they are; want to use as an excuse in pursuing present Democracy's design of maintaining a goaless public ceremony of leadership that has no true vision for the people. Now is not the time for those evincing to practice a spirit of leadership to come forward. We need actual leaders to move us beyond the present jungle, the present Savannah, the present shores of Democratic practices. Cenocracy is an adventure, a destination, as well as a goal. All three are interrelated distinctions which complement one another like the Three Musketeers, three colored traffic signals, three large atomic particles (electrons - neutrons - protons), etc...
If those in present authoritative positions can not or will not lead us, we ask that you follow. But if you can't or won't follow, please get out of our way. We ask that you freely vacate your assigned post to make way for those who are more amiable to the Will of the People. We would prefer that you join us in our trek, learning as we will learn, come what may. The underlying spirit of humanity is a vaultless universe of undaunted curiosity guarded by a relentless sentinel of courage in whose heart is one's home, and one's home is the future ahead. It is time for humanity to venture towards home once again. We have rested far too long in this place called Democracy. It has been a welcomed territory to visit, but humanity's journey has barely begun. We need the leadership that has the vision of a new age and does not merely redress the present panorama with new titles and garments. We do not want to replace one politician for another whose presence will be little more than that of someone acting out a role on a social stage, just like their predecessor who wanted to see their name on some social lighted marquee. We ask for such leadership to come forward to lead us into that unknown called a Cenocracy. This is your calling.
A survey of history admits to the fact that some people are born into positions of leadership for which, under their tenure, they do a marvelous job. Others, do quite the opposite. And then there are those under a given circumstance who will rise to some needed occasion and be called a hero. Others are not so quick to be moved but nonetheless have an unexercised similar ability. Still others, in some quite moment, provide a needed word or gesture for which makes a world of needed difference in another's life. Yet others in a similar circumstance contribute much less. Different places, different occasions, different people. Nonetheless, if not some widely observed historical reference about someone or a group exceeding the normalized boundaries of social compliance to effect a greater standard because there is something of interest which matters very deeply to them; then it is by way of a personalized witness that we become impassioned. And though we might retrospectively make some comparison, correlation or contrast, each is unique and without equal. A Cenocracy is its own script, as it will have its own stage players and attendant supporters, just as other Revolutions before it have been.
Some will rise to the occasion of leadership at the beat of the Cenocratic drum. Others will follow only because the given terrain does not afford them the ability to walk or march side-by-side. And those that step to the side may do so only because their hearts, minds and souls wave the Cenocratic banner in front of everyone. Leadership takes many forms and must be respected for the role it plays in each of us. For those hearing the Cenocratic call, all of us are the leaders of a New Age that we believe in as an extension of the possibility of our humanity exceeding the farthest reach we have dared to grasp for. And in this possibility lays the probability. But convincing ourselves in such an existence is not the same as taking a step forward. Saying and doing are quite different so long as we keep them separated and do not confuse the two or accept that the first can be the second but that the second can not be the first, as one might philosophically jargonize with an enumeration of the former and the latter. It is a confusion that some can make between those who say they are a leader and those too busy to say it because they are actively engaged in being one. A Cenocracy is the desired Democracy present governing systems only pretend to be. The dress rehearsal is over. It is time for the real show of Democracy to take to the stage in full view and participation of the public.
Activities of leadership occur all over the world in various ways for varying moments of time. Because leadership involves courage, a person can be a leader unto themselves though such a practice may rarely be described as an expression of private leadership. The quality of leadership to which is presently spoken of is not that of a boss. While a boss may be called a leader by subordinates, a boss might well prefer to view themselves as a manager and a leader as someone for whom the word Boss is too guttural, too vulgar a term because it more readily denotes a less than deserved interpretation of someone who is a social leader in terms of a path finder. Though this is not to claim a leader is an epitome of excellence, it is just that they have qualities of character which are more prominent and useful than those eccentricities that are otherwise negligible attributes. But such a deference does not permit a leader to abuse their accepted standing in the eyes of those who believe in someone's leadership, so long as it does not transgress the boundary for disadvantaging them; as the position-decreed leadership of present governing systems have, on occasion, practiced.
Some people are fearful of leadership positions because they think it requires them to know more than others. Others generalize the avoidance by saying it is a fear of responsibility, though such a generalization can be taken too far and overlook specificities of practiced responsibility such as by way of a job promotion, devotion to an unfinished task, or something else a person just decides to do something without even thinking about what they are doing is an expression of leadership. Some assume the role of leadership though it may be referred to in everyday terms such as mother, father teacher, etc... They are all leadership positions. And most are social leadership positions. And one might assume, because of the wide variability in human behavior, that everybody expresses their own personality of leadership. Granted that some details, such as making breakfast for school kids is similar in many households, there are particularities of difference which, under close examination, might easily reveal themselves to analytically descriptable discrimination which illustrate uniqueness in leadership qualities.
But the usage of an inclination towards generalities can be of value when discussing Protests and Revolutions, because they, when presented in the format of an historical overview... can append with some accreditation; to denote they are usually conducted with the combined efforts of several people who might be identified as a leader, though some readers might be more accustomed to think of leadership as being represented by one person. Very often, a person selected for a titled position of leadership is someone chosen to act as a arbitrator for those trying to assert their opinion over one or more others. In such an instance they are more like a referee or parental figure of authority, though their tasks may not be limited solely to this function. It is also well known that a person selected for a leadership role can be those who are described as a "Figure-head", because it is either due to a practice of tradition or a commonly exercised means of taking the spot-light off of those who are acting as a silent leader so that they can participate in an adult version of the old hide-n-seek game many have played as children... though the actual "seeking" may be done by a political or other subject-related analyst in some academic setting.
While a Protest or Revolution may have several leaders, it is necessary that some function of centrality be practiced in order that the observing public does not get the the impression that the Protestors and Revolutionists are acting as a multi-headed beast, a point brought out by Alexander Pope (1688-1744) in his "The First Epistle From The First Book Of Horace":
120 to 123:
Well, if a king's a lion, at the least
The people are a many-headed beast.
Can they direct what measures to pursue,
Who know themselves so little what to do?
Note: The line: "The people are a many-headed beast" was a term used by Socrates in Plato's Republic.
No matter how well intentioned a Protest and Revolution may be, or the leadership capabilities, a misperception of disunity by the public can be a death toll for a social movement's interests if it does not regroup, reinvest, or reinvent itself. It must advance beyond its initial primivity either in tactics or increased attendance or word-of-mouth acceptance. It is the same situation one encounters by an initial job offering. Those who are first to arrive on the scene may well be those who act impulsively at all things and may quickly exhibit a disinterest, like a child engaging in a seasonal Easter egg hunt. While this is not necessarily always true, it is a reason some employers date-stamp employment applications other than as a general accounting exercise. They want to know not only who first responds, but in what respect they heard of the job. There is a psychology to the process of hiring prospective job applicants, with the "psychology" based on a host of deductive abilities, only some of which are brought to bear by way of a federally-mandated non-discrimination hiring policy. It is a formulation that plays out, in a thematic way, when people invest their time in a Protest or Revolution. A job, just like a Protest and Revolution, may not long hold the interest for some who jump at the first opportunity to participate. Like kids on a block, some kids just want to play the game as a temporary amusement, distraction or means to get a chance to address some personal perspective... but their interest may quickly fizzle out because the opportunity to participate did not easily nor quickly provide some incentive to invest more time and energy in.
On the other hand, there are some people who will live and breathe a particular Protest or Revolution just as do some who are a "die-hard" fan to a sports team, musical group, science, medicine, mathematics, baking, cooking, gardening, wood- working, sculpting, hunting, fishing, hotrodding, etc... Not to mention the many workaholics some have had the occasion to encounter at one place or another. While a psychologist might want to describe some individuals as exhibiting obsessive/compulsive behavior, most of us are more generous in our descriptive repertoire by saying someone is dedicated. Dedication to a Cause is extremely important for a goal to be realized. Though the "Cause" may be a College Degree or learning some trade well enough to get a job certification entitlement in order to practice a particular trade for which one can earn a living at. Such acts are leadership positions as well, in that we take charge of one's own life, though most of us may not regularly engage in a similar line of descriptive labeling and definition. A Protest or Revolution must have an underlying commitment of principled dedication if it wants to achieve its goal. This quality of character is particularly necessary if one's goals are set against changing a long-practiced tradition which, over time, may have accumulated a large body of philosophy to support its usage.
There is both an art and science to the job hiring practice, as there is to a Protest and Revolution... though some might want to include a note about spirituality as well. Prospective candidates for a job or Protest are necessarily attracted to one position or another, be it one of leadership or follower... both choose to participate. While the job seeker pursues a paycheck and benefits, along with an attempt to boost their career status; a person in a Protest or Revolution may not necessarily articulate a specific payment or benefit to be received other than to achieve the reward of an accomplished goal for which some protestors don't really care one way or another about; and are present only to be part of something "larger" than themselves, of which a crowd of people is always larger than a single person... related to the study of people who are attracted to the mere presence of a crowd. Even someone with a college degree can get into a habit of engaging in the employment equivalent of a temporary worker in that they go from job to job, in search of some "perfect" job they are best suited for, like a knight in search of the Golden Grail, Golden Fleece, or that which will turn lead into gold. Similarly, some Protestors and Revolutionists like to engage themselves in different fashions of social "movements". The wearing of such a hat is just something to do... in a sort of monkey see, monkey do reflectivity of behavior. In short, some people are not involved in a situation for the long haul, as a sky-rocketing divorce rate should attest to.
Yet by the same token, there are those who can't seem to hold a job but are well-suited to a Protest and Revolution as if it were the singular most important career choice. They live and breathe a Protest or Revolution and will gladly sacrifice their life, so long as it's Cause is Just and principled. They may well interpret that everything they have done up till the moment of joining in the Principled Just Cause has been a sort of on-the-job training to develop skills necessarily attuned to the task at hand. Like so many in the past who would have otherwise lived and died a mediocre existence, the presence of a social conflict gives them an opportunity to make a difference. There would be no Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Gandhi, or Abraham Lincoln as we know them today, if it weren't for the conditions to which they were apart of. They and others would have passed away into obscurity. Then again, if there had been no social ills, we wouldn't have needed them. But social ills continue to crop up and so is the need for leadership to address such problems. While some instances do require the abilities of a general office worker that any number of people might well be adept at performing, there are other leadership positions which require genuine vision... and not the same vision of others aligned with a different label.
But when those who are placed into positions of authority do not exhibit the necessary leadership to correct social injustices, we can either blame them or look at the system to which they inherited to operate in. All too often we blame those in authority for doing or not doing something and thus want to replace them with another who likewise turns out to exhibit an inability to make positive and enduring changes. Instead, they may make some small change exhibited in a grandiose way as if that which they had done was to be an act similar to Moses' supposed parting of the Red Sea. Hence, after several generations of exchanging one politician for another only to find society in a continuance of problematics, it is of need for us to take a serious look at the basic design of the system politicians are directed to work in. As any teenager or younger child might well comment after saying "DUH": if you keep putting money into a machine that continues dispensing out the wrong product, putting more money into the system will not correct the problem when the problem exists in the design... but not previously realized as a potentially future problem because it was beyond the purview of those involved in the initial design of formulation, formation and foundation. In other words, stated in context, we need a new social governance machine. The present Democratic machine isn't broken, it works exactly as it was initially set up to do. It is operating perfectly correct just like a sundial, mill-house water wheel, or lead pencil. They do best what they are designed to do. Alternative uses have to involve a redesign. (Please note that there is an intended distinction between "use" and application to be used and applied here.)
If one would want to argue that the basic design of our governing systems should not be tampered with because they are beyond reproach, this is readily acknowledged as nonsense because most of us would not care to return to a system of governance as it was initially put forth. Imagine the Black community being forced back into slavery. Or women, Native Americans and people without land being excluded from an ability to vote. And though one might want to use these examples to remark that the initial design of our government has already been improved on by way of amendments, this is a testament not only to our growth but also to our dependent ignorance on the sentimentalized retention of a mechanism -of- thought for which there exists a superior formula to replace it with.
People react to new ideas in a lead (advocate), follow (accept) or vacate (attack, advise against, etc.,) manner. Some do so impulsively, others have to mull upon the information over-time like an old farmer set to "studying" the situation while rocking on a porch swing as they whittle on a twig. Some just go along with the views of a loved on, a friend, neighbor or other person of frequent or even infrequent acquaintance. Cenocracy is a new idea, and will take time to be gain a word-of-mouth status and generalized understanding. It will need a wide spectrum of different leaderships to accomplish this and it ultimate adoption.
(Note: in more colloquial, westernized 'cowboy' terms, the phrase "Vacate The Premises!" would be denoted as "Get out of Dodge!")
Date of Origination: Monday, January 5, 2015 2:14 AM
Date of initial posting: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Updated posting: Thursday, September 24, 2015