The Declaration of Greater Independence: A preliminary description of a
much larger list that others might easily add to...
IN PUBLIC, .......... 2015.
The Declaration of the People of the United States of
America, and no doubt elsewhere in the world...
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,
and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal
station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a
decent respect for the opinions of humanity requires that we should
declare the causes which impel us to seek a separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the public, —That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
the Right of the People to administrate, alter or abolish it, and to institute
a New Government (a Cenocracy), laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and
accordingly all experience has shown, that humans are more ofte disposed to
suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing
the forms (of governance) to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses
and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Objective... which evinces a design to
reduce us under absolute Despotism or its vagaries such as a Aristocratic
Plutocracy, it is our right, it is our duty,
to throw off such a Government, and to provide new Guards for our future
security, happiness and progress.
Such has been the patient sufferance of the people in the United States and
elsewhere in the world; and such is now the necessity which constrains us to alter
our present Systems of Government. The history of the present governing structure
of the United States and other governments in the world, is a history of repeated
injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute
Tyranny over the People. To
prove this, let a few examples of Facts be submitted to those in the world
seeking candidness and not a perpetuation of the many illusions and delusions
provided to a public for its manipulation.
- The government has refused its Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and
necessary for the public good with Equality as the watchword... or, for
example, the Equal Rights Amendment for women would be passed into law.
- It has forbidden the public to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance
to the safety and security of animals and the environment, unless suspended in their
operation till its Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, it has neglected
to attend to them, mangled them to utter uselessness, or caused the people to be
subjected to further indifferences of having our collective Will undermined.
- It has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of
people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Self-Representation to
a Council, Legislature or single governing official, all of whom are at times out
of touch with the public; being a necessary Right inestimable to us and formidable
to tyrants only.
- It has opportuned events of secrecy to affect legislation inimical to the public,
thus permitting legislative bodies to practice its discussions in places unusual,
uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of our public support, for the sole
purpose of fatiguing us into compliance with its measures.
- It has disregarded Representative Protests repeatedly, for opposing
with solemn firmness its invasions on the rights of the people.
- It has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause the
lesser of two or more evils to be elected; whereby their Legislative powers,
incapable of Annihilation through the Will of the People, have returned
to the People at large for their exercise; the People remaining in the
mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and
convulsive degeneracy within.
- It has endeavoured to prevent the population of our protests; for that
purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to
pass others to encourage the migrations of our protests hither, and raising
the conditions of new Appropriations of ownership.
- It has obstructed the Administration of Justice according to the collective
Will of the People, by refusing Its Assent to Laws for establishing a Peoples
Legislative Branch having a necessary means to instrumentalize "The Last Word"
preeminence, by way of the collective Assent of the people.
- It has enabled Judges to legislate laws from their bench, dependent on
their Will alone, for the tenure of their offices.
- It has enabled Legislatures the ability to determine their salaries and
cost of living allowances as well as other perks and incentives, paid for
by the taxes of those who do not share this ability for themselves, and
may have considerably fewer benefits such as an equal level of health-care.
- It has created laws based primarily on the collective perspective of
a few, than the perspective of the whole of the Nation.
- It has erected New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass
our people by way of policies, procedures and civil asset forfeitures, which
eat away at the substance of our confidence in the government's ability or
desire to treat us all fairly, equally and judicially.
- It has permitted a Judicial system to buttress its own illegal activities
by self-support and legislative refusal to act on our behalf against those
who feel their position entitles them to be above the law.
- It has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies of self-made
ideas involving acts of Terrorism, without the Consent of our investigations
into its terrorist-mongering efforts in order to perpetrate some ulterior motive
that is not in the best interest of the public.
- It has given itself entitlements to define abuses of life and property
as a "necessary evil" for some ill-defined greater good that we are forced
to defer to, or else be subjected to various harrassments.
- It has affected to render the All of Government independent of
and superior to the Civil power of Collective consent.
- It has permitted officials to escape prosecution for wrong doings to
the Nation's own peoples or some foreign public, allowing them to retire
will a full pension, and then asking for public forgiveness, no matter what
atrocity has been carried out.
- It has provided no-bid government contracts worth billions of dollars
which is anti-thetical to a Democratic process for insuring fairness and
equality in doling out public monies, that the public has no means of
addressing any wrong doing thereof.
- It refuses to initiate and finalize, under the auspices of the entire
public, discussions concerning the adoption of a National Voting Standard
which would impact the definition of what is meant by someone being accepted
as a "citizen", and how their rights would be affected accordingly.
- It refuses to accept a change in governance requiring any and all
governing activities to have public oversight, in non-security sensitive
areas as defined by the public, and not those wishing to extend personalized
entitlements to themselves.
- It has provided itself with the entitlement of immunity to be defined
and applied as needed, while if a person in the general public asks for
the same, we are at fault for seeking an equal level of equality above and
beyond that which they want to solely be reserved for themselves.
- It has deliberately refused to intervene in the commissions of crimes on the
public by individuals or businesses, so that when it does intervene, it may increase
its own coffers, through increased fines, because the individual or business was
allowed to cheat the public out of its money or other property. Intervening too
soon would only provide a small amount of money to be gathered by way of a fine.
- It has directed the Military to withhold intervention so as to increase the depth
and breath of a conflict so that simple situations can turn into complex ones that
will enable it to more easily conceal various ulterior activities that are more easily
hidden during moments of increased tension, confusion, and enlarged stressful conditions.
- It has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our
constitution, thus rendering the Constitution into a document foreign to the
sensibilities of a people whose collective Will is denied its own Representation
that should be fully acknowledged by our laws; and giving his Assent to the Acts
of pretended Legislation:
- For Quartering large bodies of deliberately perpetrated apprehensions and fears among
us, to better effect excuses to be used as "credible evidence" reasons
for invading privacy and instituting coercive actions which produce corrosive
relations between the governed and those who govern:
- For protecting themselves, by a mock Trial... from punishment for any Murders,
Mischief or Mayhem which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these
States, or the innocents of numerous others abroad:
- For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world to serve its
own political interests, no matter what consequences are dished-out to the
public as scraps, such as having to defer to coporate directives that
remove (outsource) jobs to other countries, deposit profits in accounts
external to our borders in order to evade paying taxes, and inviting those
of other countries to work within our own borders under the claim of some
specialized ability, so as to pay a cheaper wage and/or practice a different
(lower) benefit structure as a means of undermining labor laws:
- For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent, convened into a legality
by way of legislation that We The People have never collectively aggreed to:
- For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of a Trial by Jury
equal to that which the wealthy and government officials are provided with:
- For transporting peoples beyond Seas to be held against their will based
on fabricated facts of guilt or because of mere suspicion; as well as being
subjected to trials based on criteria other than a civil court, in order to
render harser penalties for pretended offences... thus increasing hatred
for a public that had nothing to do with such egregious strategies of
confinement, segregate detention, and abuses for which, when found out,
only minor employees are subjected to social scruntiny and rebuke.
- For establishing work-place atmospheres of evility that attract like-minded
individuals to its ranks, akin to giving gang members and gangsters legal authority
to act out criminal or immoral impulses with impunity.
- For effecting opportunites by way of social discord at home or abroad, that
will favor the chances by which their political campaign and career donors can
acquire reimbursement at percentages in the million or billion-fold range.
- For deliberating initiating acts which cause world opinion to force it to open
its borders to refugees who have no past allegiance to the Nation or its customs,
bringing with them those attitudes and views that the populace thinks is detrimental
to the sovereignty of the Nation, and yet the citizenry is not permitted to voice
its opinion to the point for establishing any law on this or any other issue of
National social importance.
- For abolishing a purported System of Legislated Laws by permitting laws to be
legislated from a Judicial Representative, such as the Supreme Court... establishing
therein the acts of an Arbitrary government, and enlarging their Boundaries so as
to render themselves at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same
absolute rule into all its venues:
- For taking away our Charters of common sense, abolishing our most valuable and
vulnerable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Self-Government ideals:
- For suspending our own Legislatures of Protest, and declaring themselves invested
with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever, as if their position
automatically bestows them with an erudite wisdom, intelligence and experience.
- It persists in promoting itself as the best arbitrator for selecting those to
abitrate between itself and its accusers who denounce its recurring actions of
wrong doing, that persist decade after decade.
- It fails to recognize and act on the realization that principles upon which
the first Declaration of Independence was formulated were hypocritically practiced,
and that the ensuing Constitution replicates this mentality of hypocrisy... thus
creating more instances of practiced double-standards which give birth to needless
conflicts of interest influenced by greed that becomes adulterated and commercialized
into myriad forms of self-defeating ambivalences.
- It has at times abdicated Government at its arbitrary implementation, by
declaring us out of its Protection and waging Political War against us with the
various bureaucratic armaments to affect our health, education and/or welfare.
- It has plundered our seas of Equality, ravaged our Coasts of Liberty, burnt
our towns of ownership value, and destroyed the lives of our people by its many
influential machinations.
- It has at this time transporting large Armies of both foreign and domestic
Mercenaries to instigate, complicate, or complete the works of death, desolation
and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely
paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the leader of a civilized
- It continues to provoke a dissolution of social harmony by engaging in confidence
scams tailored to our interest in affected patriotisms and respectful deference to
those whose positions of authority are designed and designated first and foremost
to promote the common weal (wealth), and not be used as an opportunistic stepping
stone to promote personalized ulterior motives with or without a centralized regard
for the citizenry.
- It has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive by the injuries it
has caused to so many innocents in different parts of the globe, forcing
people of conscience to bear Arms against its tyranny, to become the executioners
of that which their friends and Brethren are still disposed to illusion as
being right and good, or to fall themselves by their efforts to free the
people to experience a more promising formula of governance.
- It has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured
to bring on the inhabitants of our global frontiers, the merciless terrorist
Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of
all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most
humble terms: Our repeated Petitions and Protests have been answered only by the
repeated injury of indifference. A government whose character is thus marked by
recurring acts which may define a Tyrant or disaffected stranger, is unfit to be
the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our global brethren. We have warned
our governments from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an
unwarrantable jurisdiction over us... but to no avail. We have reminded them of the
circumstances of our emigration towards Revolution and settlement upon the repository
of lands only a full measure of Democracy reveals. We have appealed to their native
justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred
to disavow their usurpations of our rights, equality and liberty... which would
inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. Yet, they have remained
deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce
in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest
of humanity who practice a falsified democracy, regardless of how so named: Our Friends
in Peace— Our Enemies in War.
We, therefore, Representatives seeking a Cenocracy (New Government), in our
global General Congress, Assembled in spirit, appealing to the World as the Judge
for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good
People of this, solemnly publish and declare, That We The People are, and of Right
ought to Free and Independent; to conduct our self-governance by way of our collective
Will, that we are Absolved from all Allegiance to any false Communism, Democracy,
Socialism or other form of similarly practiced government, and that all political
connection between us and them, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as
Free and Independent People, we have full collective Power to levy War, conclude
Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things
which Independent bodies of people may of right do. And for the support of this
Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence (for those
who believe in such), we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and
our sacred Honor.
The Following signatures on the Declaration can appear in Alphabetical Order
according to global position if given... (since some people engage in an
adult formula of hide-n-seek, sometimes referred to as "staying off the grid".):