Cenocracy is a Do-It-Yourself formula of social self-Governance, while presently practiced governing structures are social programs for instilling a You can't Do-It-Yourself literacy -of- ignorance; to enhance a self-serving authoritative few to more easily promote the illusion of choice which actually are measured options for increased dependency. Part of this "literacy of ignorance" is to convince the public it is too stupid to conduct its own social self-governing practice and requires some assumed "professional", someone with unique experience and training to represent us. The public is not permitted to acknowledge that is so called superior experience and training comes by way of an On-The-Job instruction. The public is not supposed to become conscious of the fact that such so-called "political professionalism" relies heavily on trial and error as well as mimicry... like so many other skills acquired in every single occupation.
The Cenocratic Movement for the adoption of a Cenocracy is a Do-It-Yourself occupation with an "On-The-Job" requirement for establishing the necessary skills for effecting competence. However, despite some would-be journalistic inclination to align these basic concepts with some trite political expose' referenced as a "grass roots" initiative or movement... it must be acknowledged that such a genre of usage very often deprecates the sincerity of effort because it is perceptually entrenched with that to be equated with something that is to be taken less serious and provided with less respect than that which is being promoted by those of a presumed professional or socially authoritative accountability. The phrase "grass roots" can quickly become demurred to a point of polite humor or out-right jocularity by those who know how to manipulate the media to produce support for a diametrically opposed idea that serves the interests of a select few... though the tabulated count of these "few" might well be in the thousands or then some. Generalities of interpretation used by some journalists do not always coincide with a respective inclination for appropriate distinction.
A "Do-It-Yourself" Cenocractic movement entails an ancient approach of public attendance applied to old provocations of needing more equalized redistributions of socio-political power by way of a new formula of social self-governance. Like so many other things learned through diligent application, patience, perseverance, exploration, creativity, trial -and- error, risk taking guesstimation, love, humor, curiosity, a sense of adventure, as well as many other individualized aptitudes— the people can learn to govern themselves. While the task at hand does not provide for a weekly pay-check in any conventional sense, nor is it an allowance for completed chores or an under-the-table, free-of-tax capital venture as might be expected from a proposed yard or garage sale... the achievement of the goal will nonetheless tip the scales of the usual pecuniary allotment... for that which will be earned for ourselves and our posterity will be valued as priceless. It is that which We The People deserve to fully own through a greater equalized redistribution of socio-political enabling (power).
Thousands upon thousands of people start their own businesses and develop individualized skills for a given task by simply taking the time to apply their energies in a concerted direction. Yes, some businesses fail and people lose interest in a given task, but they nonetheless learn something they didn't know before. Others seem to fail miserably at one task after another, and yet come to the fore-front of leadership when certain conditions present themselves. Some people rise to particular occasions, while others support them and thus make an enormous contribution in their participation. The activities and expressions unleashed in riots, protests and revolutions exemplify the existence of untapped sources of energy that present governing systems do not know how to utilize to benefit everyone. Instead, they develop both assaultive and defensive measures out of fear because authoritative figures of these governing structures assimilate large sums of the same literacy -of- ignorance they dole out to others.
The people can govern themselves so long as the structure of government is respectfully architectured in this regard. Present governing structures want the people to define themselves individually and collectively from the perspective of a learned dependency. Present governing structures are a deliberate exercise in promoting a retardation of both an individualized and a collective "self"-identity. The public is not permitted to gain the necessary level of "self"-confidence to collectively direct the course of their lives as they see fit, without that perception being mangled to coincide with the ulterior motives of distorted Representative images. Day in and day out, time and again, their are millions which practice various forms of a Do-It-Yourself preference. The people can learn. We The People have untapped capacities of talents, giftedness and genius that could be exercised into a developed maturity to benefit all of humanity but are enslaved from doing so by present governing structures which, first and foremost, want the people to remain subjugated to the prevailing literacy -of- ignorance promoted by those who have acquired a niche' in the prevailing system of insuring public compliance chained by a form of dependency used as both a system of reward and punishment. Indeed, it is a crime to the underlying spirit of humanity whose below breath grumblings are a chorused cadence wrought by an indentured servitude which conceals both the crime and punishment.
Present governing structures breed a largely unrecognized form of slavery which binds the underlying spirit of humanity whose prayers for freedom go unheeded because the mindset of present authority view the freedom of the people to have a true "self"-government as a threat to their niche' of existence. Present governing structures are a labyrinth of cages within a fence compound closely guarded by an ideological confinement to ensure varying levels of imposed constraint. Present overseers do not comprehend that they too are playing a role in socially sanctioned kaleidoscopic découpage. Their business, their government, their religion has controlled their heart, mind and soul for so long they are unable to recognize they play a role as a trustee with which their ego defines as a reference to achieved excellence instead of as a different type of collar with a longer leash. They participate in a system of constraint which binds the hearts, minds and souls of the public from a full realization— a full actualization of that "self" which yearns for Declaring a Greater Independence!
It is time for the people to blaze their own trail... to be their own path finders... to not be continually enslaved by social processes of business, government or religion whose authority are so insecure that they would connive, contrive, and conspire to keep the people dependent on their whimsical interpretations of liberty, justice and equality... because they have learned how to effectively use and circumvent the prevailing systems to advantage themselves, though so very many of us must suffer the consequential deprivations of their self-centeredness born of insecurities and a fear that the people will come to demand— to make a Declaration For Greater Independence to unleash the untapped greatness of the people. It is time for the youthfulness of "We The People" to stand up and speak for itself. This is beginning of their future and we must take hold of it.
We The People can learn the necessary art, science and spirituality necessary to govern ourselves. As life matures and leaves the nest, leaves the cave, and leaves the bounds which fetters it to the days of youth, so must the public let go of the apron strings of the present Representative government forms. We The People must find our own way into a future which will open up a trek of adventure that even the greatest of story tellers and writers of fiction have as yet not imagined even as a distant possibility. We The People can no longer be enslaved by the lack of imagination being forced upon us by current forms of governance which are little more than modernized forms of subsistence servitude.
We The People must forge a new trail of what is meant by "Self-government". It is a largely unexplored territory which will require all businesses, governments and religions to adapt to the psyche of a species ascending in maturity of a poorly understood and unrealized self. They will have to adapt to the maturing "Self" of a people like aging parents accepting the realization that their children are maturing into adults... Though the disposition of the adulthood to be defined will necessarily exhibit the role model of those who can either nurture the growth or attempt to impede it because their insecurity has trouble dealing in a mature way with another adult with whom they know only how to deal with as a dependent child.
We The People must be prepared to be subjected to tactics of bullyism that might well be used by current forms of business, government and religious governance in an attempt to pressure us into refraining from insisting on the Right to fully govern ourselves. No doubt they will resort to using examples meant to portray the people as dullards and incompetents, though many of them must rely on the people to obtain their position. No doubt they will attempt to disguise direct frontal assaults by using so-called experts in one or another field of esteemed accreditation to provide a disparaging opinion against our claims for a Greater Independence. No less may they or their confederates use any measure of to-be presumed logical discourse to dissuade the public from providing approval. They may well resort to applying every previously successful trick and deceit reinforced by undisclosed resources which they tailor into a formula for perpetrating suppression, oppression and digression of the public's convictions. They may well attempt to use direct force if confiscation, deprivation and insinuation have not given them much profit in their desire to deter the people from a fuller measure of actual self-rule.
No doubt detractors of a Cenocracy will attempt to deride its value by engaging in the besmirching of those who are its advocates. But no single person is representative of a Cenocracy. To attack the implementation of a Cenocracy is to attack us all. But to attack any one of us in an effort to derail the momentum of a Cenocracy is the action of those who do not comprehend that which truly underlies its character. Cenocracy is not a flow of water to be damed up. It is not a fire to be fought with fire. It is not a mound of earth to be flattened. It is not a wind to be harnessed for the sails of government, the windmills of business, of the bellows of religious fires. It is a sustained breath of needed fresh air. It is fertile virgin soil. It is the rising promise of a new day. It is the cleansing rains of nourishment... for the 3 seeds of heart, mind and embodied soul which will sprout into a new crop to feed the hungered yearnings for an enhanced Liberty, Justice and Equality.
Let us say hello to Cenocracy with an up-righted stretched arm reaching up and outwards to a better future. It is here for the people. It has arrived to free us from the many enslavements which have caused so much misery in as many forms as can be comprised within the auspices of modernized logic and morality. The implementation of a Cenocracy is a sustained Revolution of, by and for the people. It will endure so long as the Will of the People endures and is not manipulatively subjugated for the many to serve a few whose ceremonies are meant for them... and the public's attentions are relegated to a role of being an audience for their egos to egotistically display a personally contrived rationale of humility. It is a rationale which may well claim that our Declaration for Greater Independence is an unconscionable character of arrogance... and that their claims of righteousness are naturally endowed with a morality profaned by our deliverance from their hypocrisies to be achieved through the application of a Cenocracy. Cenocracy has begun to be whispered of. And some of those whispers have become small echoes. But it needs only one echo to reach full expression... so that it can be echoed and those larger echoes become an accepted idea that needs to be fully realized.
Our Declaration For Greater Independence is not the hubris of youth... though some observers may well use the analogy of a young buck challenging an old buck to a head banging contest... while other observers on the sidelines seek to contrive a means to advantage self-centered personal goals by fomenting circumstances which amount to producing a situation of interlocked antlers... that will enable them to more easily pick-pocket the public while it is distracted. There is nothing that a business, government or religion will not do, under the guise of concealment, to keep the people subjugated to their perceptions born of insecurity that wants others to share in as the only actual reality with which to be concerned about. The public is fettered to perceptions which perpetrate the illusion of liberty, justice and equality like a puppet unable to see that it remains attached by way of invisible strings and is impressed upon with a deluded self-image evincing helplessness.
The idea for a new form of defined "Self"-government has been explored by other pages authored at this site. But it has not been viewed from the present perspective with respect to acknowledging the accepted usage of the word "self" in other contexts, but is presently denied a similar adoption in self-governance. For example, we of today have various forms of Do-It-Yourself household and construction projects, not to mention Do-It-Yourself vehicle repair manuals, tax preparation, gardening, book publishing, second language learning, cooking, baking, etc., etc., etc...
Yet, the public is not permitted to learn the art of governing themselves outside the domain of some Representative model which describes the "self" in 'self-government' in a vicarious or substitute way. The people are taught this is the foremost model of governance they must adhere to, because they're too stupid to learn how to acquire the skills for such a purposeful project. While they are permitted to teach themselves some arts and crafts technique for which they may achieve some notable level of accomplishment, they are unable to do so for collectively governing themselves. The image of their "self" is defined, by way of the governing design, to be that which belittles, derides and besmirches the public's ability to govern itself. And they are not permitted to think outside this opinion for the purpose of altering the model already set into place as if it were THE mold with which to use not as a general guidance but as the sole objective of which we should all aspire to as if it with the ultimate goal.
The people are forced to practice governance according to the dictates of a model drawn up in ages past and venerated as an unimpeachable tradition they are not permitted to improve upon, even when they have a better idea. They are taught and expected to learn to respect the already-in-place governing model that others fashion their life in accordance with, thereby defining some workable niche' that affords them some semblance of desired life and life-style for which they are to be given some historical recognition for. They like the present model because they have learned to develop some means of self-application which minimizes the efforts of most others. They prefer a system which does not actively seek out the best ideas from the larger population and have the larger population be able to pursue the ideas into a developed fruition from which might be derived better legislation and laws.
Cenocracy's form of Do-It-Yourself governing model deprives the present authoritative few from exerting their views on the Many if the Many should find those views to be as self-centered as they were intended, under the guise of some illusory vicariously appropriated self-governance called "Representative" government. It's Representative alright. Representative of a lack of Self-Representation.
In ages past, people were viewed not only viewed as being self-reliant, but were expected to be. But this self-reliance was etched away by governing systems that were put into place by the intrigues of a few who conspired to construct a system in which they could nonetheless control for personal advantages. Their measurement of equality was based on a type of Wealth Redistribution that tipped all scales in their favor. If land was free, they claimed to own it or force ownership thereof so as to rent, lease or sell it for whatever they wanted. Yet, there also remains the ability by which governing authority can reclaim bought, leased or sold land by an act called Right-of-Eminent domain which could be effected not by the vote of the many, but a selective rationale of those whose position exercises a monarchial- styled decision. Yet, many forms of so-called ownership are programs of rent or lease by way of taxation. So long as you pay your taxes you are permitted to own a piece of property or are allowed to operate it in terms of a vehicle. There is no actual real ownership of commodities; that may be reclaimed, "at-will", by present governing structures. Under the present system of so-called Democratically applied capitalistic economics, one's presumed ownership of one's home is little more than a long-term lease for which they may pay out a tax... and insurance on for twenty years or more. There is little value in property when one's "ownership" is a leasing program for the benefit of a government whose tax-subsidized services is meant to increase its own ownership of a person's dependency on it.
The "At-Will" disposition of governments means rental or lease without a contract. Whereas people in the past owned property that they lived on and worked for daily subsistence, those wielding some force of power took it upon themselves to claim the land for themselves by contriving legal standards to effect a right-of-way; and made those who were on the land into Tenants-At-Will... that the government could dispense with whenever a greater profit were to be made in some other fashion.
An example of this is when the British government went into India and slowly etched away at the communal rights of the people who owned a bit of land so long as the used it for their subsistence. If the people were unable to provide the ruling government system at the time with a proportion of its resources, it was not forced to. The British government's position was to alter the governing structure to the British model in which land became deeded so that it could be rented or bought and sold, as well as requiring the titled owner to pay taxes based on a practice of assessment which could be arbitrarily raised without the people having a say-so in the matter. The British continued using the same old governing and economic model which caused America to split from it and which would prove to be the reason the public of India was promoted into a perspective of Nationalism by a few who wanted to return the governance of India back to Indians. But Nationalism often breeds instances of opportunity for one or more to effect their own models of "At-Will" policies and procedures.
All Monarchs, Emperors and Dictators have practiced variations of this perspective, if we can assume that their peers throughout history, though perhaps not recorded, exhibited a similar mentality of public control. It is the same sort of practice used by businesses who, through government participation at breaking up Union control that migrates towards expressions of a Monopoly; manipulate the public into accepting a "Right-to-Work" doctrine that conceals their ability of applying a "Hired-At-Will" clause of observed legality to serve the interests of the business authority and not the people. A "Right-to-Work" practice very often becomes followed by exercises of further employee exploitation in the form of reducing wages or working hours, the latter tactic used to circumvent the requirement of having to pay for a portion of an employee's health care premium for a given number of hours worked. Thus, the people are subjected to a socialized business culture in which businesses are permitted the leverage to dictate their terms of employment because of their own increased Right-to-hire, fire, retire, and minimize the cost of wages because the government permits businesses to further dictate how many employment positions are to be made available to a large pool of excess workers that exists because companies can be as stingy as they want in an attempt to hold down costs. The public is subjected to the grumblings of company owners who want to amass small or large fortunes but are too scared to turn their ire and anger towards a monopolistic medical establishment that the government subsidizes by not addressing the problem.
The present forms of presumed "self"-governance exhibit the usage of a "Right- to-self-Rule" doctrine that conceals the ability of a few for applying a "Public-At- Will" clause of observed legality to serve the interests of the political authority... and their supporters... first and foremost, and not "All" the people... though governing bodies should at least effect a non-partisan disposition of professionalism while in office. Like workers who think they have acquired some great unimpeachable benefit by denoting the affirmation of a Right-To-Work, the larger public thinks that it too has acquired some great accomplishment by the notions of enhanced Equality, Justice and Liberty by way of a Right-To-Vote... Yet, this so-called Right-To-Vote and assumed accompanying privileges (Equality, Justice, Liberty) are savagely minimized into performing a type of to-be-earned bonus that is arbitrarily defined and measured according to the political environment in vogue. Indeed, even the presumed "Right" to Vote is fraught with decidedly uneven equalities such as, to give but one example, a person having reached the age of seventeen, with a High school diploma or equivalency, can serve in the U.S. Armed forces to die for their country, but not be able to vote or acquire other age-provisioned benefits. Present governing systems are so caught up in promoting traditions that a developed common sense is viewed as an anomaly of character to be shunned.
The present systems of governance, though they make an asserted claim towards avoiding the pitfalls of an illiterate population by enforcing policies for ensuring some acquired measure of literacy... do not readily appreciate that such governing systems also encourage their own cultural brands of literate ignorance. For example, in many countries there is an avowed determination to make a particular population 100% literate, as might be defined by being able to read, write, and articulate at say a level of the seventh grade— yet this too is an observable level of illiteracy in terms of reasoning as might be defined by being unable to recognize that increased standards of literacy develop their own standards of incorporated ignorance. Likewise, higher standards of defined wealth also define higher standards of definable poverty that are not assailed as such because they are compared with even lesser standards of poverty and not the subject of wealth that they must contend with in the respective context of appearance. For example, a poor person in America might be compared with a poor person in a third world country so as to be viewed as having wealth in order to promote the view of those whose personal gains are made possible in a cultural climate of unequalized equality. Advocates for a greater personal wealth derived from unequalized distributions of resources and socio-political power are always inclined to subject an analysis of conditions which they created by unequal standards of comparison.
Imposing an equalized Do-It-Yourself Cenocratic governance formula might well lead to the necessity for conducting a violent revolution if those in authoritative positions argue on their on behalf for the public to comply to their convoluted formulas of presumed logic. While Cenocrats prefer a non-violent assertiveness towards restructuring the government into an actual Do-It-Yourself formulization, history has shown that those in authority do not willing give up their means of control without indulging in some measure of obstinance. In such a case, those who are sincere must exhibit a greater level of commitment in taking up measures of violent assertiveness. However, such a state of affairs is not something to be desired nor put into an expressed reality by manipulating circumstances to effect such a circumstance to unfold.
There are very many social inequalities yet to be superseded with a formula derived from the actual collective will of the people. This Will is not to be presumed an actuality simply because of a learned practice to conduct oneself in accord with a culturalized fashion of propriety that might be labeled "Democratic Correctness" which teaches the people that it is alright to grumble and even deride one's government, but not to carry out an actual program of revolt... without being subjected to individually targeted instances of retribution in an attempt to reclaim a person as a proprietary right of governance over a citizenry. In such a respect, a person is a "Citizen-At-Will" that is not only provided a given set of rights, but expected to bestow the government with its own rights to govern the people as it sees fit to administer its role in accord with flexible interpretations of law. As such, a person can become a citizen with a decreased level of rights when they are subjected to circumstances which devalues the illusions under which they have formerly lived. The social inebriation cultured and fermented by these illusions increases an observance of an acknowledged reality where the existence of inequalities are more easily recognized and creates conflicts of personalized values which rob the person of the once held Nationalistic patriotism to fellow citizens who are now seen as advocates of self-governing inequality.
The people themselves are diffused of the right and ability to alter or abolish the government under which they are tethered because the system which guarantees certain so-called "inalienable" rights to the people also guarantees its own right to diminish the people's infrequently exercised right to effect a Revolutionary change on its own behalf so that such a right is not perfected. An "Anti-Revolution" provision is built into the system which does not exclusively prohibit a change, but has embroidered a myriad order of stumbling blocks to dispossess such an idea into any concerted effort of applicability. A Cenocratic formula, on the other hand, is an exercised means of effecting the practice of a Revolution as defined by the collectively expressed "Will of the People". In other words, it permits a defined exercise of the right of the people to carry out a Revolution in order to effect their collective will. Revolution becomes an active and legitimated process of the social governing system and is not kept in a relegated state of auxiliary and minimized resource. The act of Revolting, in terms of legislating an exercised will of the people into an equalized functionality of self-governance, thus becomes recognized and utilized as a useful, but virtually untapped viability to enhance our lives.
Whereas Revolution throughout the ages has come to the fore like some compensatory capacity to take the place of that which is malnourished, malformed, or maltreated into some suppressed or oppressed rendering of a full expression; We The People can learn to use its gravitational pull on the developmental concentration of power, creativity, and genius of the people in a more conscientious and deliberate fashion to enhance our lives through a Declaration of Greater Independence. Whereas the usage of Revolution is like that of a raw ore that must be mined over time and 'ride the rails' along an undetermined course which may or may not be derailed from achieving a desired result; the typical smelting process can be graciously defined as being anachronistic, but more to the point is to account for it as being crude, wasteful and a hit-or-miss proposition. Cenocracy is a new chemistry, as well as a new theatre, a new meta-physic that can be experimentally tested for practicality. Present Democracies are the old chemistry akin to alchemy, the old theatre akin to a minstrel show, and the old meta-physic's of divination. Present processes of social governance are likewise just as unsophisticated.
Revolution is a source of raw energy that governing processes can take advantage of and channel into much needed settings of presently occupied self-governing primivity to enhance their standards of equality so that the whole of the public might better share in the many forms of accumulated wealth. Cenocracy can help us in this regard because its measure of equality increases the means by which authority can further empower itself as it likewise increases the power of those once subordinated. But such "power" and "empowerment" is not to be defined with current definitions just as current definitions of "wealth" will come to be redefined and redistributed as well. On the other hand, the many forms of present Democracy are like a set of old batteries culturally placed either in series or parallel whose combined values are diminished by those with a lower energy value which drags down the highest potential of the few. Cenocracy can re-charge that which Democracy has discharged and provided an unequal re-charge rate to. While this analogy might be viewed as difficult for some to identify with and gain an approximated understanding with, it nonetheless serves as another effort to point out differences.
And yet the foregoing leads us to the event for considering expectations to be derived from implementing a Cenocracy. While some prefer generalities because it realistically is difficult to comprehend what might unfold from the application of a social-governing formula which attempts to utilize the untapped "power of revolution" that lays in a dormant state below a public's surface; others prefer an itemized list of directed goals. This is why three initial goals are outlined for the establishment of a Cenocracy, but that what may arise from creating a spark in the energetic fuels of the populace might not necessarily, at first, result in a self- sustaining torch with which to light our way into a better future. If there is a powder keg that has been awaiting an eruption, it might well erupt. If the fuel is layered according to some metaphorically rendered BTU energy value based on a refinery cracking process, those which are more easily ignited such as having lower octane rating will no doubt burn first... more easily, but the length of which will be determined on the existing proportion... and yet, let us remind ourselves that even the Sun's fuel reserves will one day be extinguished. Those that are more difficult to light may take awhile, even years. But all, when combined, may prove to be a more desirable glow and warmth of renewable energy than present forms of Democracy could ever hope to be.
For those of us who are promoting a Cenocratic Revolution in social self-governance, we know it is impossible to guarantee the explicit fulfillment of some expectations, many of which have not been discussed at this site, perhaps because they are of a specialized nature in form, function and cultural feature. We can not guarantee there won't be stumbling blocks, detours, and even some retracing of steps. Cenocracy will be a social self-governing practice just as are all systems of government. There are not guarantees that Cenocracy itself will not produce its own brand of inequalities, not yet realized because they can not exist without the usage of a Cenocracy, just as some inequalities are uniquely tied to the formula of Democracy a given country may practice. Faults, deficiencies, and structural inadequacies are sometimes invisible until an attempt at usage is undertaken. But Cenocracy is an improvement over the present forms of governance now in practice today. It is a workable model that can be refined and polished to benefit all of us in a definitive practical sense. We The People can do it ourselves. We can learn how to given the time, patience and necessary support to develop a greater sense of self-reliance. And once we get used to the practice, we will shake our heads in disbelief that a people would even consider returning to the old, the now present forms of government being used.
Cenocracy is a new image of the collective social "self" that will get rid of the illusion-creating fun house mirrors being used by the many present forms of Democracy (including Democratic Socialism and Democratic Communism). While there is nothing wrong with illusion when it is noted as imagination, illusion being used to deceive in order to advantage a few over the many, is unacceptable. Cenocracy can be used to benefit the public if the public is permitted to design and construct the scaffolding as well as the architecture and furnishings of the to-be-used governing structure. However, if proponents of Democracy are permitted to indulge their fanciful notions, Cenocracy will be diminished into a social irrelevance while its values are incorporated by those who like to scavenge any and all ideas to suit the purposes for which they define as best for themselves and those that support their views. Proponents of Cenocracy are slowly gaining in intellectual ascendancy over those advocating a perpetuation of Democracy by raping away the best that Cenocracy has to offer and relabeling it with some embroidery of Democracy. They will fail just as inferior species often give way to superior one. Cenocracy is superior to Democracy. It is the evolution of a new species and of a new government for a new day and age in the making. But at present, the many passers-by in their day -to- day trek are heedless of its appearance as the sprouting of a new life form like the blossoming of a flower in a garden of other flowers that have blossomed. Cenocracy will not be noticed by some until the other flowers play out their cyclic re-coil of seasonal occurrence. And still others may not notice because they seldom if ever stop to fragrance anything but the smell of money on their hands. They will simply, when necessary, try to adapt their nature to whatever social environment presents itself to them.
There are many who will continue to observe a lifestyle of a non- do-it-yourselfer. To them, an interest in either a Democracy or a Cenocracy will be of little interest except to align themselves with that which will best advantage their personal goal of managing one's-self in accord with the nature of their business. They will continue to have little interest in pursuing the application of personal effort towards the larger body of social self-governance, perhaps based on the premise of a long-ago established logic that the common person, as an individual speaking for themselves, has little impact on governing policy. However, they will in fact misunderstand what a Cenocracy is providing by a standard of Equality which redistributes socio- political power. The more countries which adopt a Cenocracy, the better humanity will move further away from the ego-centricies of a monarchial hegemony. The underlying raw Revolutionary power of the people will become channeled into a practical source of sustained energy that will be refined as the people themselves become more adept at the practice of an actual social self-governance and not one merely defined as such but actually defers to some model of substitution.
In typical "Do-it-Yourself" trials for establishing some level of competence to succeed in accomplishing that which one initially thinks reflects the idea of a "right way" of repair or construction... that may not actually be a mental image culled from actual previously seen instances, but that which is pictured in a diagram and not merely based on some vague supposition; the standard of acceptability may be based on a variety of reasons. For example, one may accept one's attempt at baking a cake by being humored by the "mess" and the affected responses of another who now regrets asking them to make one for their-self. Another's level of acceptability might be measured not by the overall appearance of the finished product, but how well it serves with the intent of accomplishing the desired goal, such as the reconnection of an electrical cord "insulated" with bandaids instead of some type of electrical tape. The real objective in this case was to get an appliance or piece of electronic equipment working again, and not how the reconnection looked to anyone who might chance to see it. In one instance, it was noted that a presumed "reconnection" of an electrical cord which had one wire cut, was to simply tape over the cut wire because it appeared the two cut ends were close enough to make contact, even though they did make the effort to use some appropriate tape designed for an electrical connection.
Though other examples might be offered, it is clear that different people have different standards of what is meant by exhibiting the competence of a "Do-it-Yourselfer". Programs of social governance are designed with a flexibility of functionality to permit the exercising of varying levels of governing competence, even though some might want to think that a Constitution and Bill-of-Rights prevents deterioration of a social governing model even if all those placed into authoritative positions have a beginner's level of ability. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If everyone in a society woke up one morning with the I.Q. of an imbecile, there is no present governing formula which would prevent a disintegration to a "like-minded" level of imbecility... though no one alive would recognize any difference because everyone would have a similar type of perception within the merits of the "normal" imbecility. The so-called normal intelligence level of today would be on the order of a genius in comparison and its usage of Democracy would likewise be viewed as an expression of genius. And, believe it or not, that is exactly what we have in practice. Present governing structures, though they are not without imperfections, are seen as an overall genius of social "self"-governance. Most people do not see the existence, much less usage of a viable contender to this king-of-the-hill prominence.
Different people might well approach the same problem in a different way and achieve the same result such as in the assembly of a piece of furniture. Likewise for those engaging in a deconstruction and then reassembly based either solely on memory or the aid of some assistant or manual, be they of an expert or generalized format of instructiveness. Some use methods of rote ordering such as 1,2,3, A,B,C, small-medium-large, etc., while others seem rather adept at using insight and some largely unseen mechanism which makes them appear to have what is sometimes referred to as an "aptitude" for a given type of task. Some might even say they don't know how to explain how they know how to perform some behavior later found to be correct, that they just "know it" as if having been exposed to it before, though others suspect a particular design is more easily suited to some brain configurations then others, who eventually acquire a similar level of practical skill, only after a lengthier amount of time.
As with all things, some will be noted as having what appears to be a better "grasp" of Cenocracy's "Do-It-Yourself" intent than those whose grasp is similarly better with respect to the present practice of Democracy. Those with a better grasp of Democracy may not want to subject themselves to a situation which makes them feel uncertain and vulnerable to those who have little grasp of either perspective, but learn to develop a greater competency in Cenocracy because it permits and encourages individualized participation which can be measured both individually and collectively, whereas Democracy not only discourages individual and collective participation, or at least minimizes it; but relegates as well as well regulates the application of "self" to the administration of another... noted as the "representative", vicarious or "in one's image" approach of selectivity.
Not only does present Democracy reflect ages-old inclinations of a Monarchial rule, but those of ancient theology as well. The "self" of ancient times very often was described in terms of some position of belonging to another in servitude... much in the manner that children of today attach the "wealth" of their ego to the position, ability or wealth of a parental figure... though substitutions are sometimes permitted with respect to relatives or by simply knowing or having one's presence acknowledged by a particular person. Close proximity to someone viewed as having some especial quality can be used to identify ones-self with, as if a token of the person's quality is somehow osmotically transferred in-kind to them so as to increase their own perceived social status in a given setting. As is used today, authorities of old used various definitions of wealth (money, power, position) and different types of monuments to serve as a mirror of themselves.
Such monuments can be:
- Artifactual such as legislation, invention, tactics, etc...
- Artificial such as a theatrical play, song, painting, etc...
- Artificed such as by way of a deception, lie, or other contrivance.
The people had to be satisfied with someone else's personalized means of self- identification, some of whom interpreted themselves as a god, a representative of a god, or some other especially selected "chosen one" who might likewise choose one or more others to be closely associated with and share in the presumed (solar worshiping originated idea of a) "shining glory" if they ever expected to achieve some personal semblance of a greater "self". But the old usage of gaining some bolstered self-identity through an approximation born of a vicarious attachment is falling by the way side with respect to "self governance" via a model of selectively- chosen (voted in) "Representation". This has dangerous repercussions for a social order which has, for the most part, practiced an established system based largely on a "Representative" model that the individual and collective self-identity of a population no longer represents an accepted identity thereof.
Whispers of discontent with old images can quickly change to vociferous shouts of mis-representation and a call for a Declaration of Greater Independence which honors a more reflective measure of socio-political equality being denied to the people by present practices of government which provide excuses, obstacles and digressions which amount to little more than a denial and refusal to assent to the public's need to establish a collectively personalized model of self-governance. The presently used old formula of Representation is exceptionally embarrassing, both individually and collectively, to a population schooled along a Do-It-Yourself path that some might refer to as a road of hard knocks that more than adequately has paid for the Right to establish a Cenocratic formula of Self-government. The established governing formula with its supposed-to-be complementary Branches of government and their subsidiary agencies and agents; do not Represent the ideas nor ideas being bred in a species developing a need for a more realistic representation of "self" which far exceeds the childish invocations characterized by an "in God's image" metaphysical injunction that is adapted to a trite political philosophy known as a "Representative" government. Without a readily available alternative which takes this into consideration for application, some may want to return to an older model... even though there is need of an enhanced model, such as being advocated by a Cenocracy.
Whereas in America the Supreme Court permitted an enhanced definition of the "self" to occur with businesses by being labeled a "Personhood"; this act sanctioned the generated process of an acquired advantage over the people... by permitting the establishment of a type of anti-trust level of business monopolization of the "self" as a proscribed entity unto itself. Such a pro-business, anti-public action enabled businesses to legally circumvent the applicability of the Law's full role in protecting other so-named incorporations of the "self" with respect to actual, living-being individuals. Decidedly, the Supreme Court does not represent the best interests of the public, but uses its position of adjudication of Constitutional law to assist with individualized political interests which have been incorporated into an Constitution... whose origins catered to the prejudices of those in an ancient past who had little fore-sight to which the realities of the present day future would subject the people to— and needs to be re-written by the hands, hearts and minds of the public-at-large living today. The Constitution is an incredulously venerated document as if dictated by God through a "Chosen One" intercessionary and is necessarily hallowed because of some historical precedent brought about by socialized ceremonialism to rever it as such. And by necessity alone for the purpose of thoroughness, is the need to frame a new Bill-of-Rights to establish, defacto, the right of the people to govern themselves through a Cenocratic formula.
In other words, businesses are permitted to acquire the benefits entitled to individuals but also are enabled with a means to eschew responsibility for any wrong doing... since a company is not likely to spend time in jail though its officers may make decisions for a company as an individual. It was the "individual" as a company which was guaranteed the ability to be perceived as one might a child or teenager who was subjected to laws in terms of having committed a status offense. By being defined a "Person", that is, a "Self", companies were given the ability to engage in business as might any person, but were to be treated as a visiting dignitary given a diplomatic immunity from prosecution. Comparatively, political Representatives are permitted a similar type of Representative "Personhood" of the people, but are not likely to be charged with a crime though their legislative acts, or lack thereof, may in fact cause considerable harm to those they are supposed to represent the best interests of. The Supreme Court performed a foul deed against the public when it sided with the interests of companies to have a means of committing acts which might turn out considerably unfavorable for the public, but were given a carte blanche "Get Out Of Jail For Free" card. Unfortunately, the people can not expect the Supreme Court to provide an enhanced definition of "self" for the public... the public has to do this for itself. As such, the public is denied an enhanced model in terms of a differentially applied social self-governing model... being called a Cenocracy.
Date of Origination: Friday, December 19, 20l4
Initial Posting Date: Monday, December 22, 2014