...One man, one woman, and one worker from any walk of
life will randomly be selected from separate self-nominated lists
culled from each of the different states, provinces, or
preeminent territorial partitions (as defined by the will of the
people) to hold office in their own distinct new governmental
branch, which will constitute the primary qualifications for
occupying a peoples representative seat. If so selected, they can
choose to accept... or decline the position based on unforeseen
circumstances, a change of interest, a change or heart, or whatever.
Those selected must actively participate in the Cenocratic process or
be held in contempt and asked to resign. Those failing to abdicate their
position when asked to do so will be forced out and another from their
respective State (etc.) will be selected. Those selected do not have to
have a political or other group/organization affiliation. (Many people
are not "card carrying" members of any organization.)
In no way can their position be bought, sold,
traded, or given to anyone else. Another candidate must be
provisionally selected in the event of decline, demise, or lawful
detention. Wages and benefits will initially be commensurate with
other traditional representation and adjusted when the Peoples
Legislative Branch deems it necessary so long as it is approved
by the people. All government wages will henceforth be monitored and
adjusted according to the will of the people. Government employees are not
to have wages and benefits that are, in effect, "exclusionary principles of
mere position or activity," that the common person is not duly provided
with on a commensurate level.
In other words, if government employees can have benefits and wages
which include cost of living allowances and adjustments, then every person
should have the same. Government standards which exceed the standards of
the majority of the public is not a government which represents the over-all
dominant public standard. Government standards which exceed the standards
of the over-all public standard is an elitist standard which subjugates
the greater public position into that of a serfdom... that which serves
the government instead of the government serving the public. Government
workers should not be entitled to wages and benefits based on taxes for
which those who contribute to the taxes aren't permitted to have.
Additionally, no government employee branch or department has the
constitutional right to provide their own wage, benefit and duration of
employment standards without the will of the people who must likewise be
provided similarly with. The elitist mentality of all government employees
branches and departments will come to an end. Arguments that such wages,
benefits and cost of living allowances are commensurate with similar professions
in the "publicly-private" realm does not constitute a rationale for providing
the same when the majority of people are not permitted to share in a "like-minded"
proportionality standard, and yet are forced, by way of taxation, to provide
this appropriated standard.
...The no-fee lists will contain only self-nominated
citizens of legal voting, military service or marriageable age
who honestly and seriously wish to serve the minimum of a
one-year and the maximum of an overall three-year term in the
Peoples Self-Representative Branch with pay and benefits
commensurate to those in elected or chosen offices until such time as
an over-haul of the entire government pay and benefit system can be effected.
(To deny the
right of self-representative citizenship to those who are old
enough to serve in the military or get married, and yet have not
reached the legal voting age is an hypocrisy when these same
individuals may be taught citizenship in schools and are expected
to act accordingly in a civic-minded manner, as well as give
their life for a country that denies them the ability to vote.
Equal Rights means Equal Rights and not an exercise of elitist
double-standards. Persons that are socially deemed too immature
to vote their own conscience should likewise be considered
similarly too irresponsible for military service or marriage.
Such denials are no less than politically denigrating competency
voting measures with no actual test ever being administered.)
...They are otherwise released from other expectations of
office such as owning one or more residences, dual citizenships,
wearing the so-called "professional uniform" attire of
politicians (which sometimes includes pins, buttons, including
party, school or organization affiliation and [metaphorically
speaking] other would-be 'clan' tattoos and insignia), etc...
...Persons with disabilities that can vote their own
conscience though they might need assistance with mechanical or
functional duty activities, requiring them to select from one to
three assistants (who will be commensurated appropriately) to aid
them in accomplishing their role.
...No member can be randomly chosen for two successive
appointments, if so designated by a majority vote of the Peoples
Representative Branch and secured by a will-of-the people vote.
Addendum: A "worker" is anyone performing physical or mental activity for
which they may or may not receive pay, a service, shelter, clothing, education,
food, potable liquids, accessibility towards or away from that which is
desirable or undesirable.
Addendum: A "man" and a "woman" are designated as such within the present
realm of biological standards related to humanity, though the standards of
what is meant by humanity may one day include cybernetic beings/organisms,
or other sentient beings that are androgynous or of extra-terrestrial origin.
Those engaging in a sex-change event, where their sex is altered to legally
designate them as having altered their life from one gender to another, will
be eligible to participate in the Cenocratic selection process with their
changed gender, even if they were previously selected for a PLB appointment
in the other gender.
Addendum: Those designated as members of the P.L.B. (Peoples Legislative
Branch) can not hold con-current positions elsewhere. (The roles of
wife, mother, husband, or father in the conventional sense, are not to be
considered "positions." Other traditionalized roles, which do not interfere
with the ability of the person to perform P.L.B. legislative duties, may be
included in this list.)
Those selected for a Federal Peoples
Legislative Branch position:
...No action of the PLB is to supersede the will of the people.
...The will of the people, through a national (or international)
referendum can replace the entire PLB membership at the same time and replace
it with another one through a people-designated PLB selection process.
...Its primary role is to service the Law
Binding Referendum Entitlement to the people.
...Must guard the People against loss of any Referendum by
singular or combined actions of any private or government entity,
whether singularly or collectively applied.
...Must bring any and all issues deemed necessary by the
people for the people to vote in Referendum on.
...Must enforce the right of Referendum usage against any
government department, branch, or agency usage, so long as it is
truly a national concern as defined by the people.
...Must decide what issue is a national as opposed to a
regional issue. In the event of a regional issue, the state or
local P.L.B. must effect the necessary course of action to hold
the respective Referendum vote.
...Must enforce a national vote on regional issues that may later
be deemed a national issue.
...Must enforce the adopted Congressional Binding Standard of a
Referendum vote. In the event an individual or group does not voice their
dissension by way of a contrasting (i.e. "NO") vote, the absence of their
vote will be deemed in agreement therewith.
...Must nullify all results in the event that an individual or group
have been intentionally or unavoidably "detained" or held-in-check from
their ability to cast a vote. Results will not be tendered until such time
as they can vote. In the event of an emergency, when an actual one exists
according to a wide-spread interpretation of the people, then a result of
the existing votes may be tendered until such time as the whole of the people
can vote. The vote at that time will supersede any former result. Those
engaged in any form of vote tampering which undermines the will of the people
to vote and carry that vote into law, will be defined as those having
committed treason against the people and will be subjected to the harshest
penalty provided by the law of the people.
Addendum: The phrase "Law of the Land" is to be used to designate laws
legislated by the old (presently existing) government. The phrase "Law of
the People" will be used to designate laws developed and ratified by the
people involved in the practice of a Cenocratic government.
...Will ensure a no "loop-hole" standard in the event some provision
permits an obvious act of an individual or group subverting any PLB clause.
All "loop-holes" will automatically be closed which undermines the will
of the people. (For example, lawyers, accountants, and others who subvert present
tax laws by engaging in behavior and practices which are deliberately focused
on "redefining" tax laws for the benefit of themselves and their clients.)
The PLB will close ALL loop-holes and insure the enforcement of a
National, Congressionally mandated "NO LOOP-HOLE"
provision in any and all laws. Loop-holes that are said to be of value for
the people do not need to be Loop-holes, they need to be lawful practices
which serve the best interests of everyone... as interpreted and defined
via a national referendum.
...Can collectively vote to accept or refuse with or without
change, any legislation, law, statute, tax, decree, edict,
summons, request, treaty, promise, rule, contract, charter,
ordinance, provision, bill, etc., issued by any Federal
Legislative, Judicial, or Executive governing body, by a majority
decision of those members who are present to vote. A majority
will consist of all members being present unless absence is due
to unforeseen circumstances. In such a case, under the pretense
of one or more others attempting to exert influence on the
decision to be reached by way of absent membership, then the
whole of the public have the right to vote in their stead.
...The P.L.B. may, at its own discretion, in accord with the will
of the people, choose to develop specific lists from which individuals
with erudite, technical, or "particular" (esoteric, etc.) knowledge and/or
ability are randomly chosen to provide information to the P.L.B... Those
selected will be remunerated according to the level of service provided.
Each P.L.B. member may, if so desired, select up to two individuals to assist
them in their duties but the actual quantity of assistants will be determined
by overall workload. However, all changes to the P.L.B. operations charter
must be approved by a majority vote of the entire P.L.B... If necessary,
individual P.L.B. sub-divisions can be designated as full-time monitors of
specific governmental departments, day-to-day internal activities, and external
actions, to insure that all facets of government remain subservient to the
...Any member of the P.L.B. can call for discussions on
any issue that is, will be, or has been affecting the national
interest, such as developing a selection process by which
positions in the Federal government (e.g. Fed Chairman, Chief
Justices, etc…) are chosen. Confirmations of positions
prior to the development of the P.L.B. will not be accepted if so
decided by the P.L.B. members or the people at large via a
national referendum. Previous definitive law-making actions can
and will be taken as deemed necessary until such time as they are
found not to be needed. Philosophical or other commentary viewed
as filibustering attempts to thwart necessary discussions or
legislation... will be censored and the member(s) reprimanded with
the proviso that another attempt may have them voted out of their
position and replaced through the accepted form of random
selection process. All P.L.B. members are working for the good of
the people and are not legislative go-betweens for singular
commercial, political, or religious interests.
...Any member of any P.L.B. office, whether they are an assistant, or
otherwise, will be required to resign if they attempt to discharge their
duties for the primary intent of personal gain for themselves or another
involving any business transaction found not to be in the primary or best
interests of the public their employment is intended to serve.
...Any member of any P.L.B. office, whether they are an assistant, or
otherwise, are not to engage in any transaction which serves the interests
of any other person or group than that of the whole citizenry.
...At the behest of the people via a Referendum vote, the P.L.B. can
ask for anyone, in any position of government to resign. If the person or
persons refuse to vacate their office, the P.L.B. can effect the forced
removal thereof.
...Legislation generated in the P. L. B. must be sent to
the other Legislative Branch(es) with a specific request. If the
request is denied, postponed, or otherwise rejected in one way or
another without a pertinent and acceptable reason, the P.L.B. can
call for a Public-wide referendum. Any and all decisions reached
by a national referendum will be Constitutionally-binding and
cannot be repealed without the permission of the public. No
court, militant action, nor legislative body can refute, alter,
rescind, or otherwise ignore the will of the people. Alternative
suggestions can be offered, but need not be accepted.
...Any member of the P.L.B. or individual from society at
large may nullify the attempt to pass any P.L.B. decision if they
feel there are an insufficient number of members present to vote.
Conventionally Elected or Chosen Officials must rely on their
standard legislative processes to affect any form of
intervention. Stalemated Legislative processes amongst all
branches will automatically call for a public-wide
Constitutionally-binding referendum. If an Elected Representative
Branch(es) makes an attempt to deliberately postpone or interfere
with necessary legislation, it will be viewed as an abdication of
Executive, Legislative, or Judicial ability and the P.L.B. will
have full Constitutionally-binding legislative powers which
supersede any and all government departments and branches. Any
postponement must be ratified by the Peoples Legislative Branch.
The sovereignty of the people must be respected.
...The P.L.B. can call for a national referendum to have
one, more, or all members of any government branch or office
removed for specific charges or a simple no-confidence vote. The
vote must be ratified by those who initially voted them into
their job. In the event of a stalemated outcome, and the nature
of the offense (whether of national or local politics concern), a
national (or local) referendum may be called.
...Referendums initiated by the P.L.B. will need no
signature collection process. A simple majority vote will be
sufficient. Any citizen, without need of a signature collection
process, can contact any P.L.B. member to request consideration
for a national referendum. Considerations can be based on public
interest derived from the available means by which ideas and
comments may be best distributed and acquired.
...The P.L.B. can designate compulsory national
referendums for anything as deemed needed. (For example, taxes
and tax forms structure, budgetary concerns, contracts, social
security, health-care, abortion, same sex marriages, death
penalty, environmental concerns, military service, public
utilities, food and shelter shortages, poverty, war,
standardization of fuel types (grades), etc...)
...The P.L.B. cannot appoint anyone to fill a vacant
position typically chosen by an election, elected person, or
elected body, but the P.L.B. can call for a national referendum
regarding term limits, position, benefits, salary, personal
accountability and consequences for improper legislative
decisions, etc...
...Any member of the P.L.B. may vacate their position at
any time for whatever reason, without needing to disclose the
reason for doing so. An alternate will be the person selected as
"runner-up," who in turn, also has a runner-up selected
for the possibility of an unforeseen eventuality.
...The P.L.B. can alter its functions as it sees fit, so
long as it is sanctioned by the people.
...The P.L.B. is an abbreviation that does not limit its
providence of action solely to the Legislative division of social
self-governance. Rightly so, it also includes the Judicial and
Executive orders of governance. Hence, the P.L.B. may
additionally be designated, in conjunction with said duties, the
P.J.B. (Peoples Judicial Branch), the P.E.B. (Peoples Executive
Branch) or any conjoinment thereof.
...The Federal P.L.B. is a collective entity of sovereign citizens
whose jurisdiction is the whole of the nation, answerable to the
nation, and is a citizen's Self-Representative Branch of one
nation amongst many other nations on this planet we call Earth.
Individual Peoples Representative Branch members on the Federal
level cannot vote on any such issuance originating from any
elected or chosen member specifically representing the State,
Province, or Territorial demarcation boundaries from which they
were randomly chosen. State and Local Peoples Legislative branch
positions are likewise restricted to vote in their respective
designations unless jurisdiction is temporarily waived by a
peoples referendum to accomplish specific goals that would
otherwise be difficult to obtain.
... Any P.L.B. member of one jurisdiction (federal, state, local)
that attempts to use their position to willfully effect changes or outcomes
in the province of another must vacate their position.
...Two additional lists will routinely be kept containing
the self-nominated names of those who would like to serve as
either the Chief Presider who acts as functionary manager-clerk
or those who prefer to be an assistant to the Chief Presiding
Manager-clerk. The number of assistants will be at the discretion
of the C.P.M-c. based on work duties and work-load
responsibilities, but must get approval from the
Self-Representative Branch members. Their term in office will be
the same as any Self-Representative member on the level of
government they serve, unless otherwise designated by a majority
vote of the Peoples Legislative Branch and sanctioned by the people.
...For the Federal level of Chief Presider, one name from each of
the States, Provinces, etc., will be sent to the Federal Legislative Peoples
Branch who will randomly select the final candidate.
...The Federal C.P.M-c. will randomly choose the assistants needed
from a random selection of State, Province, etc., lists. No two assistants
may be from the same distributive location unless otherwise sanctioned due
to unforeseen circumstances; and the randomness as well as the final candidates
must be approved by the Self-Representative Branch members in accordance
with the will-of-the people stipulations adopted by a national referendum.
Discussions in the P.L.B. should at the very
least, be on the order of a three-part procedure (But this is only a rule-of-thumb
that can be altered to suit unforeseen circumstances):
Facts should be presented, not opinion, unless requested by the
membership. (However, opinions can sometimes render more useful insight
than mere facts.)
Opinions should be presented regarding the facts.
A Summation should render wisdom, reflection, judicial proposal
and not ulterior motivated political-positioning rhetoric.
New facts may be presented at any time but they must not be the result
of deliberate concealment in order to forestall procedure through piece-meal
discovery and presentation. Any attempt to do so will be censored and those
involved dealt harshly by the P.L.B.. Sacrificial membership displays for
partnership arrangements will not be tolerated. Deliberate attempts to forestall
introduction of a discussion, discussion and/or vote on a topic will not be
tolerated. No manner of filibustering is needed when delay is required to best
suit the needs of the public.
The Single Majority Vote:
Laws/Statutes pertaining to local matters need only a Single
majority vote of the resident Peoples Legislative Branch, though
any grass roots initiative to have a city or county/province-wide
referendum must be honored. The will of the people is to be
secured and cannot be altered without their consent.
There is no compromise to be made in our need for a true
Peoples Representative Branch. It is ludicrous to think we will
assuage their pretended grumbled feelings of sadness through
rejection for being told they are not needed in telling us what to
do by way of selectively chosen laws. Laws which are imposed on us
to an extent we are forced into compromising our desires for
enhanced self-rule through unspoken commands that demand we agree
(in muffled silence) to let them maintain their power over us.
Whereby they alone can determine what we can and cannot vote in
Referendum on.
Double Majority Vote:
Laws/Statutes pertaining to State Constitutional/Statute
matters, use of National guard, etc... must have a Double majority
vote consisting of State and Local Peoples Legislative
Branches/Bodies. A majority vote of both or either (local/state)
Branch representations may call for a State-wide referendum,
though any grass roots initiative to have a referendum must be
honored. The will of the people is to be secured and cannot be
altered without their consent.
Triple Majority Vote:
Laws/Statutes pertaining to Federal Constitutional matters,
including taxes, levying of war, serious budgetary concerns, etc.,
must have a Triple majority vote consisting of all City, State, as
well as Federal Peoples Legislative Branch Representatives before
any change or action can be initiated. A majority vote of any
Peoples Legislative Branch, be it Local, State or Federal, (or the
lack thereof due to unforeseen circumstances) will mandate a
nation-wide referendum, though any grass roots initiative to have
a referendum must be honored. Referendum initiative review boards
that are totally controlled by the public can be established with
public funding to determine legitimacy, prepare facts, and develop
the framework for an initiative to be publicly proposed. A
national referendum should have the following positions to
...To make changes in accord with the elected/chosen
Representative Branch(es)
...To make changes in accord with the Peoples
Representative Branch.
...To make no changes, combined changes, or those of
the citizens own design.
The will of the people is to be secured and cannot be
altered, abridged, or annotated without their consent, which
includes suggested punishments for violations thereof.