— On the path of a New Government —
One of the reasons that so many social problems continue to plague humanity is that no government is designed to attract the talents of the best and the brightest. For example, the current line-up of candidates for the U.S. Presidency do not exemplify the Nation's foremost thinkers to provide the necessary leadership for a brighter future. Indeed, if one were to suggest that they represent the best and brightest that money can buy, then the public is being severely short-changed. Yet, such a comment is not meant as a disparagement, but an observation of the political system that wants to promote the inclusion of those who will best help to maintain a governing system that has fallen far short of the expectations the people deserve. However, because the present design of electoral governance is designed to attract more mediocrity... or mediocrity that is inclined towards some representative extremism if given the opportunity to exercise it— then all the candidates meet this criteria. Some of them would sincerely make excellent office managers by delegating authority to those more competent than themselves; but none of them... either individually or collectively, have the depth and breadth of vision humanity is in need of to help it reach and quite possibly exceed its potentials. Current forms of government do not emphasize a means by which society can be presented with electable selections that will not only offer all of society an enlightened goal to move towards in unison, but provide the resource means for achieving such.
As a result of having governments which do not attract the best and the brightest of a Nation's thinkers, the type of government that is perpetuated and inclined towards incremental decadence relies on those whose methods of governance, of legislation and departmental policy directives, rely heavily on the methodological implementation of bribery, intimidation, ambush, persecution, lies, cheating, brow beating, intimation, coercion, seduction, theft, masquerade, murder, character assassination, ostracism, derision, obstruction, bait & switch, exchange & barter, and various other forms of intended manipulation to get one's way; all because the ideas being submitted are not enabled to stand on their own in expression nor interpretation.
It matters not if one's ideas are superior to others... if they can not be understood by a majority of those in authoritative positions whose participation requires for them to experience a certain type and duration of being groomed, tailored, petted, and otherwise "smoozed" in order for them to accept and support or reject and attach a particular view. Their vote, for good or ill, is for sell and those adept at maneuvering conditions, like pieces on a chess board is the name of the game in the present forms of government all the world's have to contend with. Such is the dominant thinking of the players, their supportive media representatives, and those who likewise find a niche by engaging in a like-mindedness of playing the actual game, or being playing the part of a noted spectator whose like-minded brethren create their own sub-culture similar to that which they observe and consider to be a mark of intellectual supremacy instead of the idiocy by which it has been constructed to play out the part of being a puppet on a string. Again, such government's do not attract the best and the brightest, but those who can quickly learn how to get what they want, on a personal level, by participating in those-behind-the scenes extra-curricular-government activities that amount to the actual type of government in vogue. But all such players are little prepared for a public audience that is growing tired of the government's games and those who wish to perpetuate it... at any cost, no matter how many in the public get hurt or what is confiscated from them for no other reason than because the government is a vengeful bully.
Yes, present governance is being effected as a game with its own set of rules that may change dependent on context, assumed conditions and personalities of the players. This is the foolishness of the governments existing in the world today. Where its players act out roles in which they imagine themselves to be someone more than they actually are, and want others to be duped into accepting the same image upon which to attach their own delusions of character. Like social gatherings amongst actors and actresses that are little more than extensions of Jr. High and High school parties with the only difference being is that most of the attendees have greater wealth. Such is the same atmosphere found amongst governing authority, albeit attendant with a greater level of hyper-vigilance, suspicion and "working the room" in one's motivations and attempts to conceal themselves from placing any particular thought or emotion on one's sleeves... thereby creating an atmosphere of guarded phoneyness.
Many of the players actually think their activities is a manifest expression of some particularly acute intelligence, insight and overall ability that is superior to any idea which may be drawn up on behalf of the people... unless they are the one's involved in the manufacture and application thereof. Then again, superior ideas of governance can not be fully utilized within a government structure whose inherent design limits applications of more profound ideas which would exclude the need for such nefarious antics that are presently used as a required for producing a social program... good or bad. Though serious as the are, the functions of government rely heavily on a dependency of exercising childish social interactions by those who are not the best and the brightest a nation has to offer, yet want such a definition attached to their ideas of mediocrity and superficiality. In other words, the people are subjected to a base of authority that perpetuates a social life cycle amounting to quicksand, a bog, or spinning one's wheels generation after generation and want everyone to insist that their way is the best way... representing the brightest of intentions and that nothing exists which is better.
It is unfortunate the present formulas of governance throughout the world are getting in our way because they are not designed to attract the best and the brightest, but those who are adept at getting what they want so as to implement ideas which are best for perpetuating them and their ilk in positions which will ensure a continuation of things as they are... under such a method of control. Current religious orientations are not being helpful and nor are self-serving market-place entrepreneurial efforts. We need a new plan of action... We need a Cenocracy (New Government) that embraces a philosophy as dramatic as were past announcements when a few trail blazers claimed that it was the Earth which revolved around the Sun, and not the other way around. Yes, we need a governing philosophy that is both heretical in its implications when confronting the status quo and Renaissancial in its application. Alas, one of the obstacles is the public itself. No doubt in many instances, the public will have to be forcefully weaned from the umbilical cords of tradition existing in both the overall culture and its subterranean (sub-culture) counter-parts. The new philosophy of governance will be enmeshed in a perspective that will be pervasively applied into the organizational enterprises of the overall economy. We have no choice if we want to avert the present herd-mentality trodding along a path of incremental decline. Equality should never be used as an excuse to promote mediocrity as the most desired standard, nor portray some measured elitism as deserving of unequalized entitlement based on the merit of definition proposed by authoritative decree, alone... and We The People have little or no say so one way or another.
If people want a better society then it must devise a better governance which incorporates a design by which the best and the brightest of inclined leadership capability will be enabled to fulfill their life's worth in a position of public service. Our design in governance must provide for the talented to speak up on behalf of the people as a servant who will lead the way along the dim-lit paths of uncertainty, because they would want to be the first casualty if a wrong turn has been made. Such is the burden of true leadership... in having both vision to look beyond the conventional length of the social grasp, and courage to take the first step forward in order to test the reality of that which they see. Alas, the present design of government allows different departments to sacrifice one or another of the public in its various experimentations, while those in a respective service are shielded from any harm. Hence, multiple social iniquities continue to emerge because governing formulas practice both a crudeness and coarseness which permits and clamors for a similarity in its authoritative direction. It is an orientation the the larger society uses as a role model by which most other activities echo a similarity of design and action in order to appear more authoritatively normalized themselves... thereby instigating more of the same social ineptness which continues to permeate social functions into unrecognized negligibility and irrelevance.
Nobody in their right mind would want to develop any of the types of government in effect today. Particularly not one that emphasizes the "system" (like a ritualized game) as being more important than truth, justice or one's overall well-being. Yet, many of us have witnessed that those in authority are more interested in retaining the practice of patterns (labeled as "bureaucracy", "ceremony", "procedure", "protocol", "rule", "plan", etc...) in law, legislation and labor because they have become a recognized routine that is used as a substitute for truth and justice... and sometimes viewed as a preservation of morality. Authority all too often exercises activity according to unchecked reflexive practices that, even when death or destruction result, they define the actions as natural and therefore necessary... and their authoritative peers will agree to them as a proprietary responsibility because they hold the same frame of mind and must obligingly do the same thing... no matter if the majority thinks their actions are stupid.
Their practices are a formula and so long as the formula is adhered to, all is right with the world they inhabit. The rest of us are merely a tool sharpening stone by which the practitioners make a name and living for themselves and the practices can be perpetuated by those given the authority to dictate when and what actions are supposed to occur in what manner, in what time period, and in accordance with texts defined as legal, sacred, or some greater right often tied to some notion of the "lesser evil" for a given context. They are, metaphorical speaking, the cooks, and the chefs; with legal documents as collections of recipes to be used in whatever fashion a particular chef's school (legal entity) wants to apply them in creating whatever meal they want the public to consume... and will force it to swallow like castor oil was once used, and is now called Civil Asset Forfeiture, Right of Eminent Domain, or some other-wise designed "it's good for you" or "it hurts us more than it does you" rationalization.
The rationality for standardizing practices has turned into an irrational practice of standardized acceptance that, if you get caught up in, can swallow you up like a concentric spinning drain that exits into a wilderness of institutionalization that buries you and uses you as a statistic in order to claim that "the system works"... at least more often for those in positions whose lives are defined by an adherence to some routine which they get paid to support and maintain as a well-oiled machine... even if the public is experiencing it as an iron maiden manufactured into different forms of public torture... though the word "torture" is being erroneously defined with an ancient perspective, thus concealing its debilitating effects in the present era. Your innocence or the verifiable truth does not matter... even when authority knows you are right and they are wrong... but would never openly admit it because they adopt the commensurate practice of having no sense of a moral contradiction.
It's not that the governing systems have faults, because we are understood as an imperfect being, but that we aren't looking to improve upon the 'game plan'; instead of accepting it as being the closest we can get to perfection maintained by our imperfections. We accept the imperfect system as being the closest to perfection we can get under the present circumstances... related to the observed rules... even if the rules are based on multiple inaccuracies compounded by efforts to repair them as a viability, and even when the repair no longer exhibits a resemblance to the poorly constructed architecture upon which we have now attached an embellished facade of illusions.
So many are caught up in "playing the game" they develop a playing strategy of "working the system" by getting to know the dominant players, their strengths and weaknesses as well as motivations. Even those that try to "get over on the system" by using loopholes, and taking advantage of both people, places and things that perform their daily functions in such a routine manner that they become an easy mark for those intent on manipulating the rules played by others so as to benefit from them... and they think themselves more intelligent because of. Yet they are unaware of themselves as being a part of the game and existing as a variable of consideration for those who can think one step ahead of them to their own advantage. Not only do they know the system and the system used by those trying to take advantage of such a circumstance, but they see both instances as rules of the game not everyone is paying attention to. But..., no one is trying to improve the overall system. Everyone is simply trying to find a spot in which to participate, even if it is in a position of thinking themselves to be detached, and thereby safe from the ravages.
Clearly, upholding the "game" has become all important because it defines the roles in which individuals can play out, and who would otherwise be lost without such a framework. And even though a system may be bad, may in fact be wrong in many instances, they need a guide by which to establish a working ideology... however fantasy-filled it is. The public and the players all act as participants in the structure... though the structure may be potentially hazardous. Like rats and mice and cockroaches in a run-down tenement, all seek out some niche in which to inhabit... convincing themselves this is the way things are and they must make the best of it. The game rules are used for perpetuating the integrity of the structure, instead of altering the structure to improve the lives of the people. The rules as they are, can not possibly provide the necessary philosophy for developing a more viable structure. Abiding by the rules, though they change over extended periods of time as part of a larger incremental deterioration taking place with the environment and its effects on all of biology; is all that matters because it helps to sustain an habituation of activity denoted as tradition. Instead of traditions being altered to improve the lives of people, it is the people who are impressed upon to play out their lives in an orbital-like deference to the traditions as they are interpreted by a given culture in a given era. Abiding by the rules is all that matters in so that they conform to the wishes of those who are authorized to administer, enforce, and define the limits thereof.
Reason and rationality are nullified by a socially accepted practice of insanity to perpetuate a rule-of-thumb which succeeding generations of authority have become adept to use for their own survival pursuits. The system of a practicing authority is all that matters, regardless of how stupid and irrational it is like those wearing wigs in the British practices of jurisprudence... like kids playing dress-up and never growing out of the game... this is the practice of many businesses, governments and religions. They are at a loss for defining their individual life's role if they are not involved in some such game... and will use the recognition as a suggested reasoned excuse to continue the same game without trying to improve upon the whole set of games permitted as a collection under a governing system which is itself but a game— regardless of the seriousness with which the game is undertaken and accompanying words such as "professional", "expert", "life-affirming", etc,. are used as part of the applied structuring of categorizing human ego. It is the "system", viewed by many of us as a "game", and one's participation in that practice which is held in highest esteem... because authority is caught up in a consuming drain of resources that they don't want to get out of even if they could... because they would "lose their place" and all its presumed entitlements (such as being permitted by the game rules to spinning in the drain on a ship of social luxury and the rest of us are slaves chained to its oars). It is an Age of Irrationality that the people the world over are subjected to, and yet many are oblivious of.
Indeed, no one in their right mind would conceive of practicing so much nonsense in so many venues of concern. For example; it is incredulous that a government such as the United States pretends to have... as being dedicated to a so-called Democracy (Peoples Government); would use acts of Civil Asset Forfeiture to defend Robber Baron tactics which are now being implemented by law enforcement in the guise of justified procedure based on probable cause searches... as a means of supplementing their income— but never having to register how much, what kind, or from whom the income was forcibly garnered... and the people have no recourse in seeking restitution because the courts are heavily weighted to accept the perceptions of government bodies because laws have been fashioned accordingly... and many of the participants are unaware they are committing any violation of equality upon the citizenry. They don't know how to view equality except from the position of being provided entitlements which provide them with a level of super-standard equality... and they don't even see it being effected because it is a normal part of the workplace environment they inhabit.
And those who do come to realize it, may also come excuse their usage thereof by claiming they deserve it... which means we are automatically placed into a position of being non-deserving... even though they don't voice these words, they create the same effect on our lives. We are a nothing and nobody to them, less than a pawn, and always placed into a category below themselves... no matter how much they may fall in manners, morals, and social membership; yet always elevated to a level accepted as a means for them to establish a name for themselves in their career that many of them see as a challenge, or will force some of us into playing out a part that can be defined as a challenge in order to support their rationale of defining a personal accomplishment. If they come to wallow in scum, they want us below their heels and at their beckoning call to assuage a moment's self-reprisal when their dead conscience is revived ever so briefly following a period of self-immolation. Needless is it for us to say that the people are without an honest legal means of defending themselves against a government whose independent agencies frequently act out their role with self-serving ulterior motivations and there is no one to turn to for assistance. Such a practice of governance acts as a recruitment call for those whose personal philosophies want to be in a position which permits them to legally exploit others for personal gain, however it may be individually measured. Socio-paths, psycho-paths and various individuals inclined to practice their own standards of legality, abound in business, government and religion... requiring the public to adopt protective methodologies in response thereto... all of which contribute to an increasing cultural aura of socially accepted insanity frequently denoted as common sense, normalcy, or some other cultural doping mechanism sometimes referred to as brain washing by repetitive association.
Similarly, in another type of public asset forfeiture, if a person finds money or some property and turns it into law enforcement, the money or property can be kept by those in government who now profess ownership, and does not have to be returned to the finder if no one claims it. In one way or another, it is simply added to the coffers of the law enforcement body taking control of the found item. The message to be interpreted is that when dealing with a government body, honesty is not necessarily the best policy because law enforcement has learned how to make the most of criminal activity learned from criminals through its various repeated dealings with them. If they can influence the public to think in terms of criminality, though criminal acts may not take place, the mentality of the public becomes a standardized model, a sort of game with set rules, that law enforcement can reign over because its enforcement is made possible by made-up laws to accommodate the rationality of those in authority.
Laws are typically drawn up to punish and/or make money for a governing body or agency and are not used as a tool of wisdom and socially productive instruction. Governments can be extremely vengeful entities against its own citizens whose lives are little more than a means to the ends of those in authority at at given time and place. Government does not place itself in the position of self-sacrifice for the people, but frequently calls upon the people to make more and more sacrifices for those in authority, as did J.F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Laws and governments are not necessarily designed with the specific intent of doing what is best for the citizenry according to the established Collective Will of the people... who rarely, if ever, get to voice that Will in any sustained and recurring manner.
Multiple historical references, such as vote denial, lack of equal or civil rights, segregation after being forced from one's homeland, treaty violations, colonialism, imperialism, and the like; give a clear indication that government after government relies on various methods of manipulation and disenfranchisement that deprive the multitudes of Liberty, Justice and an avowed freedom to design and run their governments according to the collective Will of the people. Such a practice of an Actual Democracy is both specious and illusory. Unfortunately, far too many people are immune from the realization that they are participating in a government just as blind as governments in the past have been, and subsequently replaced.
The majority of the public appears to be so caught up in the insulated routines of their day -to- day lives they do not see themselves as cogs in a squeaking and worn-down social wheel. A wheel that can not be adequately rejuvenated by adding the snake oil of some other reconstituted economic policy meant to overhaul the system as one might a vehicle engine; when the vehicle itself needs a new design to accommodate growth towards a new future of human progress. Society needs to be re-tooled in order for a New Age to unfold. Present social governing philosophies are too fault-ridden. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to think or perceive the world in any other way because it is a perspective immortalized by sentimentality and observances passed down from previous generations and incorporated into rationales buttressed by assimilated religious-based philosophical practices. Their mentality is the same mindset of those in the past who accepted their fate as the life style of that to be defined as being their rightful place, their dutiful station... like so many an indentured servant or slave has done. They have found their little corner in which to carve out a living for themselves and that is all that matters to them because government standards is one in which public impotence in self-governance is the rule-of-thumb people are expected to live by; and leave the running of the government to those who delude themselves into thinking they are uniquely gifted for such activity and thus deserve specialized entitlements the rest of us are to defer to. Many in the public do not want to be concerned with anyone else in a large societal effort because no one seems to be unduly concerned with them and their well-being. When they do not see the presumed intellectuals of their society making a fuss about social conditions, such inactivity provides them with an excuse to continue playing out the reticent part they do.
Sometimes incrementally, and at other times more abruptly... the publics of the world are being subjected to varying models of prejudice and discrimination in order to fulfill the agenda of those in authority who have no business being in the position they occupy. But once elected or selected, they entrench themselves with a rooted system of bureaucracy that has been uniquely contoured to fit the mind-scape of those inclined towards a sociopathic or psychopathic orientation; hidden by the many garments of civility which can afford them to carry out their Janus-faced duplicity. Such practices as these, though there are many more, are the result of piece-meal reactionary efforts developed by way of a cadre of incidents provoked by myriad forms of an unrecognized dementia which has led us to the present historically definable "Age of Irrationality".
It is an Age in which, under the guise of some presumed Democracy: mini-forms of Aristocracy, Communism, Corporatocracy, Plutocracy, Socialism and other governing systems have been permitted to prosper in the workplace, sports organizations, classrooms, and other civil public and private activities. For example, the Citizens of the United States can be described as a whipped lap dog whining with its tail between its legs, because its so called Democracy is so impotent it requires its world advertising gimmicks to be promoted and protected by a Military practicing a Socialist-Communistic doctrine that advances Socialist practices within a communal setting. Free speech and free thinking are only permitted so long as it conforms to standards imposed by a select few who dictate law away from a Referendum practice; and most citizens are apparently unaware of mental automation.
But not only does the so-called American brand of democracy rely on a Socialist practicing military, the very practice of enforcing taxes (and the collection thereof with possible incurrences of penalty) is a socialist activity. By pooling money from the collective citizenry in order to let a few select (how they think is) the best way to redistribute the money to serve the needs of the public; the government is practicing Socialism. It is a Socialism which strives to incorporate the practices of Capitalism into promoting altruism and calling it Democracy. But it is not Democracy. A Democracy entails the right of the people to vote on the propriety of taxes before they are even carried out; the tax scale, and how the taxes are to be spent, unless they are placed into a rainy-day fund. The same goes for being forced to commit a certain amount of one's wages for a Social Security fund, or a Workers Compensation Fund. One would think that creating a fund for a National Health care Service would be a logical step in the same pro-society mentality, instead of being subjected to the Willful greed of Health care businesses objecting to a rational health care functionality.
Whereas on the one hand we have a national industry of medical service providers, many of whom take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation, which in brief says that they are to do no harm; we find that the oath is subjected to medical school revisions and individual interpretations when someone begins their practice. It is a practice that permits its morality to be defined by Capitalistic interests defended by a morality based on whatever rationalization is needed to indulge in as much greed as they can. In so doing, the American Medical Association and its counterparts in various specialties, (which includes the insurance industry); create a coalition defending treatment needs that involves multiple service providers that support a compliance to create a high cost medical atmosphere. The medical professions nor any related service provider want to have their ability to make as much profit as they can, regardless of how many or who is burdened.
The text of the Hippocratic Oath (c. 400 BC) provided below is a translation from Greek by Francis Adams (1849). It is considered a classical version and differs from contemporary versions, which are reviewed and revised frequently to fit with changes in modern medical practice. I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation—to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot! Source: "Hippocratic oath." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013. |
The Hippocratic oath, just like a Country's Constitution, can be altered to fit the whims of the authority set in place to interpret what is written. This is why there are so many problems existing between a populace who takes such written materials to heart, but assumed professionals interpret them in whatever fashion suits their motives for a given time and place... and the people have no real recourse to effect a change in law according to its Collective Will without that Will being subjected to a governing process which minimizes that Will into a negligibility or is contoured to fit the inclinations of a select few in a Legislative body, however so named and described. In other words, though it is called a Democracy, America's brand of it is a deceit upon the people. It is a bait and switch tactic giving a few elected-proprietary rights over large swaths of resources under the guise that such resources are being utilized in a formula of "what is best for the most", but the words "best" and "most" are typically defined in narrowly selective terms.
This so called brand of American Democracy is unable to protect itself without resorting to the usage of other brands of governance (because it is merely a rogue shadow of being a real entity)... It must rely on non-democratic actions such as imposing tax burdens that the public has rarely voted on, (and never gets the chance to vote on in every single tax year), before the yearly implementation takes place... and hence the reason for describing Americans as whining whipped lap dogs cowering in personalized enclaves with their tails between their legs. The people are forced to abide in the practiced habit of not practicing an Actual Democracy but are only enabled to label it as a Democracy, because an Actual Democracy would not put up with such nonsense... A nonsense that some try to relieve themselves up by participating in the election of a non-standard person for a political office who will nonetheless succumb to an overall government structure that is anti-democratic.
Collective bargaining on behalf of the citizenry, in terms of a naturalized national Referendum, is not permitted as a standard law-defining practice. Yet neither is the application of itself as a Collective Legislative body, effected as part of the Checks and Balances formula in order to protect itself from a government that refuses to let the people practice an Real Democracy. The people are expected to comply with the Constitutionalized Dictatorship begun by the Founding Fathers— like any whipped dog is, and subsume its constrained independent logic to the rationale of imposed rationalizations dictated by far too many idiots in authoritative positions.
Yet, realistically, if the people "won" the right to exercise an Actual Democracy with a People Legislative Branch effecting laws drawn up by a Congressionally mandated National referendum (for National issues) from which laws of the land would be established; the "windfall" of such an ability would be like so many who have just won a very large lottery. Some would become frivolous in their thinking and others would become hoarders. Some would exercise selective greed and others selective giving. Some would exercise their new found wealth with acts of charity based on giving to advertised charities, others would be focused on special interests. In other words, in hindsight, many would regret the "win", while others would say the had an opportunity to help others. Of course, there are other scenarios one might provide as an example of both good or bad results. But, nonetheless, this would at least be an honest expression of a governing practice as opposed to the present stacked deck scam being perpetrated on the public in a system many of us recognize as being rigged.
Date of Origination: Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016
Initial Posting: Saturday, 16-Jan-2016... 01:36 PM
Updated Posting: Tuesday, 19-Apr-2016... 12:18 PM