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Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism is a tool. And like any tool, it can be misused. It is misused against the people because it is an extension of the misuse to which social governing programs are defined and applied. At present, no nation on the planet is effectively practicing an actual Communism, Democracy or Socialism. These words are used as pretensions, as insinuations, as illusions which permit other... ulterior motives to be practiced. For example, under the guise of a presumed "Democracy", or government of, by and for the people, the United States practices a Republic... a Representative form of government that practices a system which claims to Represent the people, but there is no established means for effectively tabulating the consensus of the people. Indeed, even when a consensus is established in the case for electing a President, the collective Will (designated by a popular vote), can be undermine through the practice of an Electoral system which can, and does undermine the "Representative" Will. America is not an Actual Democracy and therefore must have an economic system in tune with its practiced means of disenfranchising the people. Hence, we have the increasingly populated Many who are subjected to the Will of an incrementally growing Few that is expressed by an expanding divide called the wealthy, rich or 1%, that is contrasted to a poor 99%, but actually might be better denoted as the 96% in order to include an arbitrarily assigned 3% to those who are also wealthy, but are being overlooked in the calculation because they keep a low profile of existence.
In any respect, Capitalism is not the problem. It is a tool that can produce multiple benefits for everyone, if it is appropriately designed for this. But it isn't. It is presently architectured with the intent of sustaining whatever government is in power so as to provide the necessary environment for Capitalism to be used to perpetuate enormous earnings for a few. Capitalism is not being used as a means to produce the best social conditions for everyone. Capitalism is a type of machine. The present Capitalist machine is designed to make a few people very rich, a lesser few to be able to live enormously well, and the rest partake of a social environment advancing a dog -eat- dog social atmospheric ambiance. Those who are attacking Capitalism as the culprit of social ills are like Don Quixote charging Wind Mills. Capitalism is not the problem. The problem rests with the overall governing system which uses Capitalism as a tool to further its ends. Capitalism can be refined to be of great benefit to everyone, as a society, if it is realistically designed in accord with a government whose underlying architecture is likewise oriented in this direction. It is rather stupid for us to expect Capitalism to provide a means of addressing various social problems when its present design does not contain such a program in its underlying code... like a computer program whose writers did not place such a parameter into the code because they did not have the mindset for such an inclusion.
Those advocating a change in the structure and application of Capitalism, without also addressing the need for an architectural change in the form of government which is using a given form of Capitalism, are promoting a turn that will lead us along a path of spinning our wheels and becoming bogged down; and thus become further frustrated to a point of screaming for the removal of Capitalism altogether. Capitalism is presently functioning as it is designed to: To make a lot of money, and/or provide a lot of power to a Few that the Many are forced to oblige themselves with. The present Capitalism is a facade for concealing the present practices of phony Democracy. Whereas the functionality of Capitalism is malleable to change, governments are not. It is foolhardy to expect an alteration in Capitalism to act as a means by which a government will change in response thereto, when governments are particularly stubborn entities. If a government is controlled by those who desire to retain a status quo of functioning due to greed or because they honestly would not know how to representatively function in any other form of government advocating a different philosophy, the intended usage of Capitalism as a type of shoehorn by those who sincerely want to create a better system of governance; overlook that the shoehorn is made of flexible putty. Capitalism is a malleable tool, not an obdurate one. It flexes, it is responsive, it is moldable. It is not a piece of iron or steel.
Capitalism is sensitive to human activity, like changes in global markets. While it is receptive to deterioration, destruction, and abusive decay, it is not self-healing. The bandages and restorative measures which are applied are usually by those who are advocating a government ideology far removed from the pretensions of advocating an Actual Communism, Democracy, or Socialism. Capitalism is a victim of the many abuses being fostered on it by those who have no intention of practicing a Communism, Democracy, or Socialism. Their interpretations and definitions of such terms are not Representative of those of the Collective public Will... a Will that is never actually asked for its opinion... or allowed to even collectively discuss the interpretation and definition thereof. The public is systematically, and bureaucratically expected to defer its collective judgment to a select few who customarily do not have the intelligence, wisdom nor life experience to fully appreciate the significant disparity which exists in present formulas of "Representation". Similarly, the present practice of Capitalism is not Representative of the collective Will of the People. If such a practice of Actual representation was in effect, Capitalism would show itself as a wholly different type of economic tool.
The public is being victimized by governing systems that do not practice what they preach to youth in public school systems. For example, America does not practice a democracy, yet it is a word used to describe the practice of a poorly designed Republic, denoting a pathetic form of Representation backed by a Constitution and Bill of Rights formally dedicated to the provision of sustaining a control over the majority by a select few. By forcing the government to practice an Actual Democracy we can forcibly ensure an alteration in the formula of Capitalism. The other way around is like trying to balance a triangle on its tip. Every single person wanting to sincerely effect the practice of a better form of governance must begin to verbalize a desire for a New Government. Not by insinuation, not by imagery, not by coded words or ideological subterfuge, not by saying you prefer a Communism or Socialism, not by implication or any other coloring. Every single person interested in developing a New Government must say it without equivocation and obfuscation or deliberate deflection from establishing the premise of a growing cognitive orientation advancing a new formula of dialectic. The word denoting such a desire is called Cenocracy. Every single reformist, revolutionist, anarchist, or otherwise, must call for a Cenocracy... a New Government. It is the premise for establishing a collective focus of intention.
We must establish a collective premise that will resonate through every walk of life. Every single banner-waving political movement, every single individualized ideology contemplated in silence with persistent reverie which has brought many to tears and reflected on shame— that we so-called intelligent human beings can not bring together the collective best of all people to establish an unyielding march towards both national and global self-governing improvement. The idea of Cenocracy must come to occupy the hearts, minds and souls of the collective public. We must establish a singular premise for change that is immutable.
Capitalism must stop being bullied as the bad guy that needs to be stoned to death. Capitalism is in its infancy... and it is an infancy that is being subjected to a system of parenting that is a lie. We have not and do not practice Communisms, Democracies nor Socialisms. Our governments are falsifications of these words whose definitions come to be arbitrarily redefined to suit ulterior motives of a few... who want to keep or place themselves in some assumed superior social position:
- They do not care for Equality unless it is defined according to some self-serving
standard providing them with the ability of exceeding a defined standard thereof,
even if the public must be served up as collateral damage, a scapegoat, or dispensable
fodder for that requiring lives to be sacrificed.
- They do not care for Justice unless it can be arbitrarily readjusted to coincide
with a desired gain, regardless of what criminality may have or will be ensued.
- And they do not care for liberty or freedom unless they too provide themselves with an exceptional or measured exception thereof.
Capitalism is wrongly interpreted to be the cause of a society's diminished morality, when in fact it is but a reflection of the low morality inherent in those who use it as a means to corrupt the public to conceal their periodic immorality that has long been known to engage in any "necessary evil" which will provide the opportunity for them to increase their grasp of some resource. Capitalism can be used to accomplish great good for everyone, but only if the underlying philosophy of the government is so directed. For example, the United States was not predicated on the philosophy of a Communal approach for serving the people. Its intent was to provide the means by which the effort of the people could be used to generate wealth for a system designed to be run by a few, and not establish an Actual Democracy. Neither the Constitution nor Bill of Rights advocate the establishment of an Actual Democracy, though it uses such a word to manipulate the public into thinking it practices such a formula of governance. We can not have an honest and effective Capitalism directed towards the well-being of the public, because the government does not embrace such a philosophy. Despite what presumed Representatives might say to the contrary, they do not want an Actual Peoples Government, because their role would thus be diminished.
It is hypocritical for a political candidate to claim that a prevailing government system is rigged, only to show themselves as part of the rigging when they ask their followers to support another candidate that was previously denounced as part of the problem that needs to be corrected, by removing them from being able to participate in the dysfunctional system. In addition, it is appreciably incredulous to promote such a gesture of compliance to a system (because that's the way it is), when the compliance is directed towards the support of a political party designated as being Democrat, and yet participates in the exercise of a non-democratic election system, thus defining it to be a party which does not in effect advocate the practice of a Democracy, but some institutionalized superficiality thereof. Such a double-standard logic is the currency of a disjointed governing philosophy which has caused Capitalism to be used as a weapon against the establishment of greater social values involving equality, justice, liberty and freedom, though the latter two are sometimes used inter-changeably as a singular entity.
Again and again and again we are confronted by the sincerity of those claiming the way to solve social problems is to direct our efforts towards an analysis of Capitalism by listing examples of supposed ills that it produces, detailing previous and present attempts to make corrective changes when problems occur, and establishing the parameters for presumed effective changes... very often in the model of some epiphenomenal dichotomy, just like Marx and Engles used in their arguments during an era when an understanding of cognitive dissonance was not consciously acknowledged as it is today. For instance, in the following example, there are four stated tried and failed solutions [of problems due to the practice of a poorly designed Capitalism] (which is actually a 3 -to- 1 formula since it contains 3 which are applied to the system as it is and one is directed towards replacing the system... and thus represents a recurring cognitive pattern previously discussed and needs to be included in any formula for promoting government changes):
{Note: the author's attendant commentary has been included because they are important points being brought up by different reviewers of Capitalism.} 1 of 3: Trust the Market. If given enough time and freedom, the problems generated by capitalism will self-correct. The problem with this solution is that it seems to assume that significant externalities either don't exist or will be quickly resolved by the market itself, an increasingly implausible attitude given the gravity of the situation. 2 of 3: Rely on regulation. The aim of good government regulation is to push the costs of externalities back onto a firm that generates them and to incentivize their reduction, for example by making polluters pay. This is one of the most leveraged solutions. The (correct) assumption here is that companies and markets will, if left to their own devices, inevitably generate externalities that are not addressed by the market itself. Firms and markets need to be guided and kept on track by government regulation, which can force the externality costs back into the firm. For example, by charging a firm for each ton of pollution that leaves its factory's smokestacks, the firm feels the cost of the pollution that it generates and is therefore incentivized to reduce the pollution. However, because each situation is different, regulations are rarely precise or broad enough to address all externalities. Furthermore, they are often considered to decrease the value-creation power of the market and become rapidly obsolete as firms find ways to bypass them. 3 of 3: Encourage ethical behavior. This perspective holds that good ethical judgment should be encouraged in firms and consumers, in lieu of the prevailing greed and selfishness. This solution relies on "moral heroics", the assumption that morally superior choices, and not self-interest, can become the norm. But it also underestimates the systematic nature and ubiquity of the problems we face. 1 of 1: Replace with another system. The belief that capitalism is rotten to its core, and leads to the corruption of governments, individual and cultural values argues in favor of its replacement by a less noxious system. The problem with this solution is: "Replace capitalism by what?" The alternatives generally suggested, such as socialism, rely on relatively inefficient central planning, often enable corruption, and fail to leverage the powerful driver of self-interest to generate economic wealth. source: Problems of Capitalism Part II: A new Solution to the Collateral Damage of Capitalism, By Professor Michael Yaziji - December 2012 |
In the next example, we encounter someone's advocacy of getting rid of Capitalism and replacing it with what resembles just another flavor or Capitalism that hints at the direction being advocated on this page... which is to direct our efforts towards altering the government and adapting the necessary form of Capitalism which will promote values sustainable of, by and for the public... even if the following short excerpt doesn't actually get to this point:
...Like (the English political philosopher) Russell (Brand) we know what we don’t like. That’s the easy part. But how can we get rid of capitalism and what is the alternative? To answer we must go back to the issue of power and how to distribute it in a way that promotes the common good, a key element of which is a healthy environment. The best way is through more democracy. REAL democracy. Economic democracy. Do you want an equitable, sustainable economy? Then help overthrow capitalism and create an economic democracy... Source: Capitalism is the Problem, Economic Democracy the Solution by Gary Engler / January 31st, 2014 |
In this third example, we find another perspective of anti-Capitalism by highlighting some tell-tale "obscenities" that are thought to be major themes of consideration in any discussion on the topic. While the associated commentary to the listings is omitted, the intent in providing this particular example is to show the divergence which considerations on the topic of Capitalism can be applied to buttress one's argument(s):
Source: The 5 Biggest Obscenities of Capitalism Today Committed capitalists fail to recognize that individual success is a result of collaborative effort. By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet, July 14, 2013 |
Each of us has our own perspective, and this is a problem because we do not permit any ONE idea to be presented as a collective effort to correct the many different problems being described as problems created by an imaginary evil ogre called Capitalism. Capitalism is not animate. It has no eye, ears, heart or brain. It has no feelings one way or another. If humanity were to become non-existent, so would Capitalism. Capitalism is an extension of human activity that, if put into practice with a poorly constructed design that is architectures by a governing system that promotes an illusory philosophy... like a falsified democracy, it will be just as corrupt and corruptible. Again, Capitalism is not the problem. It is a tool that can be used for good or for ill. It can be designed with an interest in promoting great values for everyone, or designed to assist a few in their self-centered motivations. Capitalism is a false doctrine of economic provision for establishing, promoting and sustaining the values of a democracy believed to be in the best interests of everyone, because its base of operations is not the platform, not the cornerstone, not the scaffolding of and Actual Democracy. Capitalism can not be, can not express, can not function as an instrument of Communism, Democracy, nor Socialism when it is being indentured, forced, enslaved, to participate in the practiced realization of a pseudo- Communism, Democracy or Socialism. Capitalism does not provide the people with the Justice, Freedom, Liberty and Equality that they collectively, because it is not designed to accomplish this task.
The usage of anger, apathy, and antagonism towards Capitalism is not an effective premise with which to begin a philosophical base promoting a better society. The present formula of Capitalism is shown to be a lie because its intent is misconstrued because of an adulterated promotion by those who are using a particular model of Capitalism to serve themselves a greater portion of available resources. It is not designed to promote Communist, Democratic nor Socialist values, even though some observers believe they see such ideologies being played out in some measure. Capitalism is an economic tool that is not steadfastly committed to an advocacy of Communism, Democracy or Socialism. Capitalism is mangled in order to give the impression of advocating a particular ideology, which thereafter is used to improve or belittle its image. The present structure of Capitalism will not give us more values of Communism, Democracy or Socialism, because it is not designed to do this. Again, it is designed to promote falsifications of Communism, Democracy and Socialism. The dichotomy of conflict arises due to unrealistic expectations based on misinterpretations of what Capitalism can, can not, or should do. Capitalism is not against equality, because it has no feelings or thoughts about equality, or justice, or liberty or freedom... one way or another. Blaming Capitalism for unrealized expectations due to unrealistic interpretations of it design abilities, is like blaming a hunting rifle for not being able to adequately confront the problem of an oppositional cannon or tank.
The design of Capitalism is to promote a government being used to promote numerous specialized interests whose objectives are not primarily focused on confronting large measures of social problems. Social problems are so numerous as to collectively represent a formidable arsenal that can not be adequately confronted by designing an economic tool in the shape and functionality of a water pistol used as a preferential source for a few whose collective personal philosophies are based on a system of logic lacking a comprehensive knowledge of available information regarding sociological development as an adaptive reflex to a decaying environment that can not be saved from its ultimate total demise. Whereas we can slow the process of decay down, we can not save the Earth, nor the solar system, nor the galaxy from its trek along a course of destruction. Humanity must either accept the fate of following along in this same course by making periodic social governing adjustments to develop a measure of equilibrium, or it must adopt a philosophy which aligns all its economic standards with the intent of removing itself from the cyclicity of these cosmological events... so as to greatly increase its chances of survival and growth.
Every nation uses three types of Capitalism: One for internal production and commerce. One for individualized agreements with preferred trading partners who may share a given language, culture, heritage, or regional interest. And One for global transactions. The design of these Capitalism can vary widely while still exhibiting a mutual compliance as a type of specialized vernacular like traders of ancient times having to use an adopted lingua franca as a type of communication with which to barter for different goods. All of us are Capitalists in one fashion or another, whether the "goods" to be produced, bought and sold are raw materials, a home-cooked meal, or affection. While some give more than they receive, a system of bartering is nonetheless in place... which occurs in both animate and inanimate environments in all dimensions. Just because we may not anthropomorphically consider the gain and loss of a tide as a system of bartering, does not mean that a give and take situation can not be described as a metaphor of Capitalism in a very broad sense. Humanity actually doesn't corner the market on Capitalistic practices. Human uses thereof is a minute fraction of a larger array of Capitalistic practices occurring throughout nature.
From this perspective, as a part of natural activity, it might be easier to identify Capitalism like so many different phenomena that are shaped by human application. Such as a river being channeled along a pathway where a dam is built to generate electricity. Humans have molded the original practice of the river's dynamic Capitalism which "owned" a particular causeway of flow as an expression of private ownership, which was forcefully overtaken by human redesign. The same goes for atomic behavior which has been, in some cases, changed to human ownership in terms of atomic bombs, energy and medical examination techniques. The point is, Capitalism can be made into a useful or destructive product... one that effects good, mediocrity, or bad in a short term, or long term cycle because it is either constructed with adaptive capabilities, or as an obstruction which allows it to be self-correcting and self-improving without causing harm.
An example of this is the idea that a problematic market economy is best served because it will correct itself over-time, yet during the interim a lot of lives needlessly suffer... in addition to the presence of some applied story book-like thinking where Capitalism is in some respects a wooden character that comes to life and can make conscious corrections because of a practiced anthropomorphism. In other words, Capitalism's assumed market-place dynamics is somehow perceived as if it were a living being, just like a company being viewed as a person... in the expression of an acquired personhood designated by a Judicial system living in a fantasy world because its underlying commitment is to uphold subjective interpretations of a document (the Constitution) which is not formulated with an endowed orientation to Communism, Democracy, nor Socialism... instead of being answerable to the collective Will of a people whose collective opinions are not routinely asked for.
It is ludicrous to attack a system of economics as the culprit for having committed crimes against the people labeled as social inequalities, when it too is a victim which is often used as a scapegoat by those advancing a variation of the design in word or deed, and acts to mollify a disgruntled public who think that such superficial actions actually represent purposive change; but the change does little to correct an underlying problem inherent in a governing system exercised on the foundation of a lie about its true nature and true character. We can not rely on old or present interpretations of Marx and Engels' ideology because it is wholly inadequate interpretation of history due to the absence of an appreciation of human sociological growth established on an informed knowledge base of developmental progression of human cognition which effects the ideological assumptions in a given belief system. Such an interpretation of the old set into a modern context is denoted in the article: Capitalism is the Problem: Workers’ Socialist Revolution is the Solution.
When the design of a Capitalism, or any form of Economic system, is used as a tool by which a falsified Communism, Democracy or Socialism are meant to be supported, any and all such economic systems will reflect the image of their makers... who typically are their greatest stock holders of a given ideology. If we want a better economy we have to have a much better, a more honest social system of governance that is initialed by the idea of a New Government... a Cenocracy.
Page Initially Created: Wednesday, 17-Aug-2016... 03:50 AM
Page First posted: Wednesday, 17-Aug-2016... 09:12 AM Updated Page: Sunday, 18-June-2017... 6:57 AM