(The early days of a Trumpology, Trumponomics, and Trumposophy.)
Welcome to America's version of an Old Testament drama set on the stage of the 2016 Presidential Election's Circus and Carnival show! The two dominant characters were played by Hillary Clinton whose role as the Babylon Whore exemplified a maintenance of the old system of political corruptions and cronyism that many people wanted to keep as a serial soap opera because they were used to the acts and actors and felt most comfortable in the security of such a routine. Whereas those who were desperate for change away from the old insanity which contributed to so many problems; decided to go-for-broke and choose Donald Trump whose role as the "anti-" Christ needs a bit of explanation, since the usage of biblical metaphors can be taken too literally. As such, his "anti-" role can best be acknowledged by looking at the team he is putting together since both they and he will provide us with a government of Trumpology, Trumponomics, and Trumposophy (but let us not fail to include "Trump Pharaohism", in that he gives the impression of wanting to create a dynasty that will out-live him and his brood, much like ancient Pharaohs did... whereas in the case of the first female U.S. president, this alone would have sufficed as a legacy):
- Anti-democracy (A "Republic"
form of government does not have to be a Democracy, only give the illusion of being
one in order for the people to be controlled by a fire-side myth fraught with government
inspired demons to produce internalized fears by which compliance can be assured. Besides,
we must maintain the current practice of an Oligarchy, Plutocratic-Aristocracy, and
- Anti-socialism (Taxes
are required for politicians to have play [gambling] money, but people shouldn't
expect anything in return. People demanding that their collected monies be used to
pay for something they need is the act of a brat and whiney baby. The government is
permitted to take candy away from babies because laws make them vulnerable to abuse.)
- Anti-communism (...Even
though the military is a socialist run Communism in which no elections are ever held.)
- Anti-abortion, contraception, planned parenthood (It's
logical that a government dominated by men MUST retain dominant control and say-so over a woman's body...
no matter the disatrous consequences to individual lives on the overall social fabric—
whose tapestry must exhibit the gold, silver, and platinum embossed images of Trump
and his cohorts!)
- Anti-planned parenthood/contraception (Let
venereal disease and unwanted babies denote the bible's "be fruitful and multiply!"
conservative policy.)
- Anti-feminism (It's
alright for women to have equality, so long as they know their place beneath men.)
- Anti-vaccination (It's a
means of affecting martial law sometime in the future in order to force people to
do all sorts of things under the guise of a rampant epidemic.)
- Anti-Presidential salary
(Trump can't possibly accept the $400,000 salary that the public had no say so in
providing the President with. Such a paltry sum is below the standards of his Ego.
Such an ego must give the impression of humility by accepting only a $1.00 salary
in order to conceal the mind of a person who will machinate a means to achieve
an income worthy of Narcissism. Since the rigged election system voted him in as
if the Electoral College is a "personhood"— [a silent voting partner] who is
entitled the majority opinion; Trump can interpret this to mean he is loved by one
and all... or at least those who matter most to him.)
- Anti-white house, pentagon, and united nations...etc.,
(All government functions should move to Trump Towers in order for Trump to recoup his
losses by taking only a "$1.00" as his salary. All social and government functions
must pay for Trump Tower catering, rooms and other services... with extensive tipping
much appreciated. The Trump Towers will be refurbished to the highest security standards
by using billions of tax dollars... and let the public be damned if it doesn't like it.)
- Anti-non-Trump designated government offices
(All embassies must purchase working and living spaces inside a Trump owned building
because he will be spending his term in office in a modern, luxurious setting and
not the antiquated museum known as the White House with its stale decor and portraits
of those who honor themselves above the public. By agreeing to such a policy, all
embassies will have access to Trump based on how much they are willing to pay for
rent and the level at which staff are tipped.)
- Anti-washington monument, lincoln
memorial, etc... (The former is a phallic [erect penis] symbol and the latter is
a scrotum symbol. The Trump Towers must be the foremost symbol for the world to pay
homage to. If women were the dominant figure in government for an extended period of
time, we would have vagina, womb, clitoris, vulva, and birthing monuments. If Native
Americans, Asians, Blacks, Pacific Islanders, Hill Billies, Musicians, Poets, Red necks,
Architects, Physicians, Golfers, Bakers, Rappers, Skate boarders, or Wrestlers, etc.,
were in charge of government for an extended period of time, the public would be
subjected to their self-reflecting brand of monuments and memorials... hence, it is
rational for Trump to create a tax-paid monument to his self-importance.)
- Anti-environmental concerns (Climate changes
are just simple weather patterns no one should get excited about even if so-called
scientific evidence suggests otherwise. By ignoring environmental concerns we can
increase industrial activity in order to make more money, though the wealth is reserved
for a few. By acting as absentee industrial owners who live in a cleaner environment,
the ill effects of relaxed environmental protection standards will not be troublesome
for them and their families. The public must pay for the insulation of Trump Towers
from all environmental problems.)
- Anti-animal rights concerns (Only certain
people and animals should have certain rights.)
- Anti-peace initiative
(It is necessary to do things that will so infuriate different governments that someone
is bound to take offense and give the U.S. Cause to attack them economically, militarily,
or otherwise... just so tensions throughout the world can increase and he can view
himself as a "War President" just like Bush the minor (Jr.) wanted to go down in
history as, since he had no other qualities of value to speak of.)
- Anti-Capitalism (While
Capitalism is a tool that could be used to benefit everyone, it is being used to
make a few rich at the expense of the many. However, it is a tool that does not
serve the means by which only a fewer proportion of the few can become even wealthier.
Therefore, a "Trumponomics" vision is to get rid of Capitalism because it is being
used to make too many people richer then he is. The true standard of being greedily
rich is to make most of those who are presently rich into being as poor as the majority
is now. The economic standard for the world must be Trumpism that will come to
replace Capitalism. Trump and those he selects, are to be the only asset of value.)
- Anti-science dogma (Flat
earth science is ok and also creationism-science topics.)
- Anti-graft laws (Just
because people want to pay Trump more money to live or work in his Towers is not
to be interpreted as a bribe. It is simply an expression of the American government's
hospitality for all foreign diplomats to be in the luxurious Trump Towers, and for
them to show their appreciation by providing large tips to staff that must take up
a daily collection to give to Trump so he can pay them their wages.)
- Anti-fallibility policy
(It is only right that everyone in the world signify by agreeing that Trump and his
hired hooligans are to receive total diplomatic immunity in the exceedingly rare
occurrence of lying, cheating, stealing, murder, rape, molestation, groping, harassment,
- Anti-equal rights for women (Sexual harassment
is only harassment in the eyes of women.)
- Anti-government changes
(Like politicians who must act out their nature in the government environment to
which they live, Trump can only act his underlying nature just like in the story
of the scorpion and the turtle. He can not change what he is and will do whatever
he can to perpetuate an environment which best suits the functionality of his nature.
He can not improve a government that persists in maintaining those internal
environments best suited for the nature of different venomous life forms which exceed
the quantity of his own. He can give the impression of changing the scenery, but
all environments necessarily have their own types of predators and comfort providing
life forms.)
- Anti-holiday (there
can be no holidays unless they are minor ones in comparison to a Trump holiday...
that the public must pay for.)
- Anti-loophole closing
(It does not advantage businesses, the government nor religions to be subjected to
policies that would effectively close any loophole, whether realized or not... and make
it a crime for anyone to take advantage of a loophole that may have been intentionally
or unintentionally constructed in a law, policy, or provision... unless the entire
public could benefit just as those who would want to exploit a loophole. Because laws
and activities such as granting government contracts can be intentionally designed
to provide an exploitable situation for those who first take advantage of it, such
a "loophole closing" law would prevent any and all from taking advantage of the public.
In other words, instead of supplying a legal get-out-of-jail-free card, it would
be a go-directly-to-jail card... or at least confiscate all received rewards and
return them to the owner(s) without machinating yet another loophole so that the
government is permitted to keep ill-gotten gains like the S.E.C. (Securities and
Exchange Commission has sometimes done).
- Anti-news media (Except for those who make
favorable reports about the Trump regime.)
- Anti-immigration (...Or at least a severely
restrictive model to allow workers who will make a chosen few extremely rich.)
- Anti-native American (Tribal leaders can be
bought off to exclude DNA certified members so that the government pays less to tribes.)
- Anti-dna evidence (Except if proves a government
case... otherwise, only hard-to-substantiate documentation... where none existed in the
first place should be only that which is allowed. Such a policy enables Tribal leaders
and their following to adopt a self-centered White government philosophy.)
- Anti-semitic (Jew) orientation (Everyone knows
they're out to steal the government's gold and set up a Torah government.)
- Anti-pacific Islander indulgences (We need the
islands to test our nuclear bombs.)
- Anti-catholic pope (Even his efforts were unable
to stop the rise of the Anti-Christ because forsake the church due to rampant misdeeds.)
- Anti-moslem obsession (It is safest to suspect
all of them as terrorists and Islamic fanatics.)
- Anti-mexican, hispanic/herspanic, latino compulsions
(They are ruining America by their diligent work ethic!)
- Anti-god (Thou shall have no other gods before Trump.)
- Anti-labor jobs (...Or creating labor-specific
employment for a given industry so as to justify getting a government contract.)
- Anti-equality (So as to provide more entitlements and
benefits to a few.)
- Anti-banking restrictions (Except for those
trying to take money out of Trump's businesses.)
- Anti-freedom of speech (Except those protesting
against Trump's enemies.)
- Anti-high I.Q. (Anyone with an I.Q. over that of a
dunce, idiot, moron or sycophant can not work for Trump.)
- Anti-religion (Except for those advocating
against Democracy, since it is well known that religions customarily promote an Anarchism,
Communism, dictatorship, monarchy, and other forms of population control that perpetuate
poverty in order to promote charity and do not hold elections for religious authority.)
- Anti-human rights (Only those which favor the
U.S. government's program of anti-Democracy Imperialism will be allowed.)
- Anti-justice for all (Justice should be only
for those who deserve it... double standard law is fine if it serves the elite.)
- Anti-liberty for all (People are better off
as indentured servants because most have a slave mentality anyway since they accept
the myth of so-called American Democracy.)
- Anti-social security (...By changing Social
Security into a 401K plan so that the stock market can steal the public's money and blame
it on poor investment strategies.)
- Anti-wisdom (Ask Trump and his advisers and
you will be told all you need to know about wisdom.)
- Anti-education, literacy (Ask Trump and he'll
tell you everything you need to know to fulfill his need of creating a lasting monument to himself.
Ignorant people are too stupid to know any better.)
- Anti-union (People should have a right to
work but not a right to employment with wages and benefits. Only Congress should be
allowed to give itself a raise in wage and benefits and let the public is forced by
their laws to comply with their self-serving orientation.)
- Anti-asian (They squint their eyes because
they have devious minds with multiple secrets that want to topple the Trump brand of
phony democracy.)
- Anti-black, negro, colored inclinations (Blacks
are useful only if the toe the line just like they did long ago for commercial interests
on the Niger river from which was derived the word 'nigger'. They must tote that bale
and pull that barge so that the government and its business cohorts get ever-more
richer while the people get poorer.)
- Anti-poverty, homelessness czar
(While new government departments providing large salaries and other benefits for
security and other military or paramilitary forces can be established as a means to
combat increasing risks of insurrection from a disenfranchised public; poverty must
be maintained in order to insure that religions have a means of carrying out tax-exempt
charitable services that reap them multiple social dividends... and homelessness
must not be addressed with the same level of financial and resource commitments
because the presence of homeless people make the rich feel better about their
insecure egos that constantly look for ways to take advantage of the public under
the misaligned Capitalistic ethic "It's nothing personal, it's just business".)
- Anti-civil rights (People need to exhibit the
same type of civility as Trump and his cronies do.)
- Anti-poor people (Only decent, hard working people
should be citizens.)
- Anti-minimum wage (Congress has a right to set the
minimum wage much lower than they can justify increasing their own.)
- Anti-guaranteed income (The public must
not be assisted in receiving a minimum means of acquiring basic needs under the control of the public's
own hand. Instead, government programs must be set up which routinely keeps thousands
of people living in dire straits because of a bureaucracy that those who control
the bureaucracy, do not themselves have to run the gauntlet of; thereby having no
personal emphatic experience of how many people are excluded from programs because
of requirements that are out-of-step with multiple different realities of Hell people
are trying to survive in because of a society whose game plan is drawn up by a
formula of government that the people have grown out of.)
- Anti-logic, rationality (So long as everyone
bows to Trump and his inner circle of priestly managers, all is right with the world.)
- Anti-wisdom (Listen to Trump and he will set
you free to do his bidding.)
- Anti-common sense ("Commonality" of majority opinion
is to be disregarded, obstructed, overlooked, ambushed, obfuscated, denied.)
- Anti-corrupt government
(The former corruptions of the previous government are to be gotten rid of in order that
a new brand of Trump-styled corruption can ensue. This means that those crooks who
worked with a given mindset for the previous regime can stay so long as they swear
their allegiance to a new inc-orporation of screwing the public and other countries
just so America's millionaires can become billionaires and billionaires can become trillionaires
and the whole of the public be damned if it doesn't like it... since it won't do
anything anyway because the collective whole of the public exhibits a laughable cowardice.
- ETC...
However, Trump would not want to have his image usurped by the Anti-Christ, thus requiring us to bestow the title of "Anti-Trump" on him... or Caesar, Emperor, King, and perhaps even God. Yet, as mentioned... there are millions of people in America who rightly discern the need for a New type of Government (a Cenocracy); only to have this desire undermined by a political and election system that provides the people with two evils to choose from, and then is permitted to exercise a separate opinion by a "personhood" type of election process which enables the dominant choice of voters to be undermined... thus enabling the Devil himself (or at least a disciple), be chosen instead of permitting the lesser evil of an institutionalized whoredom to be perpetuated. Likes so many governments the world over, the American system is its own brand of bureaucratic whoredom that struts its wares on its claimed street corner of the world and creates a self-imagined legend by such ideas as manifest destiny and right of imminent which permits it to exercise civil asset forfeitures in whatever it cares to contrive.
And because so many millions are desperate for a change that can not be achieved by someone implying he will clean the snakes out of the government, only to have the rocks overturned so that his own snake-headed entourage can slither there way into such spaces; thereby entrenching their own type of venom upon the unsuspecting public whose desperation for an Actual Democracy is a crowd imposed elixir which numbs their consciousness from being able to have any premonition of the future horrors they will be faced with. They overlook the realization that a person who is obsessed with creating monuments to himself will be on the lookout for creating an environment in which he can create the accepted rationale for constructing a projected image of his own phallic sense of self-importance. For example, if he wants to design an image of himself as a great war president, he will need to establish the ground work for a great war to occur. If he wants to be remembered as a great economic president; what better way than to make a world economy really bad in order to be viewed as a hero, a savior of humanity by simply undoing damage he and his cronies intentionally contrived in order to develop the necessary schematic in which their resources can be most useful.
A person's whose history exemplifies an obsession with establishing ejaculated emissions of this and that construction is the profile of someone who will persist in a like-minded way, and will want to be surrounded by those who will help them achieve an edifice resembling their ego. It is a narcissism which does not care, and is rarely cognizant of how much immorality or money must change hands in order to achieve some projected semblance of one's personified self-obsession. All forms of narcissism reveal themselves in similarly projected ways, be it for control, sexual dominance, or simply to instigate conflicts so as to make oneself... to at least oneself, appear as something better than another. Ask the government to supply the people with a Universal health care plan that every single person can afford, or a Universal vehicle insurance plan, or an Actual Democracy, or free advanced education/training, or worker compensation for being replaced by automation, or a livable wage, and numerous other basic needs such as an income... and the government will make excuses for itself that it has not money to help the public.
...But, ask for money to construct some edifice to a President, or put their image on some monetary denomination, and the money is then found to grow on trees— or a war is instigated in order that funds can miraculously appear for armaments so that a President's personally commanded military is second to none. There are many similar hypocrisy's which play out. Then again, there might be the need to create dire situations in another country in order that some business such as Halliburton can receive a no-bid contract to reap hundreds of millions of tax monies... to fill its own coffers with, and thus be paid back for its political contributions... though the rest of the contributors are not permitted this same luxury. And while they're at it, they might as well design a social context in which the people will want to give Trump another four years so that we end up with another eight year span of useless government activity like so much of that which came before him. This latter event is necessary in order to ensure Trump the means by which his embittered ego can lash out at the public with smaller policies and non-congress controlled acts; when he is unable to create the image of a lasting dynasty to himself.
And all those who decide to follow Trump into the wilderness at his behest and claim of salvation, beware ye then... you must not turn around and look behind from whence you came... or else you might turn into a pillar of salt like the fate of Lot's wife; because her curiosity was viewed as an act of disobedience and defiance and not as an expression of courage in questioning the judgment and righteousness of authority, as in the case of the Salt March conducted by Mohandas K. Gandhi. Instead, you must find love for Trump in fearing his potential wrath if he is unable to achieve the development of constructing some claim to lasting fame with his name... after which may follow the same as his ego grows more insane... and the rigged Electoral College is to blame.
Nonetheless, let us add a note of departure from the above by saying the new administration will be given the benefit of the doubt... since we are told not to judge a book by it's cover.
Date of Origination: Monday, 14-Nov-2016... 03:10 AM
Date of Initial Posting: Monday, 14-Nov-2016...11:02 AM
Updated Posting: Monday, 21-Nov-2016... 10:48 AM