With regards to the Peoples Legislative Branch (PLB), here is a list of preliminary considerations that will no doubt go through revision, and is thus presented as a generality in order to begin a process of contemplation and discussion prior to implementation, the list is not meant to be definitive, but a drawing board sketch):
At some moment in the future every State in the U.S. will have drawn up three lists. One for Men, one for Women, and one for workers. Any resident of a State may select to have their name placed onto one of the lists. Each Candidate must select which gender they prefer, or instead choose to be placed on the "Worker" list which only differentiates between workers and non-workers, though the term "work" shall a very broad interpretation, since someone can 'work' at being lazy, at not working, working their mouth, etc., some activities actually require a great deal of effort in order to keep from having to work.
From the above lists will be chosen, by whatever process of random selection the people deem is most representative of fairness, one man, one woman and one worker from each state to participate in the Peoples Legislative Branch. The States will also choose successors in case of death, disease or some other issue which prevents the primary selectees from fulfilling their role.
Those so selected will then choose from amongst themselves, the officers to be in general charge of seeing that the activities of all are carried out. Those who do not perform their functions in an ethical manner on behalf of the public shall be subject to discipline or removal as the collective body sees fit, or as the Will of the People from the State they came so choose to do with them.
These State Representatives will be responsible for gathering all complaint or complimentary issues from those within their State against any one or any policy in the government, or those whom the government has a working or other relationship with... and collating them in a manner which bests suits the overall gathering and listing from all the States combined.
Rules for prioritizing the list(s) will need to be established, in order to facilitate presenting a given issue to the people for discussion and an eventual vote. Prioritization may be accomplished by the number of requests received from the people, to have a given issue addressed because the people feel it is most pressing.
The list(s) must be made public. and there will be no time constraint for submitting a request except the cataloguing of time, such as minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. Those issues which occur in the following calendar year will be recorded as such, but the quantity of a given issue in one year, if it has not been addressed in the previous year, can increase the schedule of prioritization.
Those issues which are prioritized to be addressed in the order of a quantitized urgency, though quantity need not be the deciding factor since the majority of the public may not be at a vantage point of perception and need to advised why one issue needs to be prioritized first because of a prevailing National need, are thus to be submitted to the members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch, if they so desire to be "in the loop" of communication with the interest of the public of one or another issue needing to be addressed in a definitive manner.
Those issues prioritized one year that were not addressed, can be moved up to the following year, or be reduced in prioritization due to changes in the public's interest to have one or another issue brought forth instead.
The PLB Representatives are not the voice of the people until the people have selected which issue is to be resolved... or attempted to be resolved by some practical law. Then and only then are the PLB Representatives permitted to speak on behalf of the people in presenting the voted on resolution to those of Congress, where they may accept or reject, with reasons for rejection and accompanied with an alternative resolution if that is their disposition. If the Congress fails to address the resolution within the time frame that the people allot, then the people will vote to keep or alter their resolution as need be. If the people decide to keep their resolution as is, then it will be sent to the President for acceptance or rejection. If the President accepts the Will of the People as it is presented, the resolution will become the law of the land. If it is rejected, and the Congress refuses to address the issue any further with the intent of offering a valid opinion as to why the Will of the People should not proceed, the People can Vote to pass the resolution into law, which binds all branches of government to accept the Will of the People as the law of the land.
One or more means of permitting any and all participating members of society to support or oppose the reasons for approaching the resolutions of an issue in a given way, will have to be worked out.
A means of gathering votes, however many times the voting process is used (perhaps as a whittling process to structure a resolution more definitively); and verification of the vote tally as being correct, must be developed.
(stopped 1:24 PM, Thursday)
(Begun: 3:23 AM, Friday)
Unbiased mediators for monitoring PLB public discussions and voting procedures will need to be appointed.
Any existing branch or department of government, or person there from, can provide the PLB with an issue involving National interests. A person may be privy to information concerning an action that involves public interests but has no one to turn to. Anonymity will be preserved if so desired. If not a person, then a department of the government can bring forth information it thinks needs to be addressed by the people. If the PLB Representatives think the issue should take precedent over all other issues, it can be brought before the public. However, the PLB must be wary and vigilant that the government may concoct a scheme to distract the people in order to effect an action for which they need only ask for forgiveness after-the-fact, in order to circumvent the process of government accountability before-the-fact.
Issues of concern brought to the PLB by the government do not automatically gain precedence nor procedural requirements of how the issue must be addressed.
The Will of the People will be able to suspend any and all actions by the government if such actions are interpreted to suggest, reflect, or impose some motion that is thought to be harmful to the public... a single person, a small group, a large group or the entire nation. The word "group" is left open so as not to define a specific number of people, etc...
Though some actions by the government may be defined as an Emergency that provides for an allowance of dispensing with any and all bureaucratic process that may be slow and cumbersome, such actions must be attached with a "Sole Responsibility" clause applicable to all participants who may receive the rewards or punishments of that which comes to prevail. Authoritative position does not provide immunity from prosecution for wrong-doing, even if some labeling of "accident" of "accidental" (such as "collateral damage") is used. Emergency actions deduced as actions which are primarily used to wrest legislative control away from the people, must be dealth with in a manner sufficient to the crime, such as viewing described as "treasonous theft".
Term limits of PLB members can be any length of time, though considerations should be given for the minimum of a one-year term, with two-year and three-year terms possibly given for stability of overall PLB activity. PLB positions can be filled at any time, and overlap in order to permit those retiring to provide some instructional introduction to those entering the public service.
Former PLB members can be voted in by either the PLB membership or the people as a supplemental, secondary assistant, or they may be chosen from the list of candidates who offered themselves up for a primary PLB membership, according to the Will of the People.
The PLB membership can vote in a presiding leader and leadership council from amongst themselves, or from the general public of registered PLB candidates if the public agrees.
There is absolutely no cost for registering oneself as a candidate, or placing oneself on the candidate list. Upon being selected, the expenses of travel, housing and PLB membership equipment, etc., will be paid for by an established budget that the public has full control over.
Any "participant" (existing) in society can inspect the list of issues being presented and the rationale for having a particular issue addressed before any others.
Date of Origination: Thursday, 25-January-2018... 12:39 PM
Date of Initial Posting: Monday, 29-Jan-2018... 11:52 AM