In calling for the reformation of government structure to effect an overall alteration in the formula of governance, we are in fact announcing the need for altering its strategy in economic practices as well, since there exists a symbiotic cohesiveness between these two and the demographics of a given people. In the present era, this involves discussion of Capitalism and the Market economy. Typically, in an analysis of government there is a concomitant analysis of economic conditions which frequently arise due to observed policies... those which exist and those which are absent from any involved application. Both the fundamental architecture of government and its prevailing formula of practiced policies which result in the conditions of its economy due to the availability of marketable resources and whether they are used as commodities to barter with for day to day provisions, as political tools advancing a global commonality of humanity, or fashioned into some characterization of threat, intimidation, manipulation, and various other instruments with which to force an imposition of like-mindedness to service someone's ideology; are subjected to a methodological examination involving an articulation of their origination. That is to say, there is an effort made to retrace the steps of development in order to attempt an elucidation of prevailing character traits so that corrections... termed improvements... may occur in the present to benefit the future as well, through the identification of problematic issues being experienced in the present having occurred under what formative conditions in the past.
Whether one inculcates a specific developmental reference such as the Hegelian step-wise process of Thesis- Antithesis- Synthesis, or generalizes efforts under the rubric of 'science' without explicitly defining whatever well-intentioned motives may be subsumed in a process resembling a conglomerated witch's brew, Alchemist's mix-and-match concoctions, or an experimenter's inventive tinkerings colloquially accepted as being an individualized "method to one's madness", all such investigations reveal an inclination towards using some methodology labeled "comparison". Common variations of this are noted as 'analogy' and 'metaphor', with elaborations of these frequently adhering to some enumeratively descriptive formula, such as singularity, duality, triplicity..., etc., or some condensed expression such as the dichotomy of singularity/multiplicity, monism/pluralism, or the 'one-and (versus)-the-many (such as in a plurality of gods as opposed to the idea of a one, true god)... all of which indicate a human trait of cognition developing along a course of condensation, abbreviation and symbolization as an adaptive mechanism seeking some semblance of equilibrium under unstable conditions. In short, numbers or some representative quantity are assigned as a means of differentiation— and the overall practiced numerology of humanity expresses an undeniable limitation of idealization since only a very few number relationships are itemized in representative catalogues of numbered references... of imagination, superstition, science, law, etc., and is a further indication that humanity, and all biological processes... are being subjected to environmental conditions of graduated degradation that constrains human mental activity into exhibiting a law-of-(enumerative)-conservation naturalized by what conditions are prevailing as a subsequent result of an underlying incremental deterioration taking place... and should be taken into consideration when undertaking any projected philosophically-theorized attempt at government and economic reformation. In effect, it is the same type of developmental thought processing recorded by those who have investigated the origin and procession of number usage in the developmental course of humanity combined with both symbolic and vocalized language (ideographic number symbols and number words)... which is sometimes thought to be the result of as a 'vestigial' (anthropological/archeological) remnant of resource tallying and bartering in the market place of individualized economies occurring in the cultural settings of primitive social exchanges.
Whereas the singular words "Democracy" and "Capitalism" might suggest singular perspectives, they actually represent an acknowledgment of semi-flexibility in underlying adaptive processes, coupled to a rigidity called tradition. In other words, they are fun-house mirrors placed into different contexts wherein everyone sees a difference but label them as being the same through adopted generalities contoured by language approximations and a learned subservience to agree with a presumed leader, even when their own perceptions tell them otherwise, because going along with a herd mentality keeps them from having their ground being subjected to one another onslaughts from those whose own sense of individual perception is transformed into an expression of assertiveness to get one or more others to do as they say... which is to follow others. By championing a herd mentality, they are made to feel as if they have championed their own individuality and not that of another whom they inwardly disagree with, but find the position too awkward or formidable to advance a difference of opinion which might bring them into conflict... so they conflict with those who make an attempt to do what they would like to, but have not the courage to persist. In short, Democracy and Capitalism represent pluralities, which enable them to be applied in different contexts with variations. Social environments which change to the point in which such variability is no longer an asset, they will first try to adopt a stringent protocol in which who they are is lost in that which they are forced to become in order to survive.
Notwithstanding that an analysis of analytical techniques can lead us far astray from the initial intent of promoting the need for a reformation of government, such divergencies of explanation can be useful if they are of a familiarity which others can then enlarge their understanding of the issue thus being described. For example, the acknowledgement that the three 'great' (widespread) monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) all developed in desert communities, may appear to be a topic far removed from the main theme of a government and economics reformation, until we continue with the intended comparison by bringing the reader's attention to the fact that once these three perspectives left the cultural influences of the desert communities and traveled to destinations in subjectively different environmental terrains, they evolved (changed) along courses of adaptation to fit the survival requirements of the environment to which they began to put down roots. And those some may want to argue that though the clothing, speech and cultural accoutrements have changed, the basic, the fundamental structure of their belief has been unaltered... at least none that they are observedly aware of since objectivity is married to subjectivity in a consummated arrangement that leads to a variety of taken-for-granted reciprocations of allowance. This also is true for the relationship between government and economic ideologies as well.
If applied variations of ideology were not true, in that a change of venue does not impress upon the need for some measure of reform, we would not experience the presence of different religious sects, political philosophies and economic theories, all of which can be metaphorically labeled as having different flavors, colors, tastes, rhythms, etc... All of them have their respective adherents claiming their perspective is the one, true belief... or at least has the greater value, and that any observed faults which may occur from time to time, are expressions of growing pains... like a child having to mature in a succession of developmental stages according to the maturation of the brain itself. And like the attempts by physicists to unify all beliefs into a common theme or mathematical expression called a Theory of Everything (TOE) or Grand Unified Theory (Gut), there are those who would like to find a means to unify all religious beliefs, political philosophies, and economic theories... either separately or collectively as an amalgamation which produces an elixir which will cure all social ills. The word "non-denominational" comes to mind as an expressed inclination and practice towards thinking about unification.
Like a social system of Democracy encompassing a single people or a multi-cultural population and a division-of-encapsulated labor practiced by Capitalism, we find the adopted effort to unify in many different organizations... of which the development of the present day military was born out of the combination of different bands and militia groups of those engaging in battles according to the willfulness of separate leaderships. But the point to be made is that while the early military was due to the incorporation of volunteers (like early volunteer fire departments before some of them started their own fires in order to "prove" there was a need to have a full time fire department), the military volunteers eventually became adopted into a paid-for-service arrangement, like those in a workforce. However, the larger populace remains in a service of its citizenry primarily as a volunteer whose loyalty or patriotism is typically a system in which their efforts are paid for as a subsistence form of living, based on the kinds of basic citizens rights which are allotted... and conform to the guidelines of restrictions which enable the government to provide itself with excuses not to help everyone in need.
Being a citizen is a form of undefined and unrecognized employment assigned with expectations and requirements such as swearing allegiance, complying with laws, etc... that guarantees particular rights and privileges outlined by those one may or may not vote for, and yet is an activity prevented from being identified and labeled as another form of employment— where both day-today pay and benefits are lousy, unless you meet the criteria for being able to join in some governmentally-sponsored entity where pay scales are high, health benefits are excellent, retirement allotments are favorable, and job security is insured to some degree by an enforced system of taxation on many of those who do not get to share in the resourced wealth that they are required to pay for so that a marginal few can enjoy the fruits of those who are poorly paid for their labor-in-servitude... as a compliant peasant to a reigning system of government overlords who dictate terms to be followed. If a citizen has the right to work, then citizenry should formulated into a type of recognized employment with expanded rights, duties, expectations with commensurate pay and benefits. Whereas one of the benefits is supposed to be security and protection, this refers to those other than the government or government-sponsored policies of business which are permitted to exploit you. Telling someone you are a citizen won't buy you a cup of coffee (that is if you like the stuff) because "being a citizen" is an ideological platform you are expected to occupy and perform duties for in the flesh, but receive rewards for your indulgences in some supposed supernumerary accounting system that those in government employment or supplied with grants and contracts, reap uneven rewards for.
Instead of being able to define the activity of "citizenry" as a job with its own divisions of labor and hierarchical arrangements (because of the differentiated requirements for which the people are put to the task but do not exam in the light of being a born-into servant of the State), the people are expected to feel privileged to be called a citizen and allowed to remain in the presence of a egotistically demanding democracy. Like peasant servants of old who may have worked for scraps thrown out for domesticated animals... or subjected to any number of privations available to those in a system which breeds dependency as a means of manipulation and enforced subservience. The practiced Democracies and Capitalisms of today are just as crude in their present formulas as were those forms of governance and employment prior to their emergence... and were just as difficult for those of past generations to appreciate for their obsolescence as are those of today who practice Democracy and Capitalism. Yet, though we can recognize the need for reformation, it is difficult for some to grasp the how and the why (as well as the reasoning to adopt a given methodology), because they are familiar and comfortable with their niche' of sufferings which provides them with an unarticulated sense of personal martyrdom and personal strength defined as perseverance, resilience and fortitude against odds imagined to be too difficult for most to endure.
In those instances in which a clamor arises from those who decry making an analogy between the position of a citizen and those of the commonly defined-as-such workforce, let us pay witness that they do not themselves have to suffer the privations of their embraced citizenry because their basic needs are being met and they lack the capacity to look beyond the curtains of accustomed-to sceneries staged by traditions, conventions and the presence of a collared chain which tethers them to a limited purview of accessible consciousness that is alive and well... but fear its clarity of exposure to a realization of living immersed in a system of hypocrisy. Let those who would plaintfully rail against the suggestion of comparing the position of a citizen as a type of job (even though they may well know that the diversity of job types and forms is not limited by their own experiences)... let them be deprived of all their present resources and see how well they feel about the benefits bestowed upon their position of being an unwitting volunteer in upholding the practiced inaccurately assessed values and virtues of Democracy and Capitalism which are used as supportive measurements of themselves tabulated by way of a voting system that can undermine the collective Will of the Majority. The so-called provisions of government such as public roads, is due to the need for commerce to take place more easily, and not necessarily as a gift to provide greater mobility for the people. The same goes for public schools. They are intended to create an educated (workplace-ready literacy) so that they can assist business owners in sustaining and hopefully helping to acquire greater profit to be realized by those whose businesses require minimum levels of knowledge and skill... such as being able to give the correct change back to a customer. In case after case, public services are first and foremost for business activity and lastly for the express benefits of citizens, without being geared towards assisting commercial transactions within the multiple spheres of human activity which take place alongside such transactions... in concert with a governing leadership whose primary interest is not in creating an atmosphere of greater equality for everyone, but ensuring that a minimal level of basic rights and services can be defined as the standard by which equality is to be measured next to identical or worse instances of impoverishment.
The practice of a defined democracy is different from one nation to the next, whose given inhabitants must adopt the general interpretation of what is believed to be meant by a "democracy" to that of their prevailing environment, a situation that is often made more complex when external events are taken into account. For example, a nation with many marketable resources and a largely educated population will have need of a substantially different practice of democracy than a nation with few resources and an illiterate populace... even though both should be regarded has having the same basic biological needs and requirements for nourishing growth. Likewise, a population whose culture of people have practiced a given perspective for generations may be hard-pressed to accept and practice a different ideology, unless conditions or experiences have been cyclically so bad that they seek a savior in the form of a new idea which promises growth and other desirable virtues such as equality, civil rights, economic stability, health care, justice, etc... In the application of all ideologies we pay witness to variations based on place of application, sometimes obvious and at other times subtle. It is unfortunate that changes in government, economics and other belief systems of practice, fore the most part rely on economic disparities endured over a long period of time provide the major impetus for bringing about changes to old practices that have otherwise been viewed as problematic even when the economy and civil/humanitarian Rights have been generally stable within the constraints of one's immediate purview. Problems and questions are frequently left unaddressed unless humans are experiencing a protracted form of fight, flight, or submission in their lives. Because of this, it is often considered that humanity is not only its own best friend, but its worse enemy as well. While problems and questions arise and should be addressed, unless there is a leadership exercising a visionary approach to governing both for the present and the future, the Will of the public must be encouraged to persistently insist such issues be addressed along a course which effects the expression of a thrown-down gauntlet, dumping tea bags over the sides of a ship, and proclaiming an Independence which demands the right of Self-Representation.
Though there are many questions one can pose in an analysis (or simple polemic) of Democracy and Capitalism, let us focus for the moment on whether Democracy can exist without Capitalism, even while it is understood that Capitalism can exist without Democracy— as evidenced by the usage of exploitation by those who practice a certain formula of Capitalism and are therefore labeled as Capitalists. On the other hand, we might want to approach the exploration of our topics by viewing Democracy as another variation of Capitalism in that the public continues to ask for more civil, humanitarian, basic, and Self-Representative Rights just as workers continue to seek a means to garner higher wages and better working conditions. With respect to workers, their insistence on higher wages and better working conditions have created the impetus for fundamental reformations in business practices from the ground up while retaining the basic objective of acquiring greater wealth, which has served to help both business owners and those who labor managerially or otherwise. Yet with respect to a citizenry, their insistence on overall increased standards of equality have helped to transform the government's policies, but not its underlying skeletal framework. In both cases the mode and manner of exploitation have been altered to fit the social environment of an enlarged cultural awareness whose growth is being subjected to both government and business constraints to protect their interests over the collective Will of their respective populations... though not all workplace nor cultures have populations whose consciousness have ventured past those constraints of singularly dedicated appreciations (to agree with the world-view of a given leadership). It is very often the case when a person or group of people in a given setting (a business or society) have begun to outgrow the limitations imposed upon them by the prevailing environment. Much like a primate who begins to absorb the vista seen while having ventured onto a savannah, while their compatriots retain the view of their jungle. Or a form of sea life that has begun the transformation into a land creature, of which some even develop the ability of flight... and even though not all those who venture beyond the conventions of their former territory of awareness, are enabled to return to share their experiences and thus encourage the larger group that there are alternative perspectives that could possibly be advantageous to all.
Whereas it is one thing for a person to find themselves intermittently straddling between two or more ideas and practices, it is quite another to find this occurrence amongst different ideologies, as if they were individuals with their own personalities, quirks, eccentricities, mood swings, etc... In this respect, we find Democracy and Capitalism (as well as all political governing ideas, if not all ideologies as well), exhibiting both rustic (if not brutishly primitive) and transitional stages into an uncouth rurality, semi-civilized urbanity, and other graded forms of differing civility in which any of the other dispositions might crop up unexpectedly. In other words, we can view Democracy and Capitalism as interchangeably wearing the different hats of brothers-in-arms, fishing buddies, hunters, laborers, managers, aristocrats, diplomats, sports competitors, etc., projected into the form of a respective environmental terrain which forces others to adopt their expressed interests... like a parent whose interests are expected to be adopted by their children who are forced to tag along because of the structure of dependency which is practiced. How does one deal with a Democracy or Capitalism that is expressing the perspective of a migrant socio-path with disheveled hair and animal skins for clothes and "speaking in tongues", while they themselves are an habituated urban dweller? While both Democracy and Capitalism exhibit the impressions of harboring lofted idealisms, these can easily be replaced with dog-eat-dog, survival-of-the-fittest, king-of-the-hill guttural translations of more baser inclinations laying just below the surface. Again, it is one thing to be confronted by a person with such a disposition, it is quite another to find such dimensions of incrustation existing in a practiced ideology whose presence dominates and defines the landscape of one's own attempts at survival and further development in a time and place of history better suited for those willing to believe in whatever cultural mythology prevails because of these forms of Democracy and Capitalism which are like primates wearing camouflaging three-piece suits and uttering a cadenced vernacular coincidentally appropriate for what they actually are and what their limited imaginations can believe themselves to be... all the while rewarding those who help to sustain their illusory image of an evolved sense of sophistication and ostracizing those who speak another language.
As has been previously commented, both Democracy and Capitalism have the ability to do much good, though the majority of the overall discussion gives the impression that there is an over-riding displeasure with the cyclical recurrence of problematic issues which arise and are not being addressed to the satisfaction of the public. This displeasure, this dissatisfaction is considerably more profound than a suggested grumbling based on puerilent forms of jealousy over the superficialities of extraneous commodities that increased wealth can provide. There is a growing deep-seated animosity against the social leadership and the practiced functionality of government in their and its inability to deal effectively with issues or prevent the emergence of a circumstance in which a public must endure the sufferance of incompetent leaders who have no vision and whose managerial skills cater to a preferred list of ulterior motivations at the expense of the public if they can get away with promoting such inclinations into some representative personal resource which may serve to stave off the impending or eventuality of an unstable economy whose functionality they do not fully grasp except for that which they themselves can gather to their immediate interests. Hence, in all the negativity which is proffered as a supportive rationale for advancing the need for pursuing a Revolution... a Reformation of government... our examination, however one is inclined to interpret it in terms of favorability or otherwise based on their preferred critiquing criteria, it must be fully comprehended that the point is to create a social mood for introducing efforts at creating a better form of governance. There is no intent of beating down Democracy and Capitalism without providing an alternative which can help to refashion them into structures with a viability to serve the people in mutually beneficial ways. Hence, such a caveat must be introduced as an internal digression of contemplation like a slap in the face to those whose reading of the Cenocratic Manifesto and Addendum are preoccupied with an obsessed predilection to manifest an oppositional declaration to point out presumed errors as an apologetic refrain for their support of current Democratic and Capitalistic functions. Surely a government and economic system which has arisen by hit-and-miss, back-to-the-drawing-board, and other trial-and-error methodologies can give allowance to those who are instructively attempting to present an alternative perspective for the purposes of discussion to create a better system with the collective approval of the public's Will. Thus stated, let us continue:

Neither Capitalism nor the majority of those advocating its practice are inherently evil, even though worker exploitation is an adopted standard protected by current government sentiments using bait-and-switch equality and 'right-to-work' (but not right-to-employment) stratagems for diffusing public inclinations towards seeking an enhanced model of self-representative, collective bargaining (viewed as an embodied entity) to be gainfully employed as an established Right instead of imprisoning its emergence as a viable vocation of all citizens as a fundamental humanitarian civility. Capitalism is just a tool that can serve all of humanity quite well, if it is placed into the hands of those whose talents wield the tool on behalf of a practicing magnanimity. Unfortunately, the personality and assumed nature of Capitalism has been shaped by a few emboldened by a legislative partisanship denying the public's ability to establish the empowerment of a collective bargaining precedent for self-representation... thus revealing a prejudiced government character of desiring unregulated competition of indisputable regulated favors legislated for the greed of a few over the needs of the many. By supporting a social environment which permits the nature of a socio-pathic few to exploit the larger public under such tenets as "don't take it personal, it's just business" or that "all is fair in love, war, and business" (with the words 'business' and 'politics' sometimes interchanged)... the public is metaphorically placed into the position of being a turtle, and Capitalistic activity to be viewed as a scorpion that pleads for support and propounds voluminous denials of any underlying ulterior motivations of intentioned wrong-doing, yet preemptively unleashes the inclination of a government-supported nature when the public has set themselves on an habitual course of compliance which breeds socio-economic vulnerabilities. (The scorpion asks for assistance from the turtle to reach a goal— amounting to an endured burden of servitude requiring the suppression of anxiety and apprehension of being stung that is abortively denounced as being harmful to both and is therefore profoundly illogical, yet the turtle is stung sometime during the journey of servitude... and upon seeking a redress of grievance, the scorpion logically claims the decision to hurt them had nothing to do with "logic" (justice, equality, fraternity, etc..), but is in fact part of the scorpion's natural inclination.) However, one must wonder if the turtle had worked harder and faster and for a longer period of time, would their fate had been the same, or merely delayed for some future time because the strength of their "shell" (Basic Rights) against such underlying (government and business natures) is too weak? The public needs a stronger partnership agreement with business and government, supported by the protections a Peoples Legislative Branch can provide.
In as much as many people might agree with the above captioned portrayal of the working class struggles contrasted to the oversized claws of Capitalists supported by the stinging protections of government policies, Capitalism has received a bad and undeserved reputation along with its association in a Market Place venue. Capitalism can provide much good. In fact, it is not that people are against Capitalists making money, they simply want an honest fair and equal deal for their cooperation in the practiced division-of-labor agreement, where in fact very many business owners share the day to day toil of those that work for them. In attempting to reach the pinnacle of ideological consideration for an alternative structure of government, it is of need for us to attempt the effort of providing illustrations of both common and outside-the-box visualizations. Through a juxtaposition, one might be able to inculcate a different perspective of the relativity to which social stratification is laid out and how the scaffolding might be better attenuated through a restructuring of its foundational premises.

Needless to say, governments can be destabilized through some faultiness or mishap occurring with one of the legs (however they may be called or designed in different nations). And even though one might imagine the construction of a more stable system as one might impulsively suggest by adding an additional leg or different type of underlying structure, such ideas are not typically formulated into practice because the manufacture of such is constrained by production processes aligned to traditional blueprints of inclination. In other words, whereas one may imaginatively think of a better alternative, and even create some symbolic model, the public needs to be trained to think alternatively or it will resume to use the familiar, however poorly constructed they may be, because such poor designs are covered up with varying types of fabric and "make-do" repairs so that the embraced comforts of the prevailing cultural environment can be sustained. Yet, even though one's design may become widely known, there is no guarantee that it will be viewed as anything more than as a fad, curio, eccentricity, novelty or other alternatively labeled peculiarity which is neither bought nor sold wholesale in order to be widely distributed on the retail level of a public's purview that they buy-into and adopt as a functional necessity of day-to-day living because it advances their individualized collectivity of a basic need and basic right.
If the people do not support the economy (with or without governmental assistance or interference), it can falter. Just as, if the economy is too fragile, no amount of effort on the part of the public may be able to support that which doesn't exist or is too fragile a structure to provide a roof over one's head as a bare necessity against inclement social weatherings. Or conversely (by flipping the perspective over to reveal another vantage point), it will be unable to provide a floor plan for further development so as to portray the public as a central, independent outgrowth which is able to expand upward and outward from a stabilized economic foundation nourishing a Nation's roots not reliant on traditions meant for the consumption of a small, rustic population whose sophistications of development, thought and individualized explorations have grown out of the patched-over hand-me-down perspectives of government, and social self-governance with an enforced dependency of servile domicility that one is said to own, and yet ownership is little more than a long-term lease to a government acting as land-lord of the manner who can confiscate the property by the force of whatever law may be contrived to serve the purpose of a prevailing leadership... a leadership whose practice involves the usage of 'legalized criminalities' to serve political expediencies that have such a commonality of practice they are taken as an accepted allowance of their authority... but make apologetic overtures upon being caught for transgressing even these mobile barriers of social accountability. They ask for forgiveness to be protected against prosecution and social defamation, though the deed of criminality has already been done and the resulting ill-gotten-gains have been divvied-up amongst those who are necessarily empowered to enforce laws whose definitions and interpretations change from one political administration to the next as an accepted and expected routine of a target moving, uneven playing field formula of governance.
The United States, like so many nations, is built on a system of political hypocrisy, incongruency and expediency. Because many nations share in this type of behavior, like-mindedness permits them to interact in a manner suggesting rationality... a rationality where irrationality is the standard world-view, and those who develop a sobriety of perception that differs from this, may well be seen as quirky or even strange or insane because their ideas not only don't necessarily conform to the illusory-derived reality of the status quo, but may invite opposition from the common person if they should engage in argumentative accusations in a mode and manner of expression that is represented in an intermittent piece-meal fashion lacking documentation which advances their type of coherency with a readable comprehension enabling those exiting in the other realm of rationality to see through the door and window screens of their adopted delusions which they are either socially or economically rewarded to believe in, or similarly punished if they don't. One must have a means of explaining themselves with humor so as not to cause others to create walls of defensiveness which acts as a chamber of fun house mirrors that distracts them from hearing anything else but their own echoes and paying witness to little more than a distortion of their own image.
The aforementioned foundation of such nations is supported by the availability of readily accessible resources it can transport to a respective market place (regional, national, global), which is a lattice of inter-connectivity constructed like a house-of-cards shored up by economic policies which are formulated as domino pieces that may be used to increase of impede transactions of exchange, be they capital or some commodity that can be transferred to a liquidity of capital as needed in a functionality of commerce requiring flexibility. As such, in view of the prevailing fragility of nations whose insecurities about the potential or probability of instability are shown by the recurrent mindfulness of tabulated economic indices used as a type of homemade barometer and other economic weather station tools, humanity has been lucky not to have experienced more economic disaster than the previous recessions and depressions, despite their apparent turmoil on millions of lives. In other words, using a weather metaphor, previous experiences of economic troubles are "weatherable storms of inconvenience", and should not set a precedent that promotes the origination of government policies as attempted bulwarks against repeat economic performances, since truly horrific disasters which can arise like a five-hundred, thousand or longer period flood that conventional wisdom did not anticipate because tell-tale signs were either ignored or misinterpreted. Present formulas of government and economic orientation remain based on traditions of perception that leave the populace vulnerable to conditions that current inequalities permit a few to gather a large enough resource accumulation to weather the unpredictable which could arise, while everyone else with have to suffer the consequences of, even though it was by the labor of the many that the few are assisted in their protections against economic conditions that are helped or hindered by natural disasters, human made disasters such as war, or disease which can be natural or artificialized.
The instability of prevailing governments requires incoming political leaders to join the ranks of those who have learned to walk on egg shells and rice paper while providing themselves with a platform or exterior room upon which to snort and stamp their feet like a bull in a china shop. If any political party acquires a dominant position, those of other parties may necessarily contend that the government is unstable. Yet, in all cases, regardless of which party may reach some ascendancy, there is a prevailing instability which is unconsciously recognized by the public but responded to by being supportive through relative forms of compliant docility... so as not to be an unwitting participant in upsetting the apple cart of their prevailing precarious economic situation. In short, all parties, and all political candidates give the people grief because they do not adequately address all the social issues the people want to be addressed, instead of being ignored, excused, or provided with some half-measured resolution. The Three Branches of government have shown themselves to be wholly inadequate to the task of securing the Fundamental Rights and Basic Needs of the public, who are forced to pursue a course to take it upon themselves to do what leaderships fail to do, and attempt to mollify demands for assistance by providing paltry, petty and feeble concessions as a token compensation... like giving a pacifier to an infant instead of the actual nourishment it needs to prosper developmentally.
People often have an intuitive grasp of a circumstance that some may define as a preventative form of premonition which attempts some silently applied ameliorative compress or other medicinal tamponage marked with the label 'hope' or 'hopefulness' as a corporeal representation of a wish and prayer that all remains well. Nonetheless, let us not overlook that this activity indicates there exists an underlying fearfulness about Government and Capitalists who fear that the populace could turn on them if the right spark is applied to the fuel of emotion at the right time because the people are tired of being beaten up with no one but themselves to depend on for support and protection against such bullyistic exploitation that miniscule increases in the basic wage will not avenge the people with as an acceptable champion in the contest between the governed and those who govern as well as the worker and business leaders. The lack of a sustained rebellious level of protest, assured by a colloquially designated naive view that 'violence does not solve anything' (even though both governments and Capitalists rely on measured doses thereof in varying forms), is an indication of a "wait and see" attitude adopted by the public that harbors an unspoken "I hope I can survive an economic downfall" realization of quiet models of 'preparing for the worse but hoping for the best'... because they honestly do not believe the government, aided by many large corporations and their self-centered exploitive Capitalists, knows what it is doing, where it is going, much less has a viable vision for future generations who will have to bear the consequences of so much prevailing economic inequality. By remaining relatively docile, the people assume a like-minded manner of walking on egg shells and rice paper, because they are using social leaders as their role models. In so doing, those who realize that there should be wide-spread protesting are isolated from effectively rampaging like a bull in a china shop... because the public knows all too well it alone will have to assume the costs for damage... and conscripted funds will be used to reconstruct what already now prevails, and not create a new structure with a center of commerce that is mutually beneficial for all.
An increase in the minimum wage is a dirty bandaid approach to the stench emitting, pus-filled, gangrenous social wounds created by government policies that do not address the many issues the people want and need to be resolved. It is an absurdity to provide for an increased minimum wage that is decades overdue, and will necessarily be met by increased costs by all those wanting to cash in on the increase by serving themselves a raise to correspond with the gain they think they likewise deserve by way of a doubled or tripled percentage. In such a situation, the people are left in the same or worse condition because they have not actually been given a realistic increase in their living standards. It is little more than an increase in the standard of their impoverisation. It is pathetically stupid for anyone to think that an increased minimum wage of doled-out hypocrisy substitutes for the value to be received from an established right to Self-Representation and commensurate Peoples Legislative Branch. The people are longing for a Revolution because they vomit at the journalistically warmed-up soiled scraps tossed at them in pretty packages of jargonized embellishments. Government officials are like the milkman who doesn't deliver the needed goods because they are too busy screwing whomever they encounter along the route of their self-serving career. In providing for a minimum wage there is no provision for a maximum wage, nor maximum earnings, without cutting the throats of the public by way of contrived policies advancing loopholes to satisfy the greed of those who want to be exempt from any and all laws that are interpreted as limitations only because they live in a two-dimensional world of single-mindedness providing them with a limited reach of comprehension.
Why shouldn't the public express a disdain, a disillusionment, and a disrespect for an authority whose intolerable lack of needed Executive, Legislative and Judicial actions on behalf of the whole population reflect a supercilious disaffection by effecting this very attitude towards the people when the profile of a defined 'citizen' is not presented to them with supplicated deferences without question? Are we not all in the same struggle of life together and have a right to share equally in the benefits of profitability instead of a disproportionate level of deprivation? Why are the public's reproaches against the failings of its government and business leaders met with a tirade of invectives and vengefully negative interpretations of its efforts to pursue an honest formula of Reformation in order to Revolutionize social governance for the betterment of all? Where is the public's horrific crime of social indecency, malicious prejudice and conspiratorial treason... where is the public's hypocritical patriotism, vacillating incomptence and laborious indolence— in asking for an honest standard-of-living increase in the basic right of Self-Representation? Where is the public's derisive inhumanity, disjunctive irrationality, demented irascibility... where is the public's contumacious disrespect, aberrant dignification and querulous magnanimity— in asking to participate as a fully-fledged political and business partner with its own People's Legislative Branch? Where is the public's lack of a humbled spirituality, intellectual demeanor and contemplative wisdom... where is the public's lack of reflective intuition, circumspectual counsel and conscientious civility— in asking for the inalienable right to experience a full measure of Self-Determination?
Date of Origination: Saturday, 12-January-2018... 3:25 AM
Date of Initial Posting: Tuesday, 6-Feb-2018... 6:46 AM
Date of Reposting: Sunday, 18-February-18... 10:24 AM