Whereas the typical revolution has attempted to address individuated economies involving labor and production through instrumentalated formulas of government that have shown themselves to be insufficient for sustained standards of flexible coordination into future generations, the Cenocratic Reformation bids such old valuation adieu and embarks on a course of governing economization whose fruitfulness cannot be pruned by a few at the expense of the Many.
In the course of both economic and social development we encounter a realization of an increased metamorphosis of an evolved disposition of the citizenry to directly take charge of an involvement with a given leadership in addressing the issues confronting each— with regards to the observation, definition, and practice of enhanced (subjectively, objectively or projectively applied) Humanitarian Rights alternatively described as Civil Rights, Gender Rights, Worker Rights, Labor Rights, Right to Work (without advancing employment guarantees and permitting businesses to adopt a "hire at will, fire at will" Right and the Right to a Personhood)..., as well as the ideas involving Workplace Safety, Patient Rights, Spiritual Rights, Animal Rights, Environmental Safeguards, etc..., based on collective opinions concerning selectively specific or general needs contained under the rubric of Freedom, Justice, Equality and Fraternity. Often times such Rights established by one populace in a given era are more important to subsequent generations whose appreciations take time to gestate... such as is revealed in the historical venues of the Magna Carta, Woman's Sufferance Movement, Civil Rights Movement, etc., because the idealizations have had time to mature from the originating cocoons of suppositions and propositions. Exercising such dispositions become occupationally constructed into the foundation of an accepted personal and social ascendency of our collective humanity with successive acknowledgements of accountability... which benefits all. In short, the ideas promoted as Rights in a past era were formulated as idealizations of a population's imagination that came to be accepted as a rule of common-sense, though at the time of origination, they were an out-reach of some utopic consideration of hopefulness to create the conditions for a better social environment. During the initial stages many of the participants may have not fully understood the larger social ramifications entailed in the adoption of such views that participated in group efforts as sloganed chants of reprisal, which eventually evolved into firmly felt beliefs of necessary equality. Likewise is the case for the proposed pursuit of a Cenocratic Reformation involving a form of social governance which entitles the public to hold a full voting rights partnership based on the collective opinions of the citizenry, administered through a Peoples Legislative Branch, as an added virtue of the 'Checks and Balances' formula which sorely needs to be updated because the prevailing practice of such often creates the condition where the Three Branches of government act as a singular force against the collective Will of the people who are denied a Self-Representative voice.
Thus, as registered in the event of a former Independence declaration, let us reassert the affirmative by retracing the momentum of an earlier time by resuscitating the promulgation that "in the course of human events," the people have once again met their conscience at the crossroads of a juncture detoured by imposed travails of a replicated governing practice which effectively retards (stagnates) the consciousness of social and thus economic development. This is the conventionalized rule of thumb by which the public is forced to defer to in order that persistent traditions of Capitalism can deny development to achieve a realization of higher personal profit that can substantially raise the standard of equality to eliminate the depressing circularity of social ills that neither private or religious charities— nor government welfare... through different expenditure programs of supplementation (grants, tax differentiations, social security, etc...), can adequately address; though the realization of such are used as a rationale by which substandard treatments of public needs are permitted in order to promote the designs of a self-serving business community. Current strategies of attending to public need are based on an outdated government formulation of democracy that was designed by the myopia of ancestral preoccupations of commerce easily overwhelmed by the enumerations of double-entry accounting procedures used within the narrowness of egotistically-defined ownership and management purviews of variously indentured servitudes with expected models of public deference and overall subservience. In other words, government policies were and remain tailor-made to fit the embodied skeletal scaffolding coincident with the level and types of Rights allotted to the public viewed as a ready-made workforce solely for the interests of a contemporized industry which defined and continues to define the standards of employability that is enabled to view and if necessary, treat the public as a seasonal or temporary workforce depending on the climate and mood of the adopted market place. Consequently, acting as an oscillating continuum of past deferences to acknowledged public Rights born out of one another conflict or mere threat of civil war, the people are faced with the realized situation of a government-backed system of commerce inherently designed to restrict individually-collective growth in terms of development outside enculturated requirements of compliance for preserving the very system with established practices of impediment that are falsely claimed as a liberal allowance of democracy's virtues and applicable assets of some presumed honest expression of practicality. In short, so long as the people remain naive or obligingly oppressed from acknowledging the absence of a Right (such as the Right to Self-Representation), they are humbled into a submission by the exercise of social ceremonies adopted by given leaderships in-line with the extravagance of civil sensibility or bestially inhumanity of their egotistically defined entitlements.
As a rephrased summation of the former: Present government practices are used to supplement current forms of Capitalistic activity to assist in the oppression of the people from achieving a full expression of Rights involving self-determination, as did antiquated fledgling practices of Capitalism developing in stages from an agrarian society of individualized land and occupation ownerships— before the graduated scales of development to a market economy became established as a given which could be operated to conform to satisfy both the needs of workers and business interests. Current practices of government and business reflect, analogously, to previous earnest attempts to control workers in order that larger profits could be realized... generally at the expense of worker needs for safety, security, and personal growth. It is an acumen that has time and again been confronted by the reality of illusioned self-commitments to goals contrived by delusional fixations of wealth accumulation by populations taking it upon themselves to exert a freedom from the various forms of servitude which shackle their free will, instead of remaining harnessed to the yoke for which hopelessness has aggravated the emergence of stricter controls eventually met with rebellion, riot, and revolution. By increasing Basic Rights the workers achieve a desperately needed wage increase for their many labors which bare fruits often denied to them as a commodity of surplus which can assist in personal growth... the dimensions of which service various 'personalities' of individualized industry whose values of worth can only be measured contextually (such as talent, skill, creativity, aptitude, cultivation, exploration, genius, resiliency, fortitude, empathy, social symmetries, etc..). The people must be freed from their individually perceived servitudes by increasing the scope of their Basic Rights. In so doing, the valuation of practiced economies can increase a realized net worth in production, consumption, and the preservation of resources to be enjoyed by future generations.
A stumbling block to the realization of increased commercial and civil worth is the present cultures of leadership positions defined by an old system of governance, fear the development of growth beyond their personal means of adopting standards that exceed their capacity of redefining themselves. For example, a small business owner may continue to think as a small business owner when confronted by circumstances requiring expansion an a contoured redevelopment, thus suppressing an underlying ability of both product and workforce from obtaining a larger expression of their potentiality... because their idea of freedom is measured by their expressed values of control that act as a territorial boundary of personal limitations imposed upon others. The prevailing formula of governance restricts the overall ability of both commercial and civil environments from experiencing increased levels of economic accomplishment, like the mindset of small community peasant farmers unable to adjust to the requirements of modernized implementations exceeding the grasp of their censored-by-tradition imagination to accommodate the needs of vastly larger and more diverse populations of a global community. Present formulations of practiced democracy support an untenable foundation of tradition that is antithetical to an awaiting future of potentiality because of substandard human rights practices pertaining to social self-governance.
Greater profits have been realized for business each time the public has acquired an enhancement of Basic Rights... though such profits are typically nurtured and sustained by an evolved business leadership who can take advantage of a public's new-found sense of transcendence in which an unrestricted aura of personal advancement comes to be embraced in the ability to share the fortunes of profitability that can be achieved— by the incentivized exuberance accompanying feelings of liberation. The eventual choice of a liberated people will probably choose some formula of market economy... but under their terms of equability... unless some future alternative encompassing a global mutuality is agreed upon because it presents a sustainable greater wealth.
If we look upon the different political theories of contemplation in the present age... as expressions of different business models, we note that the different variations labeled "democracy", have created a large monopoly without the presence of an 'anti-trust' provision to protect the people from its practices of abuse such as colonialism, imperialism, vote tampering, civil discord instigations, etc... While this is not to say that no other political model has not or would not engage in similar or alternative tactics of such a monopolization, the fact remains is that the people are not permitted to vote in their collective opinion as the law of the land. While democracies allow for a wide latitude of expressed personal opinion and peace-defined protest, the value of the public's opinion and protest is frequently nullified or channelled into representing the opinion a leadership is willing to promote as their own ideology they want monumentalized into some larger-than-life exposition of permanence as the standard torch bearer for others to not only follow, but add their own shadows to on the walls of a society they have carved out as if they were part of some natural caves. However, in the case of all monopolizations... once they are recognized for the lack of equality which they impart, the practice loses its appeal and alternatives are sought. The loss of appeal derives in part from a realization that democracies subsist on permitting the practice of various politicizations (orientations). For example, the practice of a variety of Communism and Socialism in Military organizations, the dictatorships of many classrooms and sports training venues, Aristocracies in business hierarchies, Libertarian and Anarchist exercises, etc... Yet none of these are permitted to exceed a given "small business"-like domain. The reigning monopoly of democratic practices are begrudgingly accepted just as were economic systems of old utilizing brutally effected slave labor whose participants thereof had not developed an awareness for developing improved standards of equality and other rights. Nonetheless, the present currency of present democratic practices have value only because the developed herd mentality of market forces are still stampeding by affected impulses of emotionalism because too few have acknowledged that a reformation of government can lead to higher profits through the administration of a higher quality of civil rights as a commerciable commodity serviced through a stock market called a Peoples Legislative Branch and its accompanying provisions guaranteeing an increased value of Self-Representation alternatively described as Self-Determination which can support those business models advantageous to all. A Cenocracy will prove to be the governing philosophy which assists in the development of larger profits for all citizens to be realized, because it will liberate them to take and make mature, globally ensconced humanity-conscious advantages that arise because of increased wealth.
In our quest of a Cenocratist (New Government) Revolutionary Reformation, it is well understood that one of the dangers of incorporating various social/government reform advocates into a consolidated enterprise for enhanced public empowerment, is that infighting amongst alternative perspectives can arise if their angst against the government or some scrutinized policy presents a formidable stalwartness... because their energies are permitted to fractionate into individual goals, thereby acting as a profile of being divided and conquered, without the government ever having to raise a finger of actual opposition. Past efforts of individuals and groups attempting to solidify a unity of purpose have permitted too much leeway for the introduction of ulterior motivations to surface as the primary objective because the drum beat upon which the initial corner stone was laid, was supported by a founding premise permitting alliances to transact individualized orientations personified by an agenda which they did not fully commit to... because the initiated protest proffered to exhibit a personalized agenda which did not instructively address the larger issue of a collective self-determination Right being sought after in many different eras and has as yet not been accomplished because of incessant centralist preoccupations that devolve into self-aggrandizing controls which come to serve the Few over the Many. Present formulas of democracy have developed vast systems of overlapping and inter-laced self-protectionism (because of an acknowledged vulnerability arising from a sustained immaturity), under different guises such as bribery, intimidation, threats, isolation, disfranchisement, impoverishment, penalty, taxation, time-constrained compliance, punishment, property confiscation (civil asset forfeiture and right of eminent domain), military and para-military occupations, conflict instigation, etc... These and other policies and laws are readily available to limit the attempt by anyone to alter the foundation of the prevailing system of governance with an architecture or mere blueprint which would provision the people with a better support base of Rights which would enable them to effectively exercise a greater collective bargaining power for implementing a practice of Self-Representing needing to be nurtured by the public into the adulthood it deserves.
We acknowledge that previous courses of government reformation issued forth some semblance of Sociological considerations based on the originating premise that an established science of Sociology could very well assist in finding answers to social problems by way of systematic foundations of logical attentuation, it is fully realized that such a well-intentioned application of effort has proven that decisive accountabilities of solution continue to be elusive... not because of the sincerity of Sociological concerns nor scientific administrations allowing for trial and error assessments and responses as related to the vagaries of the human condition... but implementation of any perceived solution becomes diluted by a process of government which asserts itself to be "fallibly infallible"— which reduces responsibility and reformulation to relegated standards of an articulated imperfection used as a governable excuse, thus creating a circularity of philosophical enterprising which debuts a cycle of dysfunctioning dichotomies leading to obstruction in public efforts of resolving issues outside the conventionalized boxes of bureaucracy... which defer to tradition instead of creative evaluations and originality of dispositional enactments of problem solving. As previously noted... while the current formulas of government allow for the expressions of different opinions as a token of an observed 'peoples government' labeled as a democracy, the actual consensus of those opinions is relegated to the choice of a few who can disregard and all opinions in order to best serve those who hold the purse strings of a workforce or other resource commodity, and in return, provide additional support for those who are in positions which enable them to voice their personal opinion and label it the collective voice of the people being spoken through them, without the citizenry ever given the opportunity to discuss and then vote on any and all issues which then becomes the law of the land.
As a derived philosophical thesis, a Cenocratist Reformation ventures an hypothesis based on observable facts of government insufficiency whose enabled legislative prowess attends forcibly to concerns involving the accumulation of wealth for a few, while the many are forced to endure their rectitude of deserved basic humanitarian needs in a cyclical climate of legislative parsimoniousness. What are the people to do? Indeed, what must be done to sway a formula of government whose inherent design limits their capacity to invest the necessary labor of intellectual productivity to be a fully marketable product on its own right which commands the respect of an honest value in order to be exchanged for the necessary commodities of basic needs whereby poverty, homelessness, and the exploitations of business can not be used to infect the public with a communicable disease that ravages the lives of so many it reaches through the pores of the body, mind, and soul? The people can not and should not be forced to depend on the charity of those whose otherwise honorable intentions serve to institutionalize charity organizations from one generation to the next because they help to preserve the tenets of both business and religious purviews that harbor a short-sighted interested in seeking solutions to that which create the conditions for impoverishment. By being subsidized through an absence of taxation, they become agents and agencies for the government to persist in maintaining its obsolescent formula of governance.
By providing a manifesto of complaint and call for government reevaluation within the scope of an alternatively suggested formula of governance, the doctrine of a Cenocratist proposal invites the appraisal of critical deductions which can warrant the patentability of falsity or truth, a logical rationality of consistency and explication, or the menagering contemplations of disjointed characterizations reducible to the superficiality of a priori inducement approximating a Janus-faced a posteriori refraction which is assumed but not readily appreciated because a turn of thought is not visualized as a flippable coin. The naming of a well-known idea (i.e. New Government) needs the intelligibility of a stand-alone intellectualization decipherable as a singularly identifiable label as well as its intended usage in a given context in order to be distinguished from the conventions of current ideologies representing Cenocratic Anarchism, Cenocratic Communism, Cenocratic Democracy, Cenocratic Libertarianism, Cenocratic Socialism, etc., even if their adherents do not use the word "Cenocratic" or its derivatives such as Cenocracy, Cenocrat, and Cenocratist.
The typical trichotomization of Taxes-Grants-User fees by government agencies seeking to assist the public in recruiting functional dimensions of livable improvement paired to the establishment of some government utility (such as a recreation center and fire department conjunctionality in a given community), is a standard operation procedure prevailing throughout the government with varying designations and design, yet insufficiently addresses the needs of the many over that of a few by way of a largess of supplemented taxation, because the present conformation of government structure often depends on a "use it or lose it" measurement of funding leading to multiple expressions of wastefulness, in order to stave off the interpretation that there is little or no growth, and therefore little or no need for increased measures of funding. The public is not appropriately being served because the underlying government "game plan" is to provide some rationale to increase taxes that substantially benefits inter-governmental transactions with surpluses that can be abused because prevailing leaderships under prevailing government guidelines depend on surpluses to effect the image of being usefully adaptive to the needs of the public by supplying a provision that may well serve but a minority... at the expense of the majority whose own idealizations are contoured to exhibit a like-mindedness and not explore alternatives which stray beyond the conventionalities of an established governmental norm which may choose to reject a concerted public vote against adopting plans conceived of by an politically entitled and attendant leadership.
As in many efforts of expressed desires for honest and actual change, which frequently expose some substantial inequality, there are those who may well assign individualized subtle perceptions of undulating social reverberations involving a Cenocratic Reformation as the character impression of some End-of-The-World revelation. Such interpretations more often reveal that a person is experiencing the development of a loss in the social consciousness of familiarity which they were once accustomed to. Simply put, they become afraid and lash out against that which becomes socially visible and is quickly defined as an unwelcomed dissonant character because there is no established formality of routine which has bred a continuity of conscious regard and acceptability as a friend instead of a possible foe. Vaguely perceived changes in the ambiance of one's formerly recognized place in familiar social surroundings can initiate sentiments of perceived loss into extreme or extravagant descriptions. Without a readily identifiable means of describing the perceptions in context, the context may be enlarged to encompass increased areas of identification so as to unknowingly invite a larger response from multiple others, except that the typical response may be nothing, negligible, or negative. Therefore, the presence of Cenocratic thinking as a genuine character of good intentions needs to be promoted as a viable assistant to the needs of the public which can be assessed at face value.
The present formula of democracy's bureaucracy is presented as the ceremonial expression of an underlying monarchical-defined immanence that can not be superseded by anything better. It is an irrationality of consciousness which implies a form of divine right to exclude criticisms of judgment which would require the adoption of changes which firmly and formerly describe current government practices as a rationalized model of dysfunctionality. It is a dysfunctionality that has persisted for generations under the guise of supplying token considerations for the Rights of the public, only to undermine further basic humanitarian gains as a measure of wrested control over the Many for a given Few... A few who establish a purview of self-deserved selected entitlements which enable them to engage in gentrifications against the poor and most vulnerable members of society. These few embrace a self-proclaimed Aristocracy that have been fought against by various former publics in order to force the decencies of leniency to the subjugations of plights created by a government that supports the wealthy with a heavy hand against one or another generation of supplicating indigents... who are allowed but the barest of accommodations and minimalist necessities which imprison them to a consummation with disillusionment, disfranchisement, and in some cases an abject dejection of their humanity.
All too often when the public requests interventionist applications of government assistance against policing units whose members do not know, much less understand given laws and may rely on some standardized colloquial definition performing the role as an urban legend. In such cases there have been repeated occasion of officers over-stepping the designated ability of their sworn duty to protect, defend, and serve the needs of the public. In protest against such perceived brutality, the citizenry are frequently confronted by a single-minded partisanship indulging in self-protectionist, self-defensive, and self-serving government entities that deny partiality, prejudice, or persecution of a given demographic... in order to retreat to a sanctuary of self-emulating legality instead of asserting the public's right to be free from the many acts of endured civil suffering delivered by the hands of an injudicious militancy whose badges of identification yield the presence of an active shield held by soldiers of old. In such an environment, the public assess the recurrence of such a government disability as a stark reminder that every person must be vigilant about getting involved with a policing unit or their adjutant compatriot called the justice system. Put in simpler terms, the people learn to be wary not only of these authoritative forms, but all those whose entitled significations can create dimensions of apprehensiveness bordering on a level of paranoia which causes them to deliberate their presence away from any authoritative visibility.
Whereas in former eras the means of suppressing a Revolution was to bribe the internalized Aristocracies of divided stratification prevailing amongst the various generalized class partitionings of a given society (upper class, middle class, lower class, working class, etc...), or encapsulate a given intelligentsia (because of their potential vociferous inclinations of dissent) by way of placing them under a lucrative government workforce umbrella... or the obversive characterizations of imprisonment, torture, and/or death; the quantity and quality of a grown and growing dissident citizenry makes such tactics less viable. Even though such old refrains as "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer", "The System is Rigged", "You Can't fight (and win against) City Hall (i.e. government)" and "Imperialist and Colonialist inclinations of Capitalism"... are differentially animated or objectified in the stilled murmurings of silenced reticence as a social performance of underlying desired peace, voiceless social behaviors are shouting out loud and contouring the sociability of attention towards the direction of an eventual confrontation between the people and the government.
At present, the only partnership the government wants with the people is for it to be supported in its enabled privatization of centralized control under the auspices of a few and not be subjected to a restructuring in which centralized control involves an agreement involving the public as a full participant to insure its needs are being met by a fair distribution of resources that include equalized provisions for future generations, and is not used as a means of unduly enriching those of the present who harbor the self-same level of disconcern for the majority as the present minority of wealthy persons do... if only they had a means to fulfill their efforts in such a direction of selfishness. An enabled empowerment of the majority must be initiated with controls against those who would attempt to use the empowerment as a tool and vehicle to propel them into singular positions of dominance whereby gains for the public could be confiscated and placed into the hands of yet another privatized majority through measures of political stealth, ambush, and convolutions of social affectation through alliances with former partitioners of public isolationism.
So long as it gains them more wealth, a government Of, By and For the rich may be inclined to fight for the injustices of the poor within the boundaries of practiced Capitalism which makes occasional allowances for personalized alternative practices of community bartering. However, an engaged in transcendence of the human state of affairs is not the primary concern of such a government since it relegates such a view to be an expression best retained by a religious perspective described as a spirituality so often absent from Capitalistic concerns... but is permitted because spirituality practiced within a Capitalistic society often uses Capitalism as a mentor and role model. The wealth are not appreciably cognizant that gains in Human Rights is both a transcendence of spirituality and its attendant Capitalistic sociality of requirements for approximating some level of mutual co-existence and co-habitation. The closer one gets to the true immanence of a god-centered faith, the closer they get to the nakedness of truth's purity and a recognition that the trappings and draperies of socialized religion in an environment of active commercialism which forces a like-minded compliance for the sake of survival, are earthly accommodations that a heavenly repose has no need of. And yet because of custom and habit within the context of a social environment which weighs the weight of gold (wealth, power, position) as having more value than an uncensored quest of heightened spirituality, the path of personal enlightenment is sacrifice, and frequently abandoned, because present government policies restrict such a sojourn since it often leaves a person without a means to contribute to the financial maintenance of a government whose leadership force a division between church and state because church officials have all too often shown themselves to exhibit an inclination towards Capitalistic and Warring inclinations at the expense of a tithinged poor. The wealthy, for the most part, are unfamiliar with the realization that the closer one gets to the divine, the closer one gets to a global humanity of shared rights and responsibilities to one another. Yet such importations of metaphor and peripatetic musefulness are not meant as illustrative articulations of Utopic inclination to be achieved in one's life time, much less on a planet directed along an incremental course of decadence. They are meant as a declaration that a Cenocratist Reformation can not be without an applicable understanding of a spiritualized metaphysic intended as a supposition of that embodied beyond a mere corporeal grasp of reality.
Sincere, would-be reformers of government policy who enter a political office find themselves within the throes of complying with an established bureaucracy developed through many disputatious ulterior-motivations which pose and counter-pose digressions of personalized interest in an effort to fulfill some considered obligation; all of which handicaps efforts which may never even obtain the presence of mind to be openly discussed by fellow contemporaries. This reality not only keeps many from entering political office even if they can conform to the audacious campaign requirements, but serves to design the primary reason why some who are appointed, assess that it is better to engage in the development of social contacts so that these may be used in a succeeding position of employment with those who honor former titles of authority, even if the person was wholly inadequate or incapable of doing anything appreciably well for the people. Instead of serving the people because of a current formula of government handicapping, they used their acquired position to serve and service their own career plans. The present government formula not only conspires against the Will of the people, but those who enter government with the sincere desire to make a difference in the lives of Many. Clearly it is a formula of government we must change.
Under the guise of frivolous legalities, time constraints and various bureaucratic process, billions of dollars have been stolen from the people as well as personal property that is sold to make more revenue so that a few can impose their will on the many under some proposed authoritative action not to be interfered with through protestations, or be subjected to one or another punishment for interceding on the behalf of someone they think innocent and is being denied a due process of justice acting as a constructed maze used by authority to assert its Will because they not only know the landscape well, but have a means of altering the tapestry of foliage to suit any political taste... so long as such tastes are well resourced and can supply a reputable payment equal to the amount of manure, watering, weeding and replanting to be used.
Present government systems are basic algorithms which promote themselves as their own proofing mechanism, yet do not provide for the application of the calculus of human potential and possibility. As long as government systems practice simplistic orientations that force the public to practice a poverty of consciousness and realization, the available calculus to deal with greater complexities will be denied application. An affected and effective dumbing-down of the public's consciousness occurs because current governing practices insure that a substantial amount of mediocrity subsists on a uniformed regularity of citizen compliance to policies which enable the mediocrity of government leaderships and underlings to persist in a secured place of employment paid for by taxes, and yet many tax-paying citizens are deprived of similar benefits. The widespread differences of practiced equality between a government and public workforce go unrecognized because the government's policies are used to label and define which qualities are to be expected, granted, and observed. A realization of inequality is typically addresses by government officials or their hired guns to redefine alternative perceptions within the scope of vision that they permit to be included in a discussion of Rights, government duties, civil responsibilities and the like. If your thoughts should venture to far from the well-beaten path and you come across greener pastures or fruit and vegetable-filled meadows, you may well be verbally, socially, or legally refuted... until such time as the government can take stock of the new real estate and make use of it as a rainy day resource for a select few... like the drawing of lots or a lottery being used to decide who is to benefit from passage on an Ark at the portent of some apocalyptic juncture. But the consideration of such an extreme event is also the representation of a mediocrity. It is an ages-old recurring mindset occurring with different names under different subject headings.
Many events of recurrence in the social domain of day-to-day living are due to a cyclicity frequently shaped and funneled by the practiced mediocrity of a government design which requires a pool of leaders with mediocre mentalities because policies are constructed as mechanistic reruns due to the nature of biological processes having to make incremental adjustments to belief systems in order to live within the ongoing processes of planetary decay that demand a type of adaptation commensurate with the requirements of homeostasis. Nonetheless, we have the capacity and ability to formulate a better government whose design will force the recurring entry of campaigning political mediocrities to perform as if they are enlightened individuals with vision... instead of permitting their lack of talent or conventional office manager aptitude to be viewed by them and others as being of incredible significance and uniqueness. Defining mediocrity with celebration or monument creation does not alter the fact that it is mediocrity. Granted that some processes of government require a pedestrian approach to functionality because of the limits of human biological design, and that this argument of usage satisfies consumerable structures... yet this defensible logic leaves us with the question of why then does not the government permit the design of a walkway and gathering place for the public's pedestrian practice in government policy making? Why is there no room for a realistic public path for making legislative changes on its own behalf instead of having to wait along the pathway of those whose attentions treat the public as if it were a soliciting beggar? Why must the public remove itself from a walkway and step into a gutter on the approach of those who claim to be their Representative, yet act as if they are endowed with better knowledge, wisdom, and an overall perspicuity that the public does not have and is not permitted to acquire?
Though the government seeks to maintain itself as the venerable right to be advantaged over the people instead of advantaging the citizenry over it, our previous conciliatory importunities can no longer be merited into silence by reference to patriotism, tradition and a union-ification of an equalized Cause shared by the governed and those who govern. Job creations continue to be as predictably fluidic and dynamically estranged as are basic needs which rely on the whims of leadership catering to a specious felicity of sympathetic attendance to public protestations, and no level of attained stock market value alters the temporary nature of employment for a large segment of the population force(d) to work as present day defined indentured servants with no guarantee of sustained income... yet they are required to perform as if they were permanent workers... less benefits and a surety bond that the lack of such will be compensated for with a living wage of social protections against debilitating privations and government-sponsored stigmatizations frequently amounting to a residential community debtors imprisonment that leaderships do not actually realize exist because they are so far removed in body, mind and soul from the reality of such experiences. Experiences for which many never recover from, some are born into, while a number do manage to extricate themselves from, and a few who mark each experience as the beat of a drum cadenced to the drum beats of others in their respective circumstances, and await the call of the bugle to march against those and that practicing a cyclicity of governance and commerce that continue to breed so much misfortune and lack of overall human growth. Such is the case for those who share in the objectified revelation that the reformation of democracy's present formula of practice which alienates the people from self-representation known by the other name of self-determination as a basic right, is supported by the gains in both commerce and citizen achieved by accomplished government and business renovations from former eras, and that public necessity justifies the importation of such a revolution.
It has become increasing apparent to foreign governments in light of the observed deterioration in the U.S. government and its politics, that Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada, Meso and Southern America, etc..., need to revise their relationship policies concerning the U.S., by developing a world-view to exclude the U.S. because it has become increasingly unreliable due to the cyclicity by which its citizenry fail to produce adequate leaderships. If the U.S. government cannot be entrusted to do what is best for the people who are demanding a fully functioning Self-Representative role defined by their terms, no other Nation's citizens can depend on U.S. citizens to do what is right on behalf of humanity... simply because they are incapable of exercising their collective opinion into the formation of needed National laws. Because of so much public consternation which cause people to seek some measure of protection that creates occasions for misinterpreting the Second Amendment's provision of a "Right To Bear Arms" (by a well-regulated government militia serving to protect the government) and deliberately promoted injuriously wrong by the NRA (National Rifle Association); there is a growing epiphany which illuminates the philosophical suspicion that the present culture is the result of fragmented compilations arising from the disposition of everyone being wrong. That the so-called reality everyone subscribes to is a conglomeration, a compilation of illusion, delusion, lies, misrepresentations, suppositions, inferences, and many other conjectural contemplations being defined as some representative truth. Under such conditions as are prevailing in the U.S. People are lost and thus vulnerable to those advancing a claim representing a direction that fulfills some inclination... particularly if the speech giver is provided with some title of authority backed by an unswerving opinion of their views representing some exultation. The philosophical implication that people actually do not know what they are doing and rely on a navigational compass supplied by someone who can impress upon them that they do know what they are doing and can benefit the needs of others if only the others would accede to their claims... makes all of history, past, present and the future, appear rather whimsically, and wistfully capricious.
In many efforts of protest we encounter those revolutionists whose efforts of Just Cause ere defeated by token policy changes of government which do not substantially alter the formula of governance nor keep it from reverting back to some semblance of its former self, but necessarily fulfills the immediate desires of pecuniary greed existing in the individualized aristocracies of the upper class, middle class, lower class and overall working classes. Policies which effectively serve as a bribe can create a superficial expression of humility that imbues a mollification of a heated public mood into a deference to authority, which sustains itself without much damage to its practiced personality of one-sidedness. Nonetheless, the observed stultifying rational sensibilities of present governing practices must not be permitted to ingratiate themselves into a like-mindedness of public identification that must be deflected back like a polished shield as a protection against the stone-like mental numbing caused by the inebriation of illusory promises such as the representative themes "American Dream", "Rags to Riches", and "E Pluribus Unum" ("From many, one", or "out of many, one") as an unacknowledged image of a culture in which only a few are permitted to prosper at the expense of the many. Despite any and all measures of the government to preserve its present course of circularity, revolutionists must adhere to a solidly committed conviction of yielding only to the realization of an established peoples Legislative Branch and the Right of the people to choose their own destiny because they have a full partnership agreement which defers to them as an expression of an Actual Democracy.
We will fight for the right to absolve ourselves from a formula of governance sustained by the requirement of surrendering our consciousness to a one-sided partnership that was not collectively agreed upon and was previously used to promote the direly needed New and Fair deals of former government administrations born out of social privations created by a government-supported business community as a colluding cartel against the public acquiring a greater share of basic rights as defined by the collective Will of the people, and not those few whose limitations thereof serve their independent need for accumulating more wealth at the expense of the many.
Expressed thoughts advancing some positive position of potentiality subverts caution and precariousness into incontrovertible impulses attendant with one or another neologism which encourages one to seek the domain of an assumed attainability which lays just beyond one's physical grasp because the human body retains a plodding primitiveness that one must be symbolically extricated from by way of a formative intellectual sojourn. Hence, we find such words as transcendental, transcendence, Utopia, Enlightenment, Nirvana, Heaven, dimension, Democracy, Communism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Anarchism, truth, justice, beauty, morality, god, etc., as but a few minor examples thereof because they are but stepping stones to a larger effulgence... though some perspectives hold such words in esteemed reverence... or may prefer to label them as an ineffable character meant to symbolize both a limitation and a danger for those who seek to traverse religiously imposed "proper placements", like a pigeon-holed propriety we are not permitted to remove ourselves from according to the dictates of some assigned authority. Though such words are familiar to millions of people, they were at one time unknown to any general population, but slowly came to be regarded as a means to illustrate and define ideas which were fashioned in the ephemerality of some intermittent hint that something was trying to make its way into a conscious form— as it flittered about at the boundary of a mind exercising some unconscious attempt to explore the constructs of an awakening consciousness. However, in some venues of attempting to chase after these butterfly and fireflies of engaging contemplation, the search for what may be alternatively described as a purity, a perfection, an excellence of form, function and fortitude, can create a grandeur of illusion or delusion from an elusiveness which preys on our sensibilities of vulnerability with sympathetic songs of empathetic jealousy if we do not sustain an enraptured possessiveness. Again and again it may hearken to the sentimentalities of those who want to engulf the world in a "splendorificatiousness" as if it were an algorithm pretensing some ultimate conceptualization whose calculation must be embodied into a translation exceeding the entire spectrum of ideological realms capable by biological forms of sentience. It is a state of spiritualized intellectualization which is embarrassed by its own ignorance which can cause some to be ensnared by social impoverishments by getting lost in an unfamiliar terrain of impracticality where the way back to some semblance of socialized imperfections is fraught with many untrodden trails and not string, bread crumbs nor other trail marker was used in one's journey. Those who have sought for a "pure" note in music, or a "pure mathematics", or some other purity coincident with their respective subject of interest, can lead them to adopting an alternative form of inebriation which casts a spell of over-indulgence. However, some do find their way but never return, and a few come back to reveal what they have witnessed along the way 'there', a seeming 'there' upon some perceived arrival that may be some previous person's 'where and when', and the 'there' of a return journey that may traverse yet a different path than that upon which one though they took. Welcome one and all to a Cenocratic Reformation.
Date of Origination: Saturday, 6-January-2018... 7:28 AM
Date of Initial Posting: Tuesday, 16th-Jan-2018... 12:15 PM
3:40 AM 1/4/2018, Thursday