Cenocracy: A New Government Perspective
Marx's Brain Development
(No, this isn't a psychoanalytic approach)


Marx's usage of Dichotomization [such as Proletariat (lower class)/Bourgeoisie (Middle class)] to promote the idea of a struggle between classes going back generations in different era-specific guises aligned with a social pecking order in which social mobility may or may not have existed... or existed under a system of related cultural constraints making transitions difficult; is the model of a type of brain activity that, in the case of Marx, also included evidence that his brain had been influenced "affluently" enough to undergo further change... as indicated by his usage of Trichotomization in that the two classes were joined by the recognition of a third (upper, Aristocratic class). While his usage of Trichotomization is attributed to the influence that G.W.F. Hegel's dialectical association consisting of {Thesis→← Anti-thesis = Synthesis} as a type of worded math problem; his brain had to be maturationally receptive to the impression.

In order to better appreciate what is being presented here, there is a need for reciting a correlation between the human brain's development from the Reptilian Brain, to the Old (right hemisphere) Mammalian Brain, to the (left Hemisphere) Neo-Mammalian Brain. In order to bring to light the "2" (Dichotomization) and "3" (Trichotomization) references, it is necessary to list some of the attributes of these different brain structures:

Left and Right brain hemisphere attributes

Note: Much of the brain illustration shown above was adapted from page 106 of Dean Falk's book entitled "Brain Dance," 1992.

An overall 3-patterned formula to brain hemisphere attributes can be recognized:

When we look at the assigned culturally recognized attributes of the brain, we can see a distinct (over-lapping) 1-patterned, or 2-patterned, or 3-patterned arrangement. (Reminder: when a person gets a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain it affects the right side of the body, and vice-versa. Thus, the "2" and "3" patterns will appear to be reversed. )

Left Hemisphere
(Predominantly 3-patterned)


Associative~ Commutative~ Distributive
A2 + B2 = C2 ~ Sine- Cosine- Tangent
1st# (+ - X /) 2nd# = 3rd#


Thesis ~ Antithesis ~ Synthesis
Indulgence ~ "Middle Way" ~ Asceticism
Major Premise ~ Minor Premise ~ Conclusion

Time Sequencing:

Seconds~ Minutes~ Hours
Past ~ Present ~ Future
Day~ Week~ Month

Language - Speech - Grammar:

Subject~ Object~ Verb
Consonants ~ Vowels ~ Supra-segmentals
Period ~ Question Mark ~ Exclamation point

Right Body Side:

Tri-cuspid heart valve
Three-lobed lung
Right Hemisphere
(Predominantly 2-patterned)


Macro versus Micro
Whole versus Part
Inner versus Outer


Major Scale vs Minor Scale
Loud versus Soft (Quiet)
Consonance vs Dissonance

Visuospatial: (Art)

Background vs Foreground
Light vs Dark (Contrasts)
1 Dimension vs 2 Dimensions


Pain versus Pleasure
Positive vs Negative
Love versus Hate

Left Body Side:

Bi-cuspid heart valve
Two-lobed lung
(Predominantly 1-Patterned)

(Self)-Preservation~ (Self)-Procreation~ (Self)-Preeminence
Human Heart

The correlations of two and three being made on this page are not typical considerations. However, I did come across a single reference concerning the tricuspid valve:

--- Why does the right side of the heart have a TRICUSPID valve? ---
Human Lungs

In recognizing that the left lung is smaller than the right lung (which provides room for the heart), let us conjecture that this is due to some past earlier developmental sequence just as we find the 1-layer, 2-layer, 3-layer sequential development of the 3 primordial germ layers (Ectoderm- Mesoderm- Endoderm) in primitive to more complex organisms. Hence, difference in size (dimorphism) as well as a two/ or three/ prominence may provide another link towards understanding developmental processes. Does this mean that the recurring smallness of the female to the male in many species indicates that females came before the male in terms of species-specific evolutionary development during particular environmental circumstances?

Some additional two-patterned references found in music:
  • Tension and Release
  • Staccato and Legato
  • Slow and Fast
  • Ascending and Descending

Source: "Three" in Psychological Research page 3

As already mentioned, there are instances where an overlapping structure can occur, thus obscuring a singular reference to either a "2" or a "3" expression. Hence, some researchers/thinkers like Marx may rely on both or either forms of structuring to represent their ideas. However, the point to be made is that there is a recognizable, numerically identifiable difference being exhibited not only by Marx, but numerous others. While some may not use itemized specifics or centralize their thinking on a particular pattern recurrence, those that do use the same patterns. This does not mean that other patterns can not be referenced, it's just that the "2" and "3" formulas are predominant... and suggest an underlying brain/cognitive preference for such structures. In other words, neither Marx nor Hegel developed ideas revolving around a pattern such as "17", or "5", or "123", etc. The recurrence of using dichotomies and trichotomies, even though examples may be culled from history indicating alternative perspectives such as the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile", four directions concept (North-South-East-West), etc...; a short list of three-patterned ideas may be of value in helping to recognized just how prevalent a "three" orientation has been, even if such is unrecognized, dismissed as a coincidence, or ignored because the usage of a numerical label inclines one to think in terms of numerology.

3 patterned philosophical distinctions:

St. Augustine's Philosophy: Memory ~ Understanding ~ Will
Comte's Philosophy: Great Being ~ Great Medium ~ Great Fetish
Hegel's 3 Spirits: Subjective Spirit ~ 0bjective Spirit ~ Absolute Spirit
Plotinu's Philosophy: One ~ One Many ~ One and Many
Aristotle's 3 Unities: Unity of Action ~ Unity of Time ~ Unity of Place
Sir F. Bacon's 3 Tables: Presence ~ Absence ~ Degree
Thomas Hobbes's 3 Fields: Physics ~ Moral Philosophy ~ Civil Philosophy
Immanuel Kant's 3 Critiques: Pure Reason ~ Practical Reason ~ Judgment
Averroes's 3 Commentaries: Little ~ Middle ~ Great
Karl Marx's 3 isms: Communism ~ Socialism ~ Capitalism
Woodrow Wilson's 3 isms: Colonialism ~ Racism ~ Anti-Communism
Hippocrates's Mind Disorders: Mania ~ Melancholia ~ Phrenitis
Emile Durkeim's 3 Suicides: Egoistic ~ Altruistic ~ Anomic
D. Liesman's 3 Social Characters: Tradition-directed ~ Inner-directed ~ Other-directed
Erich Fromm's 3 Symbols: The Conventional ~ The Accidental ~ The Universal
Pythagoras's "fusion" idea: Monarchy ~ Oligarchy ~ Democracy (into harmonic whole)
M.L. King Jr.'s "Middle Road": Acquiescence ~ Nonviolence ~ Violence
Kierkegaard's 3 Stages: Aesthetic ~ Ethical ~ Religious
Husserl's 3 Reductions: Phenomenological ~ Eidetic ~ Religious
St. Augustine's 3 Laws: Divine Law ~ Natural Law ~ Temporal, or positive Law
Witness Stand "Laws": Tell the Truth ~ The whole Truth ~ Nothing but the Truth
Titus Carus's 3 Ages: Stone Age ~ Bronze Age ~ Iron Age
Feuerbach's 3 Thoughts: God, 1st Thought ~ Reason, 2nd ~ Man, 3rd
Magnus's 3 Universals: Ante Rem ~ In Rem ~ Post Rem
Max Weber's 3 Authorities: Traditional ~ Charismatic ~ Legal-rational
F.  de Sausure's 3 "Signs": Sign ~ Signified ~ Signifier
Charles Pierces 3 "Signs": Qualisign ~ Sinsign (token) ~ Legisign
John Keynes's 3 Eras: Scarcity ~ Abundance ~ Stabilization
George Mead's 3 Distinctions: Self ~ I ~ Me
Thrasher's 3-group Gangs: Inner Circle ~ Rank & File ~ Fringers
Abe Lincoln's 3-For-All: Of the People ~ By the People ~ For the People
Jesus Christ's 3 Praises: In the name of the Father ~ Son ~ Holy Spirit
Samuel Clemmons' 3 lies:
(Mark Twain)
Lies ~ Damned Lies ~ Statistics
Sociology's 3 traditional Social Classes: Lower- Middle- Upper
Georges Dumezil's Indo-European Socio-religious categories: Priestly/Regal class
Nobility/Warrior class
Artisan/Craftsman/Agriculturist worker Class

Table initially originated from: 3s Poster column 5

3-part Logic

Thesis ~ Antithesis ~ Synthesis
Indulgence  ~ "Middle Way" ~ Asceticism
Major Premise  ~ Minor Premise ~ Conclusion
Contradiction ~  Excluded  Middle ~ Identity Principal
What is real
How change comes
What is mind
Marxian "Dialectology":
Unity of opposites
Quantity & quality
Negation of negation
How we know
What is truth
What is mind
Nature of good
Nature of beautiful
Nature of religious
Quality (1st-ness)
Relation (2nd-ness)
Representation (3rd-ness)

3 times the fool: You can fool some people some of the time - Some people all the time - But not all people all the time.

3 traditional syllogism forms: Categorical - Hypothetical - Disjunctive

3-patterned basic adult syllogism: All ravens are black - Jack is a raven - Therefore, Jack is black.

3-patterned basic child syllogism: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear - Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair - Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?


This next list comes from the Wickipedia: Philosophical Trichotomies. I have left the information virtually intact.

A trichotomy is a three-way classificatory division. Some philosophers pursued trichotomies.

Important trichotomies discussed by Aquinas include the causal principles (agent, patient, act), the potencies for the intellect (imagination, cogitative power, and memory and reminiscence), and the acts of the intellect (concept, judgment, reasoning), with all of those rooted in Aristotle; also the transcendentals of being (unity, truth, goodness) the requisites of the beautiful (wholeness, harmony, radiance).

Kant expounded a table of judgments involving four three-way alternatives, in regard to (1) Quantity, (2) Quality, (3) Relation, (4) Modality, and, based thereupon, a table of four categories, named by the terms just listed, and each with three sub-categories. Kant also adapted the Thomistic acts of intellect in his trichotomy of higher cognition — (a) understanding, (b) judgment, (c) reason — which he correlated with his adaptation in the soul's capacities — (a) cognitive faculties, (b) feeling of pleasure or displeasure, and (c) faculty of desire[1] — of Tetens's trichotomy of feeling, understanding, will.[2]

Hegel held that a thing's or idea's internal contradiction leads in a dialectical process to a new synthesis that makes better sense of the contradiction. The process is sometimes described as thesis, antithesis, synthesis. It is instanced across a pattern of trichotomies (e.g. being-nothingness-becoming, immediate-mediate-concrete, abstract-negative-concrete); such trichotomies are not just three-way classificatory divisions; they involve trios of elements functionally interrelated in a process. They are often called triads (but 'triad' does not have that as a fixed sense in philosophy generally).

Charles Sanders Pierce built his philosophy on trichotomies and triadic relations and processes, and framed the "Reduction Thesis" that every predicate is essentially either monadic (quality), dyadic (relation of reaction or resistance), or triadic (representational relation), and never genuinely and irreducibly tetradic or larger.

Examples of Philosophical Trichotomies

Plato's Tripartite Soul Rational. Libidinous (desiring). Spirited (various animal qualities).
St. Augustine's 3 Laws[3] Divine Law. Natural Law. Temporal, Positive, or Human Law.
St. Augustine's 3 features of the soul[4] Intellect. Will. Memory. (St. John of the Cross, OCD follows this also, but may erroneously identify them as 3 distinct powers.[5])
St. Thomas Aquinas, OP's 3 causal principles[6] (based in Aristotle) Agent. Patient. Act.
Aquinas's 3 potencies for intellect[6] (based in Aristotle) Imagination. Cogitative power (or, in animals, instinct). Memory (and, in humans, reminiscence).
Aquinas's 3 acts of intellect[6] (based in Aristotle) Conception. Judgment. Reasoning.
Aquinas's 3 transcendentals of being[6] Unity. Truth. Goodness.
Aquinas's 3 requisites for the beautiful[6] Wholeness or perfection. Harmony or due proportion. Radiance.
St. Albertus Magnus's 3 Universals[7] Ante rem (Idea in God's mind). In re (potential or actual in things). Post rem (mentally abstracted).
Sir Francis Bacon's 3 Tables[8] Presence. Absence. Degree.
Thomas Hobbes's 3 Fields Physics. Moral Philosophy. Civil Philosophy.
Johannes Nikolaus Tetens's 3 powers of mind[2] Feeling. Understanding. Will.
John Dryden's 3 ways of transferring Metaphrase. Paraphrase. Imitation.
Kant's 3 faculties of soul[1] Faculties of knowledge. Feeling of pleasure or displeasure. Faculty of desire (which Kant regarded also as the will).
Kant's 3 higher faculties of cognition[1] Understanding. Judgment. Reason.
Kant's 3 judgments of quantity Universal. Particular. Singular
Kant's 3 categories of quantity Unity. Plurality. Totality
Kant's 3 judgments of quality Affirmative. Negative. Infinite
Kant's 3 categories of quality Reality. Negation. Limitation.
Kant's 3 judgments of relation Categorical. Hypothetical. Disjunctive.
Kant's 3 categories of relation Inherence and subsistence. Causality and dependence. Community.
  In other words: Substance and accident. Cause and effect. Reciprocity.
Kant's 3 judgments of modality Problematical. Assertoric. Apodictic
Kant's 3 categories of modality Possibility. Existence. Necessity
Hegel's 3 dialectical moments Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis.
Hegel's 3 Spirits[9] Subjective Spirit. Objective Spirit. Absolute Spirit.
Charles Sanders Peirce's 3 categories Quality of feeling. Reaction, resistance. Representation, mediation.
C. S. Peirce's 3 universes of experience Ideas. Brute fact. Habit (habit-taking).
C. S. Peirce's 3 orders of philosophy Phenomenology. Normative sciences. Metaphysics.
C. S. Peirce's 3 normatives The good (esthetic). The right (ethical). The true (logical).
C. S. Peirce's 3 semiotic elements Sign (representamen). Object. Interpretant.
C. S. Peirce's 3 grades of conceptual clearness By familiarity. Of definition's parts. Of conceivable practical implications.
C. S. Peirce's 3 active principles in the cosmos Spontaneity, absolute chance. Mechanical necessity. Creative love.
Gottlob Frege's 3 realms of sense[10] The external, public, physical. The internal, private, mental. The Platonic, ideal but objective (to which sentences refer).
Karl Popper's 3 worlds[11] Physical things and processes. Subjective human experience. Culture and objective knowledge
James Joyce's 3 aesthetic stages[12] Arrest (by wholeness). Fascination (by harmony). Enchantment (by radiance).
Louis Zukofsky's 3 aesthetic elements[13] Shape. Rhythm. Style.
Søren Kierkegaard's 3 Stages[14] Aesthetic. Ethical. Religious.
Edmund Husserl's 3 Reductions Phenomenological. Eidetic. Religious.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty's 3 fields[15] Physical. Vital. Human.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty's 3 categories[15] Quantity. Order. Meaning.
Alan Watts's 3 world views Life as machine (Western). Life as organism (Chinese). Life as drama (Indian).
Saint Paul's tripartite nature of man (I Thes. 5:23) Body, soul, and spirit.
Sigmund Freud Id, Ego, and Superego.
Jacques Lacan Real, Symbolic, and Imaginary.

source: Philosophical Trichotomies page 1

Let us now place the idea of a 1- 2- 3 hemispheric/brain attribute differentiation with overall brain development sequencing. This results in a Mono- (one) Bi/Di- (two) Tri- (Three) portrayal to which we can apply other labels which may or may not provide a readily understood similarity. The following image is one expression of this perspective:

mono-bi-tri of body, mind and Sociology (23K)

Interestingly, though we find the concept of the Trinity in Christian theology, it should be noted that the human mind has been inclined away from a multiple god Polytheism, to a single god Monotheism. An "out of many comes one" surely similar to the "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one or out of many, one) slogan on American coins. However, this idea "out of many, one", can be linked to that which has set the "1,2,3" brain sequence into motion, and provides another example that such a pattern may well be due to an environmental event that is changing and has a profound implication for future thinkers in different fields... as well as the direction which our genetics is heading.

Alternative variations of the "one and many" illustration:

  • One-Many... One, Two, Many... One, Two, Three, Many (with numbers, symbols and representative replacements for the word "Many", such as much, abundance, vast, great, enormous, few, etc... The word "few" is sometimes meant to refer to "three or more", depending on context, though the expression "a couple of three" has also been noted to suggest an arbitrary amount that someone might infer to be related to a specific amount according to a person's generosity or stinginess.)

  • "One, Two, Many" early counting systems: Is One, Two, Many a myth?

  • There's an old colloquialism that provides for a reference to someone who is drunk... or (socially inebriated): "They've had one too many".

  • Ernesto Che Guevara: "Two, Three... Many Vietnams, that is the watchword" is an expression used in his "Message to the Tricontinental": Guevara: `Create Two, Three, Many Vietnams'.

  • Laozi (author of Tao Te China): Dao produces one. One produces two. Two produces three. Three produces the ten thousand things. (In classical Chinese, the "ten thousand things" means "everything." Commentators have long disagreed over what the "one, two, and three" refers to, usually plugging in their favorite cosmological, cosmogonic, or metaphysical model.) Laozi further writes: Something amorphous & consummate existed before Heaven & Earth. Solitude! Vast! Standing alone, unaltering. Going everywhere, yet unthreatened. It can be considered the Mother of the World. I don't know its name, so I designate it "Dao." Compelled to consider it, name it "Great." (Dao is considered indistinct & undefinable.

As another example of a "one-two-three" formula that can be overlooked, particularly by anyone not looking for such an arrangement, the following ideas have been embellished from a text entitled Dichotomy, Dualism, Duality: An investigation into Marxist conceptualizations of structure and agency by Alexander Gallas, because he uses three types of "two" to portray "...variants of Marxist social theory approach (to) the structure-agency relation. In the paper, he follows a set of classifications developed by Bob Jessop, which allows for arranging conceptualizations of structure and agency according to their complexity.

I have attempted to point out the presence of an overall 1,2,3 arrangement in the conceptualization, even if some readers would have preferred the usage of some other ending analogies.

  1. Dichotomous = conceptualize a one-dimensionality type of [stand alone] separation between (Structure)/(Agency)---
    Man is an Island.

  2. Dualism = the structure-agency relation is a causal relation (cause (x) generates effect (y)... producing relative determinism or relative voluntarism---
    Man is an Island surrounded by a Body of Water which can produce undermining philosophical obstacles (which could generate an ambivalence such as whether to stay put or venture forth).

  3. Duality = Integrative approach---
    Both island and water are serviceable (leading to a trichotomy).

For the sake of conversation, let us suggest that the "three" we also recognize in coding of the two polymers DNA and RNA (even though there actually is a 3 -to- 1 ratio when we compare the internal amino acid count that denotes a repetition of 3 are the same and 1 is different amino acid configuration... "ACG-T and ACG-U"); is not to be expected as a theme governing life throughout the Universe, but is a malleable product that was and is being transformed by a 3-patterned environmental event which was preceded by a 2-patterned event with a singularity prior to this. And, in addition, the "3" is being transformed into a fused state... thus representing a "out of many, one" representation. Hence, the trichotomies being referenced by such thinkers as Marx and Hegel, as might be hypothesized from the DNA and RNA structures, had their pristine origins in an environmental event that is subject to change due to the degradations of the environment in the solar system, galaxy and Universe as we know it. While such a consideration may seem like quite a leap to take based on this one example, it is actually based on numerous examples, mainly stemming from a research project that has already been undertaken involving the recurrence of various three-patterned structures from different subject areas. One of these subject areas is human anatomy: List of Threes in Anatomy by Dr. John A. McNulty

No matter what labels are attached to a "three"-based theme regardless of subject (Sociology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Religion, etc...), they are representations of the same originating influence if we were able to sequence the development in a type of reverse engineering effort. It's not that people can not build theoretical bridges across imagined gorges of contemplation, it's just that the human mind is subjected to the role of exhibiting a practicality based on the environmental circumstances which exist. Identifying a limitation and why such a limitation exists can assist us in surmounting the limitation in order to exceed our human potentials. Whereas we might like to think that the imagination of humanity is boundless, so long as we humans do not create obstacles for ourselves, human imagination must nonetheless color within the boundaries of the environment which exist... and imposes itself on our human physiology. A changing environment requires adjustments in adaptation to take place. As the environment of the solar system decays, the human mind will be transformed according to the requirements of survival in an attempt to maintain some measure of equilibrium. Hence, our efforts at constructing a better Sociology is pre-determined according to the decay rate and formula humanity is subjected to.

For want of a better environmental event which exhibits a developmental trend along a 1,2,3 sequence, it is necessary to take stock of some very basic phenomena that, if removed from the equation, would result in alterations of life on Earth.

  • The galaxy is expanding towards what some consider to be an obsolescence... (or a new beginning?)
  • The Sun is expanding towards a burnout. It can be assumed to have been smaller in the very distant past... thus referred to as a "faint young sun" with different irradiation properties. Its expansion is thought to one day include the destruction of Mercury, Venus and Earth.
  • The Earth's rotation is slowing. It's rate of rotation was much faster when all of biology had its beginning. The slowing rotation is affecting the electro-magnetic field of the Earth.
  • The Moon is receding from the Earth, causing a slowing of its (washing machine) tidal behavior.

Incremental changes do not alter the fact that changes are occurring. It only means that the changes are more difficult for some to appreciable recognized and make the necessary psychic connections between cause and effect. Much like a person who is exposed to the Sun for an extended period of time, and doesn't realize they have a sunburn because of their body's attempts to acclimate itself to the exposure in an accelerated fashion, but the skin's responses to the environment are slow. The "brain" of our physiology is like the computation speed of an early computer. Despite the human body's acknowledged complexity, it is extremely primitive nonetheless. It binds our minds to cooperate with its slowness to environmental changes, and thus acts as a deterrent to explorations beyond present ideals. Even those attempting to use drugs to reach some imagined plateau which transgresses present cognitive skills, the drug(s) work on a physiology that was made to cope with the scenarios of Earth's environment in a slow-moving, cyclical/circadian rhythm. Any event which exceeds this threshold of operation can well mean the end of a given physiology.

Marx's ideological references noted as dichotomies and trichotomies, are like tree rings signifying environmental influences. When we observe the same "rings" occurring with others in different subject areas over multiple generations which transgress species and long-enduring biological development; we are confronted with the same realization as we might describe the presence of geological periods of wet and dry... two of several conditions affecting the structure of tree rings. Some environments of human species, just like different species of other animals or plants, are more susceptible to given environmental conditions then are others. Hence, differences in uses of singularities, dichotomies and trichotomies will, and do crop up. Else wise, the same preference for a given pattern would be translated into the appropriate labeling of a given culture. For example, whereas Asian communities of the past developed a usage of a two-patterned Yin-Yang system of referencing different references of perception, and the usage of an attendant Bigram (called a Trigram) philosophical adjunct; this same application of a two and three-based orientation was not developed elsewhere. Instead, different two and three-patterned ideological structures were created. Whether based on myth, fairy tale, or experimental fact, the presence of "two" and "three"-based themes refer to an underlying similar human psychology.

The three sociological references known as Communism, Democracy and Socialism, and the growing inclination for the need of developing a social governing system which takes the best qualities of all three and fuses them into one idea, is but another reference to a changing environmental circumstance which had a hand in promoting the development of a "three persons in one godhead" idea called the Trinity. In the U.S., there are three branches of one government. Three colors for one street light. A combo-meal in fast food restaurants is made up of three items (sandwich, drink, side-order). There are three medals for the "one" Olympics. Many people use three fingers to hold a pen or pencil. However, this is not to say that people (or even biology) do not attempt to dissect or divide compartmentalization into singular themes. It's like an elastic band effect for some situations in which a group disbands, but may eventually regroup in a different manner. Like solar flares which may occur abruptly and disrupt electronic equipment from functioning as they were designed to without regard for occasional solar flare ups, or punctuated events in evolution. Far too many people expect a consistency in nature and human society without taking into consideration that occasional occurrences of disruption are part of the consistency, as can be measured over longer periods of time.

Yet, when people get involved with the minutiae of a particular subject area without taking a 1,2,3-step back observation, it is like burying one's head in the sand. Like dormant traits that may not crop up until a given set of conditions in a given sequence occur for a particular person with the necessary susceptibility; the 3 to 1 environmental effects are not now as focused and intense as they will become. And like a person subjected to an ever decreasing parameter of movement, humanity's ability to remove itself from the constraint of such an environmental circumstance will likewise be reduced. In recognizing it now, we may well be enabled to develop the necessary social governing ideology for all of us to pitch in and remove the species from its headlong path towards obsolescence in this Solar system and Galaxy. Marx, like so many others, did and do in fact direct us along a more fortuitous path, albeit not in the manner necessarily described by their respective philosophy... all we need to do is put one foot in front of the other.

Page Initially Created: Saturday, 06-Aug-2016... 05:02 AM
Page First Posted: Saturday, 06-Aug-2016... 10:22 AM
Updated Posting:Friday, 30-May-2019... 8:25 AM